
The transformation and upgrading that was "forced" out - the chronicle of Liyang Weiduo Company

author:China Jiangsu Net

China's Jiangsu network on December 5, 10 years ago, because of the arrogant attitude of foreign investors, expensive prices and unsurpersed after-sales service, Liyang's Jiangsu Victor Co., Ltd. turned to mvr (mechanical steam recompression technology) equipment independent research and development. "Ten years of grinding a sword", the company finally developed China's first centrifugal steam compressor, which can completely replace similar imported equipment abroad and create a successful case of cross-industry development.

Founded in January 2002, the company is a professional manufacturer of food ingredients integrating development, production, sales and technical support. In 2006, in order to reduce the energy consumption of the enterprise, the company decided to launch a set of mvr equipment to solve the problems of excessive energy consumption and high environmental protection costs.

However, at that time, there were very few manufacturers in the world that could produce such equipment. After several contacts with foreign equipment manufacturers, due to various problems, the company finally gave up the idea of buying.

Chairman Luo Chunlong believes that this kind of equipment that can be widely used in chemical, pharmaceutical and other industries, which is both energy-saving and environmentally friendly, will definitely have a market. So he led the staff to start a relentless exploration.

However, from the biological industry to the machinery industry, such a huge industry span, most entrepreneurs are easily afraid to try. In order to develop the first set of MVR technology equipment in China, Luo Chunlong invested all his efforts. In 2006, he set up a technical team and cooperated with many well-known universities in China to develop centrifugal steam compressors.

In 2008, he founded Devi Turpin, and two years later, the technology is still in the research and development stage. In the face of various pressures and doubts, Luo Chunlong and his technical team withstood the pressure and finally developed the first centrifugal steam compressor in China in 2011.

However, how to bring newly developed products to the market has become a problem in front of enterprises. Luo Chunlong boldly innovated and proposed a marketing method of trial first and payment later. In November 2011, the first set of centrifugal steam compressors was successfully applied in Qingdao Mingyue Seaweed Group, which saved more than 70% of energy compared with the traditional three-effect evaporator used before.

Soon, the user's feedback came. In less than half a year, a second order was added. The equipment saves 20,000 yuan per day for the user company. After the news spread, many customers such as Shanghai Baosteel, Sanjiu Pharmaceutical, Baogang Rare Earth, And Lizhu Pharmaceutical have invested in orders.

Nowadays, Dewei Turbine has been successfully upgraded from the first centrifugal steam compressor manufacturer in China to the manufacturer of mvr complete system, providing customers with one-stop service from experimental data collection, product design, installation and commissioning, training to after-sales service, and the product application range covers Chinese medicine concentration, sugar alcohol concentration, juice concentration, seawater desalination, landfill leachate treatment and many other fields.

In terms of intellectual property protection, Dewei Turpin has applied for 14 patents, including 3 invention patents and 1 software copyright, and gradually improved the intellectual property system in the process of production and operation to prevent the research and development results from being stolen, so that enterprises occupy the commanding heights of patents in the fierce competition.

"To do a thing, you have to focus on doing it well, and then let nature take its course." Luo Chunlong had already taken this sentence as his motto. In the 11 months of this year, the cumulative order volume of Dewei Turbine has reached nearly 200 million yuan, an increase of 50% compared with the same period last year, creating economic value for enterprises, and truly achieving "zero discharge" of industrial wastewater for customers, making great contributions to energy conservation and emission reduction.

Rui Manjing Tao Yingjie

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