
Dinner a plate of fried mushrooms, a family of four began to vomit... note! These mushrooms should never be touched

author:Beiqing Net

"Red umbrella umbrella, white pole pole..." This familiar tune makes everyone realize that eating poisonous mushrooms has unimaginable consequences.

Dinner a plate of fried mushrooms, a family of four began to vomit... note! These mushrooms should never be touched

Last week's typhoon day, the wind and rain just passed the season when the mushrooms grew, and there was not another family of four tricks

Dinner a plate of fried mushrooms

A family of four began to vomit

On the evening of the 15th, After Eating Dinner, Mr. Zhang (pseudonym) felt a little nauseous. His wife, son, and daughter-in-law also began to nauseous and vomit. This question only knew that the fried mushrooms for dinner were not bought by the supermarket, but were picked by his wife when she was exercising in Xiantong Sports Park. The family realized something was wrong and immediately went to the hospital.

Dinner a plate of fried mushrooms, a family of four began to vomit... note! These mushrooms should never be touched

Mr. Zhang (pseudonym)

Before leaving, I had a seizure and threw up. When I hit it, I threw up again. The car went to the hospital door and threw up again, it should have been eight times.

Mushrooms retrieved with experience

Causes mushroom poisoning

Due to the seriousness of his condition, Mr. Zhang's (pseudonym) family was transferred to Shenzhen People's Hospital that night. The emergency department doctor found that the main manifestations of the four patients were gastroenteritis and dehydration, and the problem appeared on this plate of mushrooms.

Dinner a plate of fried mushrooms, a family of four began to vomit... note! These mushrooms should never be touched

I have also picked and eaten in the countryside, and I have picked it up and eaten it casually, and there is nothing wrong, but this time the situation is different.

Bo Chengwen

Director of the Emergency Department of Shenzhen People's Hospital

Combined with his medical history, we ate mushrooms from the wild, and at that time, according to the basic principles of mushroom poisoning treatment, we still washed his stomach. Then the adsorption of activated charcoal was done, and some biochemical tests were done to assess the damage to his organ function, and then immediately gave him a booster rehydration.

Four people developed gastroenteritis

Two developed pancreatic damage

The next day, Mr. Zhang asked his friend to go to Xiantong Sports Park and picked mushrooms from the side of the road. Experts initially judged that it may be a poisonous mushroom called a large green fold umbrella, which caused four people to be poisoned, and its main manifestation is gastroenteritis toxinous mushroom poisoning.

Dinner a plate of fried mushrooms, a family of four began to vomit... note! These mushrooms should never be touched

They eat a particularly large variety of mushrooms, several of which are available. So in addition to gastroenteritis-type toxins, there may be some psychodigmatogenicity. But these patients are fine, in the process, there is no obvious change in mental symptoms, the abdomen condition has improved, but we have a significant pancreatic damage through blood tests


Do not pick or eat mushrooms on the side of the road

At present, three members of the family of four have recovered and returned home, and Mr. Zhang, who is the most ill, is also recovering and is expected to be discharged from the hospital in a few days. Recently, the reporter also went to the Xiantong Sports Park, and saw some wild mushrooms on both sides of the hiking trail and on the lawn under the mountain. These mushrooms look similar to those sold in supermarkets.

Dinner a plate of fried mushrooms, a family of four began to vomit... note! These mushrooms should never be touched

Don't go out into the wild to eat mushrooms, no matter how experienced you are, whether you've eaten them before or not, don't eat mushrooms from the wild. If we eat mushrooms from the wild, we must go to the hospital in time.

Random eating of wild mushroom poisoning has long been not a case, and many similar cases have been reported in the field before ↓↓ Guangdong grandchildren 3 people who ate this kind of thing unfortunately died... Important: Don't eat "dangerous temptations"! After the typhoon, a large area of the Xianhu Botanical Garden appeared, don't touch it!

According to statistics, the national poisoning mortality rate of poisonous mushroom poisoning is as high as 21.24%!

In fact, many types of poisonous mushrooms are yin to poisonous, even deadly!

When I encounter these "poisonous mushrooms", I am afraid that I am not so lucky

Some will really make you "see" things

1. "See" the villain

Trick "poisonous mushroom"

Poisonous mushrooms such as poisonous fly umbrella, leopard spot poisonous umbrella, horn scale gray umbrella, stinky yellow mushroom and porcini mushroom.

Dinner a plate of fried mushrooms, a family of four began to vomit... note! These mushrooms should never be touched

Powder spore porcini mushrooms have been found in Phoenix Mountain, Biling and Wutong Mountain in Shenzhen

Symptoms appear

In addition to having a mild gastrointestinal reaction, it will also —

Drooling, tears, profuse sweating, miosis, slow pulse, etc.,

In particular, bovine liver mushroom, after accidental ingestion, will appear villainous vision (that is, will see "villain"), delirium and other symptoms, some have persecution delusions, similar to schizophrenia.

2. Acute liver injury

Some species of Amanita, Umbellifera, and Ringworm.

In recent years, the highly toxic amanita that has caused poisoning deaths in China mainly include: gray pattern amanita, deadly amanita, pale red amanita, false red amanita, cracked skin amanita, etc.

Dinner a plate of fried mushrooms, a family of four began to vomit... note! These mushrooms should never be touched

In particular, Amanita spp., the vast majority of these poisonous mushrooms cause people to die of poisoning.

Accidentally eating this poisonous mushroom, there will be a false healing period between 48 and 72 hours, all symptoms disappear, easy to cause a recovery illusion to doctors and patients,

If effective treatment is not obtained, the vast majority of patients will die within 5 to 16 days after accidental ingestion.

3. Acute renal failure

Some species of olatoxin-containing filamentous bacteria and some species of Amanita species.

Acute kidney damage caused by Amanita spp. is common, and the main species are: Pseudohynthea amanita, Amanita barefoot, Amanita analypsum, and Pseudohynthea monnieri.

Dinner a plate of fried mushrooms, a family of four began to vomit... note! These mushrooms should never be touched

Vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal pain and other gastrointestinal symptoms,

At the same time, the increase in hepatic transaminases is about 15 times the upper limit of normal, the liver function is moderately impaired, and the patient will have acute tubular interstitial nephropathy, oliguria or anuria.

4. Gastroenteritis

Large green fold umbrella, papillary green fold umbrella, reticulate sea porcini mushroom, fat-footed white ghost umbrella, poisonous new porcini mushroom, yellow powder boletus, Japanese red mushroom, etc.

Dinner a plate of fried mushrooms, a family of four began to vomit... note! These mushrooms should never be touched

Nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, and possibly anxiety, sweating, chills, and rapid heartbeat.

Most of the time these symptoms resolve on their own, but also go to the hospital as soon as possible.

5. Hemolytic disease

Deer mushroom, also known as saddle mushroom, contains saddle mushroom acid, which has a strong hemolytic effect.

Dinner a plate of fried mushrooms, a family of four began to vomit... note! These mushrooms should never be touched

Nausea, vomiting, epigastric pain and diarrhea. Soon after, the person's urine is reduced or even aneguished, and hemoglobin appears in the urine and anemia appears.

Hemolysis can lead to complications including acute renal failure, shock, acute respiratory failure, and diffuse intravascular coagulation, which can significantly increase mortality.

6. Rhabdomyolysis

Oily yellow mushroom, sub-thin pleated red mushroom

Dinner a plate of fried mushrooms, a family of four began to vomit... note! These mushrooms should never be touched

Oily yellow mushroom

Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fatigue.

Subsequently, muscle spastic pain, limb weakness, pronounced low back pain, muscle soreness, chest tightness, palpitations, shortness of breath, hematuria or hemoglobinuria, soy sauce colored urine,

Severe cases eventually lead to death from multiple organ failure.

7. Photoallergic dermatitis

Staphyllum, Phylloscopus phylloscopus

Dinner a plate of fried mushrooms, a family of four began to vomit... note! These mushrooms should never be touched

Staphyllum blastomyces

"Sunburn" like redness, swelling, heat, itching, burning pain, began to feel more facial muscle twitches, fire-like fever, fingers and toes pain,

In severe cases, the skin appears granular spots, pinprick pain, itching unbearable,

Symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, fatigue, and dyspnea are accompanied by nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, etc., which can be aggravated in sunlight.

The field reminds you

Don't be casual or "experienced"

Pick and eat wild mushrooms!

Part of the source: Shenzhen Municipal Health Commission

First scene, one Shenzhen client reporter: Yang Yuran

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