
In the Battle of Taierzhuang, the code of our army was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as the code, and the Japanese army was completely covered up in the Battle of Xuzhou -- the Bai dialect was born in a strange way to resist the United States and aid Korea -- the Mongolian dialect cast the meritorious Laoshan battlefield -- the Shanghai dialect established a new gong conclusion

author:Hole A C

"Cryptographic warfare" is an indispensable and important part of the intelligence struggle on the battlefield where there is no smoke of war, which greatly affects the direction of a war, which begins in the distant past and will run through the long future.

"Spring flowers, autumn mountains blooming, guests singing the golden cup, lone lamp radiance burning silver jar." The eastern suburbs, crossing the West Bridge, the sound of chickens urging the first day, Qimei crooked ditch. "On the surface, it seems to be a poem, but there is another mystery behind the poem.

In the Battle of Taierzhuang, the code of our army was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as the code, and the Japanese army was completely covered up in the Battle of Xuzhou -- the Bai dialect was born in a strange way to resist the United States and aid Korea -- the Mongolian dialect cast the meritorious Laoshan battlefield -- the Shanghai dialect established a new gong conclusion

The author of this poem is Qi Jiguang, a famous anti-Wu general, and the so-called "poetry" is the "anti-cut code" system carefully designed by him according to the "anti-cutting zhuyin method" invented in the Eastern Han Dynasty, which shows the application of "cryptographic warfare" in China's military history.

Opening up the history of modern warfare in our country, "password warfare" is also an indispensable page, and the most significant example of this is that the code of our army in the Battle of Taierzhuang was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as a password, which completely obscured the Japanese army.

In the Battle of Taierzhuang, the code of our army was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as the code, and the Japanese army was completely covered up in the Battle of Xuzhou -- the Bai dialect was born in a strange way to resist the United States and aid Korea -- the Mongolian dialect cast the meritorious Laoshan battlefield -- the Shanghai dialect established a new gong conclusion

On July 7, 1937, after the Lugou Bridge Incident, the all-out War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression broke out, and in the face of the all-out war of aggression launched by the Japanese army against our country, the Nationalist government convened the supreme military conference and demanded that all parts of the country "have money to contribute money and make strong contributions to defend Nanjing and jointly save the crisis." ”

During the meeting, Chiang Kai-shek asked Long Yun, chairman of Yunnan Province, to form an army in Yunnan to resist the War of Resistance, and thus under the organization of the Yunnan Provincial Government, the 60th Army of the National Revolutionary Army, with Lu Han as the commander, was reorganized and entered the historical stage with a new look.

After the end of the Battle of Taierzhuang in April 1938, Chiang Kai-shek ordered the main forces of the Fifth Theater to concentrate on the Xuzhou area in order to gather the Japanese army again, but the Japanese army mobilized more than 300,000 elite troops and detoured to Lunan in six routes in an attempt to annihilate all the main forces of the Fifth Theater.

In the Battle of Taierzhuang, the code of our army was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as the code, and the Japanese army was completely covered up in the Battle of Xuzhou -- the Bai dialect was born in a strange way to resist the United States and aid Korea -- the Mongolian dialect cast the meritorious Laoshan battlefield -- the Shanghai dialect established a new gong conclusion

At this moment, the situation was critical, Chiang Kai-shek sent a telegram ordering Li Zongren to order the main forces of the Fifth Theater to retreat and quickly break through while fighting, and then as the war progressed, Li Zongren called Chiang Kai-shek to request the transfer of the 60th Army to support the battlefield, so the 60th Army received the order and quickly threw itself into the Battle of Xuzhou.

On the morning of April 22, 1938, the 2nd Battalion of the 1081st Regiment of the 542nd Brigade, as the vanguard of the 60th Army, encountered the Japanese search team at the head of Chen Wafang Village, and under the leadership of battalion commander Yin Guohua, the soldiers of the 2nd Battalion bravely killed the enemy to retake Chen Wafang Village and annihilated the small Japanese unit.

However, it was not long before a large group of Japanese troops quickly reinforced, and surrounded Chen Wafang under the cover of artillery and tanks to launch a crazy attack, the soldiers of the 2nd Battalion fought from morning to evening, and finally more than 500 officers and men of the battalion, including the battalion commander Yin Guohua, were martyred.

In the Battle of Taierzhuang, the code of our army was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as the code, and the Japanese army was completely covered up in the Battle of Xuzhou -- the Bai dialect was born in a strange way to resist the United States and aid Korea -- the Mongolian dialect cast the meritorious Laoshan battlefield -- the Shanghai dialect established a new gong conclusion

This was the first confrontation between the 60th Army and the Japanese army, but the death battle between The commander of the Yin Guohua Battalion and the soldiers of the 2nd Battalion did not retreat, so the Japanese army instantly realized that this would be a fierce enemy, so the Japanese army, who knew nothing about the unit, quickly sent spies and traitors to inquire about the news, and finally determined that this unit was the "Yunnan soldiers" who had just arrived.

The Japanese army, which already had a feeling for the combat capabilities of the 60th Army, gradually faced this unit squarely, so in order to reduce the losses in the battle and expand its combat superiority, the Japanese army sent military dogs to bite the telephone line of the 60th Army, so that the telephone was interrupted and the command system was invalidated.

The 60th Army reacted quickly to this by strengthening the protection of the telephone line and capturing the Japanese military dogs in a targeted manner to ensure the safety of the telephone line.

In the Battle of Taierzhuang, the code of our army was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as the code, and the Japanese army was completely covered up in the Battle of Xuzhou -- the Bai dialect was born in a strange way to resist the United States and aid Korea -- the Mongolian dialect cast the meritorious Laoshan battlefield -- the Shanghai dialect established a new gong conclusion

Seeing that this move was already ineffective, the Japanese army mobilized professional and technical personnel to eavesdrop on the combat deployment, military secrets, command information, etc. of the 60th Army through the telephone line, which once led to heavy casualties in the early stage of the 60th Army's battle in a passive state, and lost 5 regimental commanders in just 6 days.

After all, the 60th Army from Yunnan is accustomed to mountain combat, and it is relatively unfamiliar with plain operations, coupled with the leakage of military secrets several times, it is difficult to gain an advantage in the course of combat.

Seeing that Lu Han was a headache as a military commander, it was suggested that Lu Han use Bai soldiers as messengers to prevent Japanese eavesdropping.

The reason for this recommendation is that bai warriors have their own national language "Bai language", and the area of use is mainly concentrated in Yunnan for Bai people.

In the Battle of Taierzhuang, the code of our army was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as the code, and the Japanese army was completely covered up in the Battle of Xuzhou -- the Bai dialect was born in a strange way to resist the United States and aid Korea -- the Mongolian dialect cast the meritorious Laoshan battlefield -- the Shanghai dialect established a new gong conclusion

For foreigners who did not understand the language, "white language" was like a systematic set of "natural codes", and to decipher it, they must first learn the white language, and wait until the Japanese army figured out that these battles were long over.

This suggestion was quickly adopted by The Commander LuHan, who selected some Bai soldiers throughout the army and changed all the telephone operators of the communication system to Bai soldiers, communicating directly in Bai.

Thus, when the Japanese army once again tried to eavesdrop on our military's secrets through the telephone line, those professionals were completely confused in an instant, and the confused Japanese army even invited language experts and cryptographers, but still could not figure out which country's language it was.

Thus, in the face of the "white language," the poorly skilled Japanese army completely lost the possibility of eavesdropping on our army's military secrets, and when it painstakingly figured out that the so-called code was the dialect of our nation, the Sixtieth Army had already completed the operational task of covering the retreat of the main forces of the Fifth Theater of Operations, and had already fled.

In the Battle of Taierzhuang, the code of our army was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as the code, and the Japanese army was completely covered up in the Battle of Xuzhou -- the Bai dialect was born in a strange way to resist the United States and aid Korea -- the Mongolian dialect cast the meritorious Laoshan battlefield -- the Shanghai dialect established a new gong conclusion

In addition to the 60th Army's use of the vernacular as a code, the New Fourth Army on the anti-Japanese battlefield also had the deed of using the Wenzhou dialect known as "five different sounds" as a password, and later on the battlefield of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea, there were also similar plots that were really staged.

On the Korean battlefield, because the US military has the top electronic reconnaissance technology, the wireless communications of the Chinese volunteers are often eavesdropped by the US military, which often leads to the leakage of military secrets and causes serious losses.

However, the U.S. military intercepted a wireless communication during a eavesdropping process and could not decipher it, during which the volunteer soldiers "whimpered" confused the U.S. military technicians, and the incident was caused by the 210th Artillery Regiment of the Chinese Volunteer Army.

In the Battle of Taierzhuang, the code of our army was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as the code, and the Japanese army was completely covered up in the Battle of Xuzhou -- the Bai dialect was born in a strange way to resist the United States and aid Korea -- the Mongolian dialect cast the meritorious Laoshan battlefield -- the Shanghai dialect established a new gong conclusion

The predecessor of this unit was the 23rd Regiment of the 3rd Inner Mongolia Cavalry Division of the People's Liberation Army, which was reorganized into the 210th Artillery Regiment of the Volunteer Army after the outbreak of the Korean War, and was equipped with the latest weapon successfully produced by China, the Type 506 rocket platoon, which belonged to the combat sequence of the 43rd Army.

At the same time, all the commanders and fighters of the regiment were basically composed of Inner Mongolians, so its basic communication language was mainly Mongolian.

In light of the actual situation of the unit, we can understand what the US military is puzzled by. Nature is Mongolian.

On October 11, 1952, in the process of holding the highlands of White Horse Mountain, a certain unit of the Volunteer Army encountered a crazy attack by the US army and suffered heavy casualties, not only were all the surrounding large and small positions lost, but only 9 volunteer soldiers were left on the main position to resist.

In the Battle of Taierzhuang, the code of our army was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as the code, and the Japanese army was completely covered up in the Battle of Xuzhou -- the Bai dialect was born in a strange way to resist the United States and aid Korea -- the Mongolian dialect cast the meritorious Laoshan battlefield -- the Shanghai dialect established a new gong conclusion

Compared with the offensive strength of the US army, the resistance of these 9 volunteer soldiers is naturally insignificant, so the 9 fighters also believe that it is difficult to walk down the position alive, but they silently stick to the position as if they are dead, and they have no intention of retreating.

Although the 9 soldiers regard death as a homecoming, how can our army bear to abandon it? News of their plight quickly reached the 210 regiment.

After learning of the emergency situation on the baima mountain highland, the 210th regiment immediately mobilized all the rocket artillery to continuously fire a salvo at the white horse mountain highland, and the shells landed accurately on the surrounding positions occupied by the enemy, causing heavy losses to the unsuspecting enemy troops, and the 9 volunteer soldiers also gained the opportunity and conditions for a breakthrough.

In the Battle of Taierzhuang, the code of our army was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as the code, and the Japanese army was completely covered up in the Battle of Xuzhou -- the Bai dialect was born in a strange way to resist the United States and aid Korea -- the Mongolian dialect cast the meritorious Laoshan battlefield -- the Shanghai dialect established a new gong conclusion

One of the key words in this incident is "defenseless", why was the US military, which is good at eavesdropping through electronic reconnaissance technology, caught off guard? This is due to the temporary activation of the Mongolian language.

At that time, due to the critical situation in the Highlands of White Horse Mountain, the wireless communications of our volunteer army were very intensive, and it was inevitable that the US troops would eavesdrop on this situation after noticing this situation.

In view of this possibility, in order to prevent the leakage of military secrets, the communication between the 210th Regiment and its superiors was temporarily changed to Mongolian, so that this sudden change in language caught the American army by surprise, and did not eavesdrop on the operational orders issued by the superiors to the 210th Regiment.

After the 210th Regiment learned of the situation on the highlands of White Horse Mountain through Mongolian, it quickly approved the specific location of the lost positions, calibrated the guns one by one and fired a precise salvo, thus successfully breaking the siege for 9 volunteer soldiers.

In the Battle of Taierzhuang, the code of our army was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as the code, and the Japanese army was completely covered up in the Battle of Xuzhou -- the Bai dialect was born in a strange way to resist the United States and aid Korea -- the Mongolian dialect cast the meritorious Laoshan battlefield -- the Shanghai dialect established a new gong conclusion

A similar scene was also reproduced on the lao shan battlefield in the later self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, and this time it was the Shanghainese used to confuse the enemy.

In 1984, the central authorities issued a combat order to the Nanjing Military Region, and they organized troops to go to the Sino-Vietnamese border to take over the Kunming Military Region to participate in the round battle.

After this order was issued, the 1st Division of the 1st Army, which was subordinate to the Nanjing Military Region, immediately went to the laoshan front and, after a short period of adaptive training, immediately boarded the position and entered the battle.

At that time, the Vietnamese army built a dense firepower on The 138th Height and The No. 3 Heights and heavily guarded them, posing a serious threat to our army, so it was imperative to uproot them, and this combat task gradually reached 1 Regiment, 2 Battalions and 6 Companies.

In the Battle of Taierzhuang, the code of our army was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as the code, and the Japanese army was completely covered up in the Battle of Xuzhou -- the Bai dialect was born in a strange way to resist the United States and aid Korea -- the Mongolian dialect cast the meritorious Laoshan battlefield -- the Shanghai dialect established a new gong conclusion

Based on the complex terrain of the enemy's highlands and the dense formation of dark bunkers, the 1st Regiment decided to use a number of small units to infiltrate the enemy's highlands.

As a result, under the unified arrangement, the 2nd Battalion formed several assault teams of the 6th Company, 1 Platoon, 6th Company, 3rd Platoon and 4th Company to undertake different combat tasks, while the other units of the 3rd Company were responsible for firepower and follow-up support.

Before arriving at the Sino-Vietnamese border operation, the 1st Army was stationed in the Jiangsu, Zhejiang, and Shanghainese areas, and the Shanghainese dialect was not unfamiliar to the soldiers, so the 6th Company Commander, with the consent of his superiors, temporarily organized a small detachment to communicate in Shanghainese and arranged it into each assault team.

On 8 March, under the cover of night, fighting began immediately, and after about a minute of "artillery washing the ground" by the artillery units, the commandos quickly began to penetrate the enemy positions.

In the Battle of Taierzhuang, the code of our army was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as the code, and the Japanese army was completely covered up in the Battle of Xuzhou -- the Bai dialect was born in a strange way to resist the United States and aid Korea -- the Mongolian dialect cast the meritorious Laoshan battlefield -- the Shanghai dialect established a new gong conclusion

During the fierce battle, the soldiers of Wang's communications team maintained continuous battlefield communication in Shanghainese, and also eliminated the possibility of combat information being monitored by the Vietnamese army.

After a fierce battle that lasted 13 hours, our army occupied two high ground at the cost of 7 people, repelled 8 counterattacks by the Vietnamese army, annihilated up to 199 enemy troops, and captured a number of military equipment such as machine guns and rocket launchers.

All in all, in the course of this operation, the exchange of Shanghainese has greatly ensured the security of our army's command information, which not only increased the concealment of the commandos to seize the high ground, but also brought immeasurable assistance to our army in the follow-up operation.

In the Battle of Taierzhuang, the code of our army was repeatedly deciphered, and the Bai dialect was used as the code, and the Japanese army was completely covered up in the Battle of Xuzhou -- the Bai dialect was born in a strange way to resist the United States and aid Korea -- the Mongolian dialect cast the meritorious Laoshan battlefield -- the Shanghai dialect established a new gong conclusion

From the anti-Japanese battlefield to the Korean battlefield and the self-defense counterattack against Vietnam, the use of local dialects in China has brought a natural concealment to the protection of military secrets, and even greatly affected the historical trend of a war.

This is why it is imperative to take precautions in two aspects: one is to increase the protection of the diversity of Chinese and Chinese languages, and the other is to guard against some countries to incorporate China's rare language into their national defense combat readiness.

In the UNITED States' defense language related combat readiness work, China's rare language resources occupy an important position, such as the list of 485 languages and dialect codes published by the US Department of Defense, including not only Mandarin and widely used languages, Yao, Wa, Lisu and other minority languages are also included, and corresponding vigilance is obviously necessary.