
The world's sexiest actress appeared at the Rome Film Festival, and her body language is very rich

On October 29, local time, French actress Sandrine Bonnaire (Sandrine Bonnaire) 12th Rome Film Festival. Walking on the red carpet, she staged dramatic movements continuously, which was very joyful. (Originally licensed by Oriental Ic)

The world's sexiest actress appeared at the Rome Film Festival, and her body language is very rich

At the Rome Film Festival, Sandrine Bonnaire's main film Catch the Wind premiered. In the film, she plays a middle-aged female factory worker who travels to Morocco to work. (Originally licensed by Oriental Ic)

The world's sexiest actress appeared at the Rome Film Festival, and her body language is very rich

Sandrine Bonnaire, 50, is the most famous actress in French cinema today. In 1985, she starred in the film "Sans toit ni Loi", which not only won the Golden Lion Award at the Venice Film Festival, but also won the César Award. In 1987 she starred in Sous le soleil de satan (In the Sunshine of Satan), which won the Palme d'Or at the Cannes Film Festival. (Originally licensed by Oriental Ic)

The world's sexiest actress appeared at the Rome Film Festival, and her body language is very rich

Interestingly, just before this year, the famous fashion magazine "glam'mag" selected the 100 sexiest actresses in the world in 2017, and Sandrine Bonaire was listed among them. Following 2016, Sanderleine Bonaire was consecutively elected. The list is said to be filled with popular actresses from the music, fashion, sports and entertainment sectors. Our Chinese Yang Mi was also selected. (Originally licensed by Oriental Ic)

The world's sexiest actress appeared at the Rome Film Festival, and her body language is very rich

While walking the red carpet that day, Sanderleine Bonaire was free to move, smiling, not like a 50-year-old woman.

(Originally licensed by Oriental Ic)

The world's sexiest actress appeared at the Rome Film Festival, and her body language is very rich

This look seems very cunning. (Originally licensed by Oriental Ic)

The world's sexiest actress appeared at the Rome Film Festival, and her body language is very rich

What is this action? There is a feeling of people paddling and driving a big boat. Body language is so rich.

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The world's sexiest actress appeared at the Rome Film Festival, and her body language is very rich

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