
Yang Dai: Women who are easy to obtain happiness are often good at finding "small luck" in life.

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Yang Dai's philosophy of women: Women who are easy to get happiness are often good at discovering one thing, that is... Good at discovering the "small luck" in life. In the details of life, there are often many small and definite happiness hidden, and finding these "small blessings" is easy to become a happy woman.

Yang Dai: Women who are easy to obtain happiness are often good at finding "small luck" in life.

There are actually many "small luck" in women's lives, and this happiness may stem from someone asking you with concern, "It's cold, wear more, don't get cold." "It may also come from a late night when you can't sleep, and a name or figure that is always treasured in your heart will involuntarily come to mind, and then give the other party a text message or even an expression." "It may even come from a longing, you will miss what the person who is not around is doing, whether you are like yourself, thinking about yourself."

A warm smile, a word of gratitude, a friendly look, the details of life condensed into a "small luck" bit, women want to get happiness, they must be good at finding this kind of small luck. Yang Dai is such a happy woman who is good at finding small luck in life

During the period when Yang Dai and Qian Zhongshu were separated, between Yang Dai and Qian Zhongshu, in addition to deep thoughts, was a long wait. It can be said that in addition to studying and reading, most of their time is thinking of each other's distant lovers. At this time, the best way to alleviate acacia is to use a series of letters of love to convey their "small luck".

Since knowing Yang Dai, Qian Zhongshu began to play the book he is best at, that is, to write love letters to Yang Dai, especially wrote a lot of love poems, when Yang Dai looked at these long poems with deep feelings, he would involuntarily close a few sentences. Qian Zhongshu's confession is a typical "small luck", although it is very small, but it is not inferior to the most romantic confessions in the world.

Yang Dai: Women who are easy to obtain happiness are often good at finding "small luck" in life.

In fact, love is very simple, that is, someone holds you as a treasure in the palm of your hand, although you never say "I love you", but in the details, you can always feel the "small luck" he brings you. In life, most women always like to fantasize about "great happiness" when looking for love, thinking that finding a Prince Charming, or stepping on a colorful and auspicious hero, will always be happy, but there will always be a sequel to the story, life is going on, even the prince will lose his temper, even if it is a hero, there will be times when it is not going well. Therefore, women who can live a life will never cling to chasing the "great happiness" in the fantasy, but know how to grasp the "small luck" around them.

Probably most women's vision of happiness is to be able to marry and have children with their loved ones, have a house and a car, and can often travel... However, it is often difficult to achieve their wishes after spending their life's energy, even if they are satisfied in some aspects, they will suffer heavy losses in other aspects, and as a result, in the pursuit of "happiness" on this road, the more they go.

Once, one of Yang Chen's essays received praise from many readers, and also received the five oceans of the Ta Kung Pao, which was not a small number at the time, at least it could be a beautiful meal or go out to play. But Yang Dai is a filial daughter, and his first thought is to give the first manuscript fee he has earned in his life to his family. So, she took out four yuan to buy a few pounds of crimson wool and knit a warm scarf for her mother. Her mother's skin color is fair, and when weaving this scarf, Yang Dai can always think of the beautiful figure and happy mood of her mother after wearing the scarf.

The remaining dollar was used by Yang Dai to buy the famous Tianjin Cheeselin coffee candy, along with a woven scarf. They were sent to their mother together. As she wrote in her debut work "Collecting Footprints", although Yang Dai did not know whether those good memories would be taken away after her death, at least when she was alive, she experienced the happiness brought by doing small things for her family.

Yang Dai: Women who are easy to obtain happiness are often good at finding "small luck" in life.

As said in the book "Yang Chen's Women's Philosophy", not only love, but also the "small luck" in life can be seen everywhere, even if it is a ray of sunshine that shines into life, or a scenery that moves you, etc., can make you feel a little happiness. Everything in the world contains rich emotions, whether it is blue sky and white clouds, or flowers and trees are gifts from Heaven, just like romantic love and warm affection, becoming the most beautiful embellishment in everyone's life.

Yang Dai's Woman's Philosophy (Classic Bestseller) ¥29.9 Purchase

If happiness also has life, then it will surely take root in the hearts of people who know how to cherish, grow day by day under their careful care, and eventually harvest more happiness. If you pay attention, you will see the figure of happiness in the details, at this time, you must cherish it and grasp it without hesitation.

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