
Iggy Azalea's new single failed again, why on earth will she never be able to rejuvenate?

author:Sewer boys

iggy Azalea recently released a new single , "Lola."

Iggy Azalea's new single failed again, why on earth will she never be able to rejuvenate?

Because of the white audience, Iggy was previously the queen of Youtube hip hop, and many people in the Philippines and South America brushed youtube for her, which made her YouTube score higher than the popular Cardi B.

Iggy Azalea's new single failed again, why on earth will she never be able to rejuvenate?

However, this single "lola" did not maintain her good performance on YouTube, currently only 2 million hits, this time it is really unnoticed.

Iggy Azalea's new single failed again, why on earth will she never be able to rejuvenate?

Just launched more than a day ago, now the download results of the United States have begun to dive deep red, and it is estimated that they will not be able to enter the list in the first week.

Iggy Azalea's new single failed again, why on earth will she never be able to rejuvenate?

Australian singers have always suffered great setbacks in the United States, and many of the top figures in the Australian super line have gone to the United States for the first week of the eighteenth line.

For example, many albums of "Australia Liu Xiaoqing" Kylie Minogue have achieved good results in the world, but the sales in the United States are often at the level of eighteen-line stars, and some music critics in the United States will give her ultra-low scores and suppress her.

Iggy Azalea's new single failed again, why on earth will she never be able to rejuvenate?

Coupled with the fact that iggy is a white Australian female singer who sings the hip-hop of the African American cultural circle, there is a sense of "foreigners singing Kunqu opera".

Iggy Azalea's new single failed again, why on earth will she never be able to rejuvenate?

Since their debut, many American hip-hop artists have not been able to accept iggy's popularity in the United States. iggy is now sneered at by hip-hop figures in the U.S. market, and every time a new song is stepped on, it is actually a fear of local singers invading outsiders, after all, iggy broke the record for the most successful female singer hip-hop single when she first debuted.

So now after iggy is out of breath in the United States, the big people in the hip-hop industry will never let her have any chance to return to the peak, and the hip-hop radio station in the United States does not play her songs at all, does not give her good resources, and she can only rely on social media platforms to promote.

Iggy Azalea's new single failed again, why on earth will she never be able to rejuvenate?

However, in the global third world, iggy still has good results.

Now the single "lola" has become the top download chart in Cambodia, Cyprus and Panama.

Iggy Azalea's new single failed again, why on earth will she never be able to rejuvenate?