
One of Han Yu's most acclaimed seven-law poems | Youlan Jushi's interpretation of the poem

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Han Yu was one of the initiators of the Tang Dynasty Ancient Literature Movement, the head of the "Eight Great Masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties", known as the "Giant Duke of Articles" and "Hundred Dynasties of Wenzong". Among the seven laws of poetry he composed, especially "Left Moved to Languan to Show His Nephew Sun Xiang" is most praised by posterity.

One of Han Yu's most acclaimed seven-law poems | Youlan Jushi's interpretation of the poem

Left moved to Languan to show his nephew Sun Xiang

[Tang] Han Yu

A letter to the Ninth Heaven, the sunset degraded Chaozhou Road eight thousand.

In order to eliminate the evils of the saints, Ken will decay and waste his life.

Where is the home of the cloud across the Qinling Mountains, and the snow embraces the blue and the horses do not move forward.

Knowing that Ruyuan should be intentional, so as to collect my bones by the river.

One of Han Yu's most acclaimed seven-law poems | Youlan Jushi's interpretation of the poem


Left Shift: This refers to degraded officials.

Blue Pass: Blue Field Pass.

Xiang: Han Yu's nephew Han Xiang.

A letter: Han Yu's advice to Tang Xianzong,"Table of Buddha Bones".

Asahi (zhāo): Morning.

Chóng Heaven: This refers to the Emperor.

Road Eight Thousand: The way is far away.

Qinling: In the southeast of Lantian County.

Miasma River: A miasma river that means Chaozhou.


In the early dynasty, the emperor fainted and did not buy it, and then demoted me to Chaozhou, how can I be confused about the eight thousand miles? I have a loyal heart, I want to remove the obstacles for the country, and I am not afraid that this body is old, so why sacrifice my life for righteousness?

The smoke clouds obscured the Qinling Mountains, and where was my heart worried about going? Heavy snow was blowing in the way, and the horses were roaring in no direction. But the nephew and grandson came to accompany him, and he also knew what Han Xiang thought in his heart, and he didn't want to come back alive and collect my body in miasma river!

One of Han Yu's most acclaimed seven-law poems | Youlan Jushi's interpretation of the poem


In the first month of the fourteenth year of Tang Yuanhe, Tang Xianzong ordered a section of Buddha bones from Famen Temple to be welcomed into the palace for worship, and Han Yue Shangshu, who was then serving as a servant of the Punishment Department, advised Tang Xianzong not to be superstitious about Buddhism and mislead the country, so he angered Tang Xianzong and decided to execute Han Yu, and after Pei Du and others interceded, he was spared the death penalty and demoted to Chaozhou. On the way to Chaozhou, when he reached Lantian Pass, his nephew Han Xiang rushed to accompany him, and the poet wrote this poem with feelings, expressing his anger and sadness and his unswerving loyalty.

To understand this poem, we have to mention the "Table of The Bones of the Buddha", Li Guangdi said in the "Selected Poems of Rongcun Village": "The Table of Buddha Bones" is a lonely reflection of the ages, and this poem is worthy of it. Due to space limitations, I will not introduce them here.

The reason why the poet was devalued was a sonata. The contrast between "Chao Song" and "Sunset Depreciation" was strong, and the "Buddha Bone Table" was played in the morning, which provoked Long Yan to be angry and almost executed, and at night he asked to get up and go to Chaozhou, which not only explained the speed of the time he was degraded, but also explained the degree of anger of the emperor.

The jaws are associated with the mood of the poet. His original intention was to "eliminate evil things" for the imperial court, but he got such a fate, expressing the poet's anger and dissatisfaction. Nevertheless, the poet is "willing to decay and die", even if he is old and weak, but his loyalty to the country will not change.

The neck joint is lyrical. "Cloud Horizontal" obscured his vision, and "Snow Embrace" blocked his way forward. In this way, the poet expressed his feeling that his proposition was not recognized by the emperor, and his life path was as faint as this trip. "Where is the home" expresses the poet's confusion about his future destination, and "Ma BuQian" expresses the poet's hesitation and hesitation.

The tail link expresses the poet's grief and persistence. From the environmental point of view, lingnan miasma is full of miasma, and there is less evil in this way; from the perspective of career, it is not known whether the emperor will add to himself in the future. Of course, Han Xiang knew this result. But at this time, the poet has put life and death aside, insisting that even if he dies, he will not regret it, and it is a big deal to "collect the bones and miasma by the river"!

This poem has been highly evaluated by posterity, such as: Wang Sen's "Selected Poems of Han Liu" commented: Extremely poignant feelings, not long loyal love, how can this kind of poem reduce the will of "Wind" and "Riot"? Ji Yun's "Yingkui Law Essence Review" commentary: The language is extremely poignant, but it is not fading. Three or four sentences are the bones of a piece, and the last two sentences are confiscated. Yu His Majesty Yun's "A Brief Commentary on the Poetic Realm" commented: Chang Li's article temperament is shocking and tang, that is, with this poetic theory, the righteous spirit, the sound of the ground, tang xian concentration is unique.

Text/Youlan Jushi Photo/From the Network

This article is original by Youlan Jushi, welcome to pay attention, take you along with long knowledge!

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