
Make your own mash at home, add glutinous rice dumplings, the taste is very good, women often drink hands and feet are not cold

author:Small C cuisine

Hi everyone! I am Xiao Xiao C, a working family, a small kitchen lady, and a certified master of major food platforms. Good at home cooking and baking, likes to make food and take pictures, although not perfect, but has been trying to be perfect. Thank you for reading my article, if you like to move your precious hand, like, follow, leave a message for me, and share the article. One of your moves is important to me, and if you have any questions or new tricks, you are welcome to leave a message and share it with me.

Make your own mash at home, add glutinous rice dumplings, the taste is very good, women often drink hands and feet are not cold

Every Spring Festival, my mother would make a pot of fragrant mash in advance, and my father and I loved to eat mash the most. In the morning, a simple poached egg with a little brown sugar, stir in two spoonfuls of mash until the brown sugar melts and you can eat. When I was a child, my father liked to add some small twist flowers to the poached egg mash and cook them over low heat until the twist flowers became soft. Then I put the bowl and ate it with relish, and my memory was also that every time I went to the city with my father, I passed by the roadside stall selling mash, and I always had to eat a bowl before I came home.

Make your own mash at home, add glutinous rice dumplings, the taste is very good, women often drink hands and feet are not cold

My mother is very good at making mash, and my father knows a little about how to eat it. I remember the first time I made mash, I bought a sweet wine koji made of mash, and I read the instructions for the dosage of 2-2.5 kg of glutinous rice per pack. Combined with Baidu's specific approach, I began to make mash myself. The first time to make mash is in winter, after doing a good job, the hand warmer used in the weekday is filled, and the mash is placed in the clothes on the next layer, so that it can be kept warm to better fermentation.

Make your own mash at home, add glutinous rice dumplings, the taste is very good, women often drink hands and feet are not cold

Mash is made in the summer when the temperature is relatively high, and it is easy to ferment too much. Although the fermentation time is longer in winter, the fermented mash wine is more fragrant and sweeter. The finished mash is sealed and bottled, and it is delicious to drink from the water. Mash is called rice wine in some places, and the main ingredient is glutinous rice. After fermentation, glutinous rice becomes a flavored food, which has the effect of replenishing qi and nourishing blood, invigorating blood and reducing swelling, and helping to eliminate vitality. Women often drink in winter, and their hands and feet are not cold.

【Mash small rounds】


Glutinous rice flour 150g Glutinous rice 1000g Sweet wine koji 4 g Goji berries A few pieces of warm water to taste Cool boiled water to taste

【Preparation steps】

1, glutinous rice in advance cold water soaked overnight, soak until the fingers can be rubbed into fine glutinous rice grains can be.

Make your own mash at home, add glutinous rice dumplings, the taste is very good, women often drink hands and feet are not cold

2: Drain the glutinous rice, spread a layer of cloth on the steaming grid, spread the glutinous rice on the cloth, steam the steamer on low heat and slowly steam until the glutinous rice is fully cooked. Steam the glutinous rice thoroughly and let it cool. (The hand can touch the residual temperature, do not need to completely cool)

Make your own mash at home, add glutinous rice dumplings, the taste is very good, women often drink hands and feet are not cold

3: Pour 4g of sweet wine koji into a glass, add a little cool boiled water, stir and mix well.

Make your own mash at home, add glutinous rice dumplings, the taste is very good, women often drink hands and feet are not cold

4: Grab a handful of steamed glutinous rice and add a little sweet wine koji water and mix well.

Make your own mash at home, add glutinous rice dumplings, the taste is very good, women often drink hands and feet are not cold

5, repeat this action to mix the glutinous rice, and then slightly press the surface, poke a small hole in the middle.

Make your own mash at home, add glutinous rice dumplings, the taste is very good, women often drink hands and feet are not cold

6, cover with a layer of plastic wrap, and then keep warm fermentation for two days.

Make your own mash at home, add glutinous rice dumplings, the taste is very good, women often drink hands and feet are not cold

7: Add the glutinous rice flour to an appropriate amount of warm water and mix until there are no particles and knead until smooth dough.

Make your own mash at home, add glutinous rice dumplings, the taste is very good, women often drink hands and feet are not cold

8: Roll into long strips and cut into small pieces.

Make your own mash at home, add glutinous rice dumplings, the taste is very good, women often drink hands and feet are not cold

9. Roll into small balls.

Make your own mash at home, add glutinous rice dumplings, the taste is very good, women often drink hands and feet are not cold

10: Add an appropriate amount of water to the pot, boil the water and add the small round seeds, cook until cooked thoroughly. (Small dumplings floating on the surface of the water that is cooked thoroughly) Cooked small dumplings out of the bowl, add a little boiling water, two spoonfuls of mash and a little fine sugar, add a few goji berries on it!

Make your own mash at home, add glutinous rice dumplings, the taste is very good, women often drink hands and feet are not cold

Some methods of mash are mixed with glutinous rice and rice, and the mash can be drunk directly. Listening to his father, mash can also be used to make steamed bread fermentation, he said that the rice cake steamed steamed steam Father also said that the mash sweet wine koji can not be too much, the amount of more directly leads to the mash made of bitter taste, the finished product color is yellow. Mash with q-pop soft sticky rice dumplings, the taste is not monotonous and full of flavor!

Make your own mash at home, add glutinous rice dumplings, the taste is very good, women often drink hands and feet are not cold

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