
Put away your curiosity, the diet pill in "The Adventures of the Republic of China" is poison, don't be tricked! The weight loss effect is amazingly good, once popular for a while, there is a deadly hazard hidden behind the seemingly mild, listed for 5 years that is banned from illegal addition or network sale, weight loss people have repeatedly been widely used in the industry, and need to strengthen protection

author:Medication those things

#Pharmacy Health Super Energy Group ##Weight Loss ##健身与减肥 #

Recently, on the occasion of the Qingming vacation, I accompanied my family to watch a TV series called "The Strange Detective of the Republic of China", which tells the story of solving the case on the beach in the 30s of the last century.

If you have friends who like this subject, you can go and have a look.

However, I don't like this kind of TV series very much, but due to the professional sensitivity of pharmacists, when I heard about the banned drug "2-nitrophenol" in the play, it still aroused my great interest.

Put away your curiosity, the diet pill in "The Adventures of the Republic of China" is poison, don't be tricked! The weight loss effect is amazingly good, once popular for a while, there is a deadly hazard hidden behind the seemingly mild, listed for 5 years that is banned from illegal addition or network sale, weight loss people have repeatedly been widely used in the industry, and need to strengthen protection

In particular, the heroine of the play said: This diet pill containing 2-nitrophenol she has also eaten, can maintain the figure, but not to death.

Such a statement may mislead everyone and even pose a great threat to everyone's health.

Let's take a look at the things that 2-nitrophenol does.

The English name for 2-nitrophenol is 2,4-dinitrophenol, abbreviated as dnp. [1]

The use of DNPs has a long history, and during world war I, France also used it as a cannonball. In addition, DNP is also used as a fuel, wood preservative, herbicide and photo developer.

In 1933, Morris M. Stanford University Maurice Tainter found that humans have a significant weight loss after eating DNPs.

Therefore, soon DNPs were promoted as weight loss drugs and could be purchased without a prescription.

Put away your curiosity, the diet pill in "The Adventures of the Republic of China" is poison, don't be tricked! The weight loss effect is amazingly good, once popular for a while, there is a deadly hazard hidden behind the seemingly mild, listed for 5 years that is banned from illegal addition or network sale, weight loss people have repeatedly been widely used in the industry, and need to strengthen protection

Some friends may ask, can you buy DNPs in Shanghai at that time?

In the 1930s, As the most prosperous city in China, it was not surprising that DNPs could be easily purchased.

DNP is a decoupling agent, which can make the energy generated by electron transfer in the respiratory chain not be used for phosphorylation of adp, but can only be dissipated in the form of heat.

Simply put, what you eat can be digested and absorbed normally, and the absorbed nutrients can also be oxidized normally but cannot continue to phosphorylate to provide energy to the body, and the energy generated by these oxidations can only be emitted through the skin.

In addition, although the fat contained in the human body can also be reversed by fat metabolism, due to the uncoupling effect, the heat generated can only be dissipated through the skin.

In this way, the human body can lose weight quickly, and the effect is surprisingly good!

It has been reported that every 100 mg of dnp can increase the average metabolic rate of the human body by 11% in the case of regular use, and can reduce body weight by 1.5 kg per week.

Such a good weight loss effect was widely popular at that time!

Although in that era the toiling masses did not have enough to eat and wear, but the life of the star magnate was exquisitely crafted, and weight loss still had a huge demand.

No, in the play, Takamatsu is transforming from a fat man of more than 200 pounds to a traffic star of Yushu Linfeng by taking diet pills containing DNPs, and the heroine of Miss Kuojia is also maintaining her figure by taking this diet pill. Moreover, no obvious side effects are felt at the beginning of the use.

Put away your curiosity, the diet pill in "The Adventures of the Republic of China" is poison, don't be tricked! The weight loss effect is amazingly good, once popular for a while, there is a deadly hazard hidden behind the seemingly mild, listed for 5 years that is banned from illegal addition or network sale, weight loss people have repeatedly been widely used in the industry, and need to strengthen protection

However, behind this seemingly perfect and gentle weight loss, there is a deadly hazard!

After taking DNP, the accumulated calories need to be dissipated from the skin, which is bound to increase the body temperature, and even reach more than 40 ° C. Such a high body temperature, which is no joke, can cause tachycardia, convulsions, coma, and even death. In addition, the incidence of cataracts is also very high, basically 1 in every 100 people who take 2-nitrophenol.

Thus, in 1938, it was banned by the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act as extremely dangerous and unfit for human consumption.

Although officially banned, the drug is easily available.

Usually, the usual method is to illegally add to diet pills or illegally mark them as "safe and edible" on the Internet and then sell them online.

Every year, a large number of beauty lovers or bodybuilders are recruited, ranging from tachycardia and cataracts to death immediately.

Put away your curiosity, the diet pill in "The Adventures of the Republic of China" is poison, don't be tricked! The weight loss effect is amazingly good, once popular for a while, there is a deadly hazard hidden behind the seemingly mild, listed for 5 years that is banned from illegal addition or network sale, weight loss people have repeatedly been widely used in the industry, and need to strengthen protection

According to statistics, in the 10 years from 2001 to 2010, 12 people lost their lives due to DNP, most of them young people, and most of them were used for weight loss or fitness purposes.

Moreover, DNPs are also teratogenic and developmental, which can cause fetal malformations. If it is taken by a pregnant person or a pregnant woman, the consequences are unimaginable!

It can be said that DNP is a poison at all, marked as "highly toxic" in the toxicity rating. It is precisely in view of the serious harm of DNPs that Interpol has issued an "orange warning" against them.

As mentioned earlier, the DNP is used for chemical purposes, mainly in the production of vulcanized dyes, picric acid and imaging agents, and can also be used as an intermediate for pesticides and medicines.

In these production activities, there may be a large amount of exposure to DNPs, which can lead to poisoning.

According to Zhao Xuehong et al.[2], the emergency department of the First Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine admitted 16 workers with DNP poisoning in July 2011, of which 2 died due to their serious illness and ineffective rescue.

Therefore, in engaging in DNP-related production activities, we must do a good job of protection, and must not be in direct contact!

Finally, solemnly remind everyone not to believe in the so-called rapid weight loss methods, such as what fast weight loss pills, etc., and do not buy weight loss drugs on the Internet. If in the process of taking diet pills, abnormal body temperature rise or serious discomfort reaction occurs, you must go to the hospital in time for treatment, time is life!


[1]grundlingh j , dargan p i , el-zanfaly m , et al. 2,4-dinitrophenol (dnp): a weight loss agent with significant acute toxicity and risk of death[j]. journal of medical toxicology, 2011, 7(3):205-212.

[2]xue-hong, zhao, jiu-kun, et al. Evaluation of the efficacy of hemoperfusion in the removal of poisons in patients with acute 2,4-dinitrophenol poisoning[j]. Journal of Zhejiang University:Volume B English Edition, 2015(8):720-726.

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