
#Short Story Contest #Like City Hunter written Fandom: Torn Heart (10)

author:Summer flower tanuki cat

10 The selfishness of Soji

Incense leaned against the stern, away from the noisy crowds on deck. The sea breeze was a little cool on her body, and she pulled her clothes tight. Looking up at the sky, the sky was like a black silk cloth shrouded in the sky, there was no moonlight or starlight, the black was dull, and it felt as if it was going to rain. However, in this case, the fireworks should be more gorgeous.

Thinking of the fierce di xiang xiang unconsciously showed a helpless and sweet smile on his face. She knew that the crowd would accidentally push her down, but it was too much of a fuss, and if she was careful enough, she could still avoid the crazy crowd.

#Short Story Contest #Like City Hunter written Fandom: Torn Heart (10)

He had always been a little nervous since he had established a relationship with him, and if he had changed before, he would have mercilessly mocked her, saying that she was like a personal demon who would only frighten people, or advising her not to go to crowded places.

In fact, what Shizuko Yamaguchi was really afraid of was that Shizuko Yamaguchi was secretly doing bad to her, and he was afraid that she would be hurt again. He was also afraid of Inoue's courtesy and abducted her, of course, he would not tell Kaoru these concerns.

Inoue lined up the crowd and came to Kaoru with two cocktails.

Xiang took a sip of the cocktail handed to him by Soji. Xiang looked at Chong'er and thought: What a gentle man. But if it weren't for Soji's side, she really wouldn't have come to the deck to watch the fireworks, after all, her foot injury was really inconvenient, and anyone who touched it could fall. Think about what it would be like if the beast knew she didn't listen to him and hurt herself?

It was almost midnight and the atmosphere on the deck was at its peak, and people raised their hands and began to count down loudly.

"Ten... Nine..."

Xiang also began to feel excited, stretched his neck to look in the direction of the stage, and the fireworks show was about to begin.

Suddenly, several big men came out of the crowd and surrounded Xiang and Chong'er, and Xiang professionally stepped forward and stood in front of Chong'er's body, and several black hole hole guns directly pressed against the waist of the two of them. One of the big men said threateningly, "Dare to speak out, and immediately make a hole in your body." No one can hear you now. ”

#Short Story Contest #Like City Hunter written Fandom: Torn Heart (10)

Indeed, at this moment, the crowd on the deck formed a crowd at the instigation of the host, and the high countdown sound overshadowed everything, and no matter how much the voice was ripped open, it would be suppressed by the boiling human voice. Even if she pushed down one or two big men, Xiang knew that her injuries made her unable to run a few steps, and the crowd would not notice them. She could only wait for the opportunity and wait for the opportunity to move.

Inoue Was not so flustered, he took a step forward to protect the incense without a trace, after all, the heir of the great chaebol had seen the big wind and waves. He made the same judgment as Xiang, and the two followed the strong men to the left side of the cruise ship, where there was almost no one.

On the left side of the cruise ship was a speedboat, and in the boat stood a tall, thin man.

The man had a rat's head, a pair of small eyes dripping and turning, a cigar in his mouth, and his eyes turned obscenely around Xiang's body. Xiang felt that the look in her eyes was like a snake, making her feel nauseous.

The man spat out a smoke ring before aiming at the person next to the incense. Both men were taken aback when they saw each other's appearance.

Chong'er quickly took a step forward and asked with an angry face, "Juntai, what are you going to do?" ”

The lewd man was none other than Junta Yamaguchi, who took a bite and asked the leader, "What's going on?" ”

The big man said nonchalantly, "The two of them are together, and if we don't bring them over, we are afraid that he will cause a commotion around us!" ”

By this time, the indignant crowd had shouted "Three... Two..."

Jun Yamaguchi couldn't drag it out any longer, and he waved his hand and immediately decided. "Take it with you!"

The big men pushed the two of them into the speedboat together, and because the movement was too rude, Xiang did not stand still and fell directly into the boat, and her right foot supported the weight of her entire body firmly, and the pain caused tears to ooze from the corners of her eyes. Her leg should have hurt more badly, but stubbornly she didn't let herself exhale.

The dinghy carried the crowd under a brilliant firework towards the dark sea.

#Short Story Contest #Like City Hunter written Fandom: Torn Heart (10)

To be continued

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