
Puyi had licked Mussolini, Zhang Xueliang had slept with Pujie's wife, and Du Yuesheng had seen Yuan Kewen kneel and call Grandpa

author:Friendly wind sound pH
Puyi had licked Mussolini, Zhang Xueliang had slept with Pujie's wife, and Du Yuesheng had seen Yuan Kewen kneel and call Grandpa


Mussolini sent a signed photo to Puyi, and Puyi wrote a plaque to Mussolini.

Zheng Xiaoxu, who fully supported Puyi's restoration, was Mussolini's old fan, and he seized the opportunity to give Puyi Anli Mussolini, and also fooled him into saying: "Italy will become a hegemon in the West, the Great Roman Empire will re-emerge, and the future Qing Empire will dominate the east and west. ”

Puyi made him very happy, so he wrote a plaque for Mussolini, with four big words - unparalleled in the world.

Mussolini also sent a signed photo to Puyi through the Italian ambassador to Beijing.

Puyi had licked Mussolini, Zhang Xueliang had slept with Pujie's wife, and Du Yuesheng had seen Yuan Kewen kneel and call Grandpa


Zhang Xueliang and Puyi's sister-in-law, That is, Pujie's wife Tang Shixia, had a period of time.

Tang Shixia was originally surnamed Tatara and was the niece of Concubine Zhen and Concubine Jin.

Later, Princess Jin took charge of marrying her to Pu Jie.

Two years later, she and Pujie met Zhang Xueliang at a dance party at the Beijing Hotel.

The rest of the story is logical.

Since the dance party at the Beijing Hotel, Zhang Xueliang and I have met more and more, and the friendship has grown day by day, and in about three or four years, we have become inseparable good friends. There was even a period of time when I had a lot of contact with Zhang Xueliang, and I spent even longer with him than with Pujie.

——Tang Shixia, "The Last Emperor in My Eyes"

Zhang Xueliang's memoirs in his later years are more blunt:

"I stole it from her, and I almost married her later."

Tang Shixia and Lu Xiaojia, the son of the Anhui warlord Lu Yongxiang, also spent some time.

Tang Shixia, the "fourth son of the Republic of China", took down two by himself.

According to Tang Shixia's own account, she is still Puyi's first love.

It was Puyi who first looked up to her, but her aunt married her to Pujie.

Saying that she did not want her to repeat her mistakes, she did not have the freedom to live in the deep palace for a lifetime as an imperial princess.

However, I personally have a skeptical attitude towards this matter, after all, Puyi's memoir "The First Half of My Life" did not mention this "first love" at all.

Oh yes, by the way, Zhang Xueliang and Mussolini's daughter also had a scandal.

Puyi had licked Mussolini, Zhang Xueliang had slept with Pujie's wife, and Du Yuesheng had seen Yuan Kewen kneel and call Grandpa


Puyi and Tagore met and took pictures.

Tagore was invited to Beijing in 1924 to visit, and was led by Puyi's foreign master Johnston to meet and take a group photo with Puyi in the Forbidden City.


Yuan Kewen and Du Yuesheng.

Yuan Kewen is the "big" character of the Qinggang, and Du Yuesheng is the "Wu" character.

There is also a "Tong" character in the middle, so Du Yuesheng never sees Yuan Kewen.

Because there were two generations apart, I had to kneel down and shout grandpa when I saw it.

In fact, Du Yuesheng was two years older than Yuan Kewen.


Xie Daoyun and Xie Lingyun. Xie Daoyun is both Xie Lingyun's aunt and his uncle.

Xie Lingyun's grandfather's father was Xie Yi, that is, Xie Daoyun's father.

So from the Xie family counting, Xie Daoyun is his aunt.

Xie Lingyun's grandmother was named Wang Mengjiang, and she was the daughter of Wang Xizhi.

Wang Xizhi's son Wang Ningzhi married Xie Daoyun.

Therefore, counting from the Wang family's side, Xie Daoyun was his uncle and grandmother.


Chen Youyu was the 26th grandson of Xie Lingyun.

Chen Youyu's grandfather, whose original surname was Xie, entered the Chen family, so his children and grandchildren were surnamed Chen.

Counting the ancestors up is the Xie Lingyun branch.


Southern Dynasty Song Emperor Liu Yilong and Xie Lingyun


(1) Xie Lingyun's grandfather was Xie Xuan.

(2) Xie Xuan's daughter, Xie Lingyun's aunt, married Yuan Zhan.

(3) Yuan Zhan's daughter Yuan Qifei married Liu Yilong, emperor of song.

Q: What is the relationship between Liu Yilong and Xie Lingyun?

A: It is the relationship between the murderer and the victim.

In the tenth year of Yuan Jia, Emperor Wen of Song ordered Xie Lingyun to be killed in Guangzhou.

By the way, Xie Lingyun is a beautiful bearded man who "has to hang to the ground".

Before leaving, he instructed those around him to donate his beard to the statue of Vimaha at Gion Temple (this is the first case of body donation in history).

After the monks in the temple got his beard, they glued it to the statue according to his orders before his death, and it has been well protected.

After more than two hundred years, in the Tang Dynasty, Princess Anle, the daughter of Emperor Zhongzong Li Xian, played with people to fight grass.

People used grass, she had to find a good thing, and specially sent someone to the temple to cut a beard.

Later, I was afraid that others would also get this rare thing, so I simply cut it all off and destroyed it.

Xie Lingyun's good beard was ruined.

Jin Xie Lingyun Shumei, before punishment, was applied to the South China Sea Gion Temple, for the Wei Mo Jie. The temple people cherished, and did not lose money at the beginning. Princess Zhongzong Anle, May Dou Baicao, wanted to widely find it, so that Chi could take it. He was afraid of what others had gained, for forsaking the rest. It's over.

- "Taiping Guangji"

Off-topic, pull back.

Xie Ling's luck is over, let's continue to talk about Liu Yilong.


Liu Yilong and Xu Zhanzhi

Liu Yilong's father was Liu Yu, the Emperor of SongWu, and Liu Yu's eldest daughter was named Liu Xingdi, who married Xu Kuizhi and gave birth to a son, Xu Zhanzhi.

Xu Zhanzhi's son Xu Hengzhi married Liu Yilong's daughter Princess Nanyang. Liu Yilong's son Liu Shi (劉生) the Prince of Jinling married Xu Zhanzhi's daughter.

Got it?


Yuan Zhan and Xie Lingyun

Remember Yuan Zhan?

Yuan Zhan's daughter married Liu Yilong, Yuan Zhan's sister married Xie Zhong, and Xie Zhong's granddaughter married Liu Yikang.

Liu Yikang is Liu Yilong's younger brother. Xie Zhong is the grandson of Xie Zhao, who is Xie Yi's younger brother.

Xie Yi was Xie Daoyun's father and Xie Lingyun's great-grandfather.

So, what is the relationship between Yuan Zhan and Xie Lingyun?

Do you still know the word "thanks"?

The Xie family is too chaotic, let it go first.

Let's go back to Wang Xizhi

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