
The cooperative received dividends, increased income, got rich, and smiled

author:Zalut Fusion

"The co-op dividend!" On October 10, the conference room of the old Dusumu Xiretu Gacha Party Center on the Zarut Banner Road was bustling with activity. Originally, the Zarut Banner Yizhong Planting Professional Cooperative was holding a dividend meeting here, and distributed a dividend of 1,000 yuan per share to the 16 farmers who had invested in the shares, with a total dividend amount of 670,000 yuan.

The cooperative received dividends, increased income, got rich, and smiled

On the conference table, cash was neatly arranged, and the farmers who joined the shares were smiling happily, receiving dividends in turn, signing and pressing their handprints on the dividend payment list, a lively scene.

The cooperative received dividends, increased income, got rich, and smiled

Arata, a villager in his 60s, has entrusted all of his family's cultivated land to the cooperative for management and management, and this dividend is about the same as the income from his own farming every year. But I didn't work, I didn't contribute, I didn't have any risk, I got so much money, it was all cost-effective. "I used to work very hard when I farmed, and the income wasn't very high. Since I took 45 acres of land into the cooperative, I have no worries about planting land and watering, and the cooperative has helped us take care of it. In my spare time, I can also do some odd jobs, and I earn a lot of money a year. Arata said happily, holding the dividend he had just received.

The cooperative received dividends, increased income, got rich, and smiled

In order to further drive the villagers to increase production and income, Siretu Gacha took the strengthening of the collective economy as the starting point, and through the development model of "party branch + enterprise + farmer", established the Zarut Banner Yizhong Planting Professional Cooperative in 2020, established an interest connection mechanism with 16 farmers, developed the planting industry according to local conditions, and led the villagers to the road to prosperity. At present, the cooperative has a total of 670 acres of land, with an annual net income of more than 670,000 yuan and a cumulative dividend of 870,000 yuan.

The cooperative received dividends, increased income, got rich, and smiled

Dolji, chairman of the cooperative, told reporters: "In the next step, we will expand the scale, absorb more farmers, further improve the operating system, steadily promote and scientific development, plant some high-efficiency peanuts and other crops, solve the problem of lack of labor and lack of funds, let more farmers join the cooperative, and let more farmers benefit." (Dalkhan)