
Why is it said that the "three sisters and six wives" in the countryside are not ordinary people, what do they do?


In the countryside, there are "seven aunts and eight aunts" to show that the family is prosperous, but it is rarely said that there are "three sisters and six wives" in the family, because "seven aunts and eight aunts" refer to various female relatives in the family, while "three aunts and six wives" are not ordinary people, they specifically refer to the 9 major female occupations in the countryside in the past. So "three sisters and six wives", which "three sisters" and which "six wives"? What the hell are they doing?

Why is it said that the "three sisters and six wives" in the countryside are not ordinary people, what do they do?

In the past, rural women were influenced by traditional etiquette and rarely showed their faces, and it was the right thing to do at home to teach their husbands and children. But there are also women who are forced to pursue occupations for a living. Tao Zongyi of the Ming Dynasty recorded 9 female occupations as "three sisters and six wives".

Why is it said that the "three sisters and six wives" in the countryside are not ordinary people, what do they do?

The three sisters are Daogu, nun, and guagu. Daogu is a woman in the Taoist temple, also known as Xiangu. Nuns, no strangers to everyone, refer to the female monks in the temple. Guagu is a woman who makes a living from fortune telling and divination.

Why is it said that the "three sisters and six wives" in the countryside are not ordinary people, what do they do?

The six wives are mainly, the tooth woman, the matchmaker, the witch, the pious woman, the medicine woman, and the stable woman. Dentist refers to the women in the countryside who used to buy and sell people for a living, but now there are fewer and fewer.

Why is it said that the "three sisters and six wives" in the countryside are not ordinary people, what do they do?

There are many women in the countryside who are now engaged in this profession, and they mainly match men and women to achieve marriage, and the evaluation of this profession is relatively good. Witches, also known as teachers, often pretended to be a god and made a ghost, and lived by drawing spells and chanting spells, and now the countryside has disappeared.

Why is it said that the "three sisters and six wives" in the countryside are not ordinary people, what do they do?

The pious woman, mainly referring to the old bustard in the Green House, has not been accepted by the world. Medicine women generally mainly refer to the medicine women, they are not curative to save people, but to provide medicine to harm others. Stable mother, also known as the "midwife" in the countryside, has also been replaced by regular doctors with the improvement of medical conditions.

【Daxiang】Focus on agriculture, rural areas, farmers, and pursue the local and nostalgia in your memory!