
Red Date Crispy Meat [Pastry]

author:Good recipes

raw material:

300 grams of fresh pork, 10 red dates, 12 grams of licorice, 50 grams of wheat, salt, cooking wine, monosodium glutamate, oil, water starch, yellow, each appropriate amount.


1, the fresh wash, cut into hob pieces, add fine salt, monosodium glutamate, yellow, water starch, marinade for a while, grasp well; licorice, wheat and boiled to take about 1000 grams of juice; red dates soaked and washed with water.

2, inject oil into the pot, use medium heat to 60% or 70% heat, scatter into the meat pieces hanging evenly, fry until the time of breaking the soup bowl, and then inject licorice, wheat juice, add dates, salt, monosodium glutamate, cooking wine, put in the cage drawer with high heat steaming for about 90 minutes.


The meat is cooked and slightly sweet.


The meat should be evenly hung, and the oil temperature should not be too high when fried; when steaming in the cage, it should reach a degree of crispness.


The "Diet Recipe for Living with The Rest" says: "Gan XianPing. Tonify kidney fluid, fill stomach juice, nourish liver yin, moisturize skin. ”

Jujube is also a good medicine for longevity and rejuvenation affirmed by Chinese medical theory.

This dish, red dates are prepared together, the merit is good at making up for weakness and strength, but also the work of moisturizing and nourishing the face, which is a rare beauty product. Women who eat regularly will surely be radiant, delicate and lustrous. Welcome to upload your recipe compositions

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