
Peanut Prices Latest Quotes 2021: How much is a pound now? Today's latest prices

author:Tripping the cat house

China's agricultural planting scope is not only wide, but also more varieties. The most common oil crops are peanuts, soybeans, and rapeseed, so their price changes have also attracted the attention of many farmers. So, what is the latest price of peanuts in 2021? How much is the price now at a pound? Let's let Xiaobian bring you the latest price of peanuts today as follows:

Peanut Prices Latest Quotes 2021: How much is a pound now? Today's latest prices

First, the latest price of peanuts 2021

Since June, the price of peanuts has been falling, and even at one point there was a situation where they could not be sold at a low price. According to relevant data, in early March this year, the highest point of peanut futures was 11,300 yuan a ton, and after mid-June, peanut futures fell to 9,058 yuan per ton, the lowest value since February. In these 3 months, the price decline has exceeded 2,000 yuan / ton. What factors are causing peanut prices to fall?

1. Reason 1: The planting area has expanded

Farmers have also expanded their planting this year due to higher peanut prices last year, so that peanut production is also increasing, increasing the overall supply, resulting in lower prices. This situation is also very common in the market, some people describe the price of peanuts as a "big and small year", which means that the price of one year is high, the price of one year is low, and when the price is high, the planting area increases the next year, which will lead to a decline in prices.

2. Reason 2: The number of imports has increased

According to industry insiders, the number of peanut imports has increased, and the import price is also lower than that of The country, resulting in a decline in peanut prices. In 2020, China imported 572,000 tons of peanuts, compared with about 400,000 tons per year in previous years.

3. Reason three: enter the off-season of demand

According to the analysis of the situation in previous years, June and July is the low season for the consumption of peanut oil, for some grain and oil companies, due to the limited sales of peanut oil, the willingness to purchase peanuts is not strong, resulting in a decrease in the overall demand of the market, and the difficulty of increasing the price of peanuts.

4. Reason four: large inventory

Some peanut dealers, the peanuts purchased in the early stage have greater inventory pressure, in the current situation, can only reduce the price of sales part, in order to reduce the inventory pressure.

Peanut Prices Latest Quotes 2021: How much is a pound now? Today's latest prices

Second, how much is the price of peanuts now for a catty?

Now the price of shelled peanuts is 2.7-2.8 yuan / catty, in addition, the price of different quality and different regions is different. Peanut prices in some areas are as follows:

1. Henan peanut price latest market 2021

(1) Nanyang WolongShiqiao area Baisha acquisition of 4.50 yuan / jin, 8 sieve on the polished rice reference 4.90-4.95 yuan / jin;

(2) Zhumadian Zhengyang County wheat stubble 8 sieve on the polished rice about 4.80 yuan / catty.

2. Shandong peanut price latest quotes 2021

The local Baisha currency rice in Linyi Junan County is about 4.00 yuan / jin, and the northeast 8 sieves are about 4.80 yuan / jin.

3. Jilin peanut price latest market 2021

Songyuan Buyeo Zengsheng Town four red finished fruit 3.80-4.00 yuan / jin, external adjustment of Inner Mongolia finished fruit 3.90-4.00 yuan / jin.

4. Guangdong peanut price latest market 2021

Maoming peanut market in huang tianfu three-way rice 4.86-4.95 yuan / jin, while Foshan batch Liaoning 308 white sand 6 sieves 4.8 yuan / jin.

5. Sichuan peanut price latest quotes 2021

Chengdu Haibawang Western Logistics Park Peanut Nanyang Spring Rice 8 sieve polished rice reference price is 5.10 yuan a catty.

Peanut Prices Latest Quotes 2021: How much is a pound now? Today's latest prices

Third, what is the trend of peanut prices in 2021?

It is expected that the price of peanuts will be more difficult to rise in the short term. First, the peanut planting area continues to increase, the total planting area is expected to be between 11 million and 12 million, coupled with the increase in the yield area, the supply will increase, if you want to think of a substantial increase in prices is unlikely. Second, the number of imported peanuts increased, reaching 1 million tons.

In general, the overall price of peanuts in 2021 is relatively stable, and the possibility of rising is small. Compared with last year, the price is a little lower this year.