
Does the dog really love you? Dog loves you have 7 actions, there is scientific evidence that it loves you, is there scientific evidence that the dog loves us? Second, can the dog sense the love of the owner? How do dogs express their love?

author:Huge cute

We often say that dogs are the most loyal owners of humans, but most dogs are veritable big foodies, if someone lures them with snacks, it may run away with people upside down, making people wonder, dogs are really not loyal to their owners because of food! Of course, there are also dogs that are well trained and will not run with people because of a little snack, but have you ever thought that if you don't give it dog food, the dog will be willing to follow you? Does it really love you?

Does the dog really love you? Dog loves you have 7 actions, there is scientific evidence that it loves you, is there scientific evidence that the dog loves us? Second, can the dog sense the love of the owner? How do dogs express their love?

There is a neuroimaging study abroad to deeply understand the smell processing method in the dog's brain, because the dog relies heavily on a strong sense of smell, so the researchers decided to find out the correlation between social behavior and specific odor processing, in short, to see how the brain handles human odors when the dog is in front of the owner and strangers. Animal cognition specialists at Emory University have dogs lie on the MRI machine and observe how they react to the smells of their owners and strangers.

When a dog smells its owner's scent, the brain's "reward center," the caudal nucleus, immediately works. At the same time, compared with the smell of other strangers, dogs react most violently to the owner's smell, and the positive neurological response is also the largest. These phenomena all show that dogs really love their owners. Experiments in brain imaging technology have shown that dogs not only love their owners, but also treat their owners as family, and dogs will be more inclined to humans than food.

Does the dog really love you? Dog loves you have 7 actions, there is scientific evidence that it loves you, is there scientific evidence that the dog loves us? Second, can the dog sense the love of the owner? How do dogs express their love?

There is no doubt that dogs can understand our feelings by taking signals from human behavior and sounds, and their sense of smell can also smell the emotions of their owners. In the magazine People Magazine, Dr Brian Hare said: "When the owner is with the dog, a happy substance is produced in the body, that is, oxytocin. "Although we don't feel it, we actually produce this substance when the dog plays with its owner.

Does the dog really love you? Dog loves you have 7 actions, there is scientific evidence that it loves you, is there scientific evidence that the dog loves us? Second, can the dog sense the love of the owner? How do dogs express their love?

Dogs are not like we can talk, they can not directly say the three words "I love you", but dogs can express their love for their owners through body language.

1. Prolonged eye contact

In fact, eye contact has multiple meanings for dogs. If a stranger makes eye contact with a dog, it will think it is provoking. However, when the dog looks at the owner for a long time, its brain will release oxytocin, so the dog's eye contact with the owner is an expression of love.

2. Lean over the master

Just like eye contact, if a dog leans against you, it means that it trusts you, and the action will make it more secure and comfortable. Sometimes, dogs also lean on their owners when they are anxious and afraid, which is to seek protection.

Does the dog really love you? Dog loves you have 7 actions, there is scientific evidence that it loves you, is there scientific evidence that the dog loves us? Second, can the dog sense the love of the owner? How do dogs express their love?

3. Sleep in your bed

Some owners may not allow their dog to go to bed, but they will still run to the bedroom to sleep next to you, because the dog will be more secure when sleeping next to you.

4. Often clutching the owner's shoes and socks

Because people have more sweat glands on their feet, shoes and socks will have a lot of sweat smell, which is a smell for us, but it is a reassuring taste for dogs. It is precisely because the dog loves you that he wants to have your smell around him, so that he will feel more secure.

Does the dog really love you? Dog loves you have 7 actions, there is scientific evidence that it loves you, is there scientific evidence that the dog loves us? Second, can the dog sense the love of the owner? How do dogs express their love?

5. Seek physical contact

Some studies have shown that dogs don't like to touch their heads and hug, and while there's some truth to that, most dogs just don't like strangers doing it to them. In fact, many dogs are happy to have physical contact with their owners, and even take the initiative to ask their owners to touch it. When the owner comes home, the dog may also be particularly excited to greet you and pounce on you, which is a sign that the dog loves you.

6. Give the owner toys

If the dog is willing to give the beloved toy to the owner, it is generally a sign of love for you. Of course, sometimes the dog will also take the initiative to put the toy at the owner's feet, which may be to play with you, or it may be showing you its favorite things.

7. The dog sniffs the owner

Some dogs may be more independent and not particularly sticky to their owners, but this does not mean that dogs do not love their owners. If your dog is after going to a new environment, or suddenly sniffing the owner while walking, it may be a sign of insecurity, and he wants to smell you and make sure you are around him.

Does the dog really love you? Dog loves you have 7 actions, there is scientific evidence that it loves you, is there scientific evidence that the dog loves us? Second, can the dog sense the love of the owner? How do dogs express their love?

In general, although the owner may not feel it, the dog's love for you is really valuable. However, this is not to say that the owner can prostitute the dog's love, if you want to deepen the relationship between the dog and the owner, snacks, toys, companionship are essential. Of course, dogs do please their owners for snacks, but most dogs prefer their owners' petting and praise. Do you usually feel the love of your dog for you?

Scientific pet, on [giant small cute]. Daily uninterrupted dog knowledge to solve your doubts, practical and effective dog training tips, to help you better raise dogs.

Does the dog really love you? Dog loves you have 7 actions, there is scientific evidence that it loves you, is there scientific evidence that the dog loves us? Second, can the dog sense the love of the owner? How do dogs express their love?
bibliography: marinelli l, adamelli s, normando s, et al. quality of life of the pet dog: influence of owner and dog's characteristics[j]. applied animal behaviour science, 2007, 108(1-2): 143-156.

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