
From Star-Devouring Deadpool to National Treasure Panda Deadpool, count Marvel's multiverse versions of Deadpool

author:Marvel Cinematic Intelligence

In the Marvel setting, because the universe system is a multiverse setting, many times the characters we see are variants with countless versions of the universe, so some of these characters are human in the main Marvel universe, but in some other parallel universe, it may be an animal version.

I believe that many fans who have watched the "Loki" spin-off drama will not be unfamiliar, and the crocodile version of Loki has appeared in the episode
From Star-Devouring Deadpool to National Treasure Panda Deadpool, count Marvel's multiverse versions of Deadpool

For Marvel at this stage, there are side plots that fully show the diversity of a character, in general, there are 2, one is Marvel's "pro-son" Spider-Man, and the other is -


Obviously, because of the nature of the multiverse, the number of versions of Deadpool is theoretically endless, and it is impossible to list them all, but this does not prevent us from talking about some of the more bizarre and special versions of Deadpool.

From Star-Devouring Deadpool to National Treasure Panda Deadpool, count Marvel's multiverse versions of Deadpool

[1] Deadpool, a woman with a red face and a thin life;

Because of the attribute characteristics of the multiverse, the gender-switched character is really too normal, and in the setting, the female Deadpool Wanda Wilson is one of the versions derived from the 3010 universe, in the setting, the female Deadpool is a dare to love and hate the image.

From Star-Devouring Deadpool to National Treasure Panda Deadpool, count Marvel's multiverse versions of Deadpool

But under Marvel's brush, it finally gave the female Deadpool a red face and a short life-

In the side plot of "Deadpool Massacre Deadpool", because of the setting of the great brawl between good and evil Deadpool, and the female Deadpool belongs to the deadpool members of the righteous side, but because the strength gap between the good and evil Deadpool sides is larger.

From Star-Devouring Deadpool to National Treasure Panda Deadpool, count Marvel's multiverse versions of Deadpool

Therefore, in the original setting, in order to kill the evil camp of Star-Eating Deadpool, the female Deadpool finally chose to fly a plane full of bombs, crashed into the Face of the Star-Eater, and finally fell to the same end as dead as Deadpool.

From Star-Devouring Deadpool to National Treasure Panda Deadpool, count Marvel's multiverse versions of Deadpool

[2] The entire universe is a "dog" shaped dog Deadpool;

In Marvel's 103173 universe, all the character shapes in this universe are the image of dogs, which belongs to the veritable "Wang Planet", so Deadpool in this universe is naturally the shape of a dog, and our protagonist is also a dog named Wade, Deadpool.

From Star-Devouring Deadpool to National Treasure Panda Deadpool, count Marvel's multiverse versions of Deadpool

For the dog Deadpool "Wade", its Deadpool ability basically originated from a tested dog cosmetics "mascara-x" experiment, and it was in this experiment that dog Wade had the ability to heal super and became a member of Deadpool's army.

From Star-Devouring Deadpool to National Treasure Panda Deadpool, count Marvel's multiverse versions of Deadpool

It is worth mentioning:

In the setting, the dog Deadpool was once in the laboratory, directly overthrowing the Wolverine dog dog who was "assigned" to the evil camp in this universe

[3] Short-lived national treasure-level panda Deadpool;

It is also the version of Deadpool in the animal department, but the version of The Panda Deadpool derived from the 312 universe in the setting can be more expensive than the dog Deadpool in the "national treasure" attribute, but also in the setting of the plot, the panda Deadpool is also short-lived.

From Star-Devouring Deadpool to National Treasure Panda Deadpool, count Marvel's multiverse versions of Deadpool

Still in the plot of "Deadpool Massacre Deadpool", the panda Deadpool belongs to the members of the righteous camp, but in the process of fighting the evil version of Deadpool, it was launched in the first plot, and the result was offline in the second plot, which can be said to be a fateful panda.

[4] Deadpool of Ronin in the ancient Japanese period;

In Marvel's setting, the era setting in the parallel universe trin150 universe is somewhat similar to the state of ancient Japan, so Deadpool in this universe is actually a "ronin" shape.

From Star-Devouring Deadpool to National Treasure Panda Deadpool, count Marvel's multiverse versions of Deadpool

It is also because of this version of the Ronin attribute, so in terms of styling, the shape of Ronin Deadpool is slightly different from other Deadpool, but in the same setting, it is a Deadpool that belongs to the righteous camp, and finally in the process of fighting against the evil Deadpool, he was stabbed to death by several evil versions of Deadpool

From Star-Devouring Deadpool to National Treasure Panda Deadpool, count Marvel's multiverse versions of Deadpool

[5] Deadpool of the Bubble Noodles;

In Marvel's many strange Deadpool settings, the more interesting is one of the "Venom Deadpool", this version is actually derived from Marvel's 90211 universe, is the version of Deadpool that was once combined with Deadpool, at the same time, because in this version of Deadpool after fusing venom, a lot of venom tentacles "appeared" on the head, so it looks like bubble noodles.

From Star-Devouring Deadpool to National Treasure Panda Deadpool, count Marvel's multiverse versions of Deadpool

Therefore, it was once ridiculed by many fans as a "bubble noodle head"

But at the same time, what's interesting is that —)

This version of the Venom Symbiosis, in fact, was originally symbiotic in Spider-Man, the reason why the perineum and yang error appeared on Deadpool, also because in the plot setting, the Planet Devourer hired Deadpool to assassinate the "Transcendent", but the embarrassing thing is that when Deadpool found the Transcendent, he found that the 2 people were the same at first sight, so in the end, they did not assassinate the Transcendent but spent time with the Transcendent.

From Star-Devouring Deadpool to National Treasure Panda Deadpool, count Marvel's multiverse versions of Deadpool

It was also during this period that Spider-Man possessed by Venom came to seek revenge on the Transcendent, and in the battle Spider-Man was defeated, and the Venom Symbiote parasitized on Deadpool next to the Transcendent, and Venom Deadpool came online.

Of course, as we said at the beginning, in the setting of the Marvel Universe, the version of Deadpool is basically endless because of the infinity of the multiverse, in addition to the above, in the setting, in fact, similar versions of Deadpool are: Wasp, Groot Deadpool, Man-Eater, Shadow Deadpool, Deadpool Kid, Cowboy Deadpool...

From Star-Devouring Deadpool to National Treasure Panda Deadpool, count Marvel's multiverse versions of Deadpool

Now the Marvel Cinematic Universe has opened the door to the multiverse with the help of "Rocky", and then when Deadpool joined the Movie Universe, I don't know if I can see other versions of Deadpool, you know, a Deadpool is very mouth cannon, if there is another one, the "left and right reverberation" version of the mouth cannon around, absolutely very interesting.

From Star-Devouring Deadpool to National Treasure Panda Deadpool, count Marvel's multiverse versions of Deadpool

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