
Is bracken poisoned or carcinogenic? For the health of the family, do not forget that these 2 steps of bracken contain 2b carcinogens before eating vegetables are exquisite

author:39 expert rumor-busting groups

Spring is in full bloom, it is the season when bracken is on the market, many people love the tender taste of bracken, but recently there is a saying that eating too much bracken will cause cancer and make people panic, so does bracken really contain carcinogens? Will eating too much really cause cancer? Today, Xiao Ai will give you a good explanation.

Bracken is a wild vegetable commonly found in rural fields, known as the "king of wild vegetables" and "longevity vegetables", and the main edible part is the unexplored young leaf buds. Bracken contains carotene, vitamins, potassium, calcium, amino acids and other nutrients, after treatment of bracken, the taste is refreshing, rich in nutrients, is a delicious dish on the table of ordinary people.

Is bracken poisoned or carcinogenic? For the health of the family, do not forget that these 2 steps of bracken contain 2b carcinogens before eating vegetables are exquisite

In recent years, there have been many rumors of "bracken causing cancer", which has made some bracken lovers discouraged from bracken. The study found that bracken contains protoferns as class 2b carcinogens, with bracken having the highest content in its rhizomes, followed by leaves. Animal tests have shown that bracken is associated with stomach cancer, bowel cancer, breast cancer and many other cancers. So, is bracken really not edible? Not really.

Huang Ke, a professor in the Vegetable Department of the College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture of Hunan Agricultural University, said that the risk of bracken is related to the intake, on the one hand, the protofern content of bracken is very low, only 0.1%-0.6% in the dry matter of fern; on the other hand, bracken will greatly reduce the content of protofern after repeated cleaning. That is to say, after eating 0.5-3.5 kg of bracken every day, and eating it for 20 years, it is possible to cause cancer. In real life, however, this is almost impossible. Therefore, when bracken is on the market, as long as it is correctly processed and the amount of intake is controlled, it is not impossible to taste it.

Before eating bracken, repeatedly wash it with water, blanch the water again, and then stir-fry, you can greatly reduce the content of harmful substances in bracken. If you want to eat cold mix bracken, you can wash the bracken before eating, then blanch it with boiling water, and then cut it off.

Bracken can be mixed and fried cold, and can also be made into fern root powder. Bracken root powder is made by extracting the starch from the root of bracken and washing, drying and grinding the root of bracken. Like bracken, bracken root powder can also be eaten, and its carcinogenic risk can be effectively reduced by strictly controlling intake.

Is bracken poisoned or carcinogenic? For the health of the family, do not forget that these 2 steps of bracken contain 2b carcinogens before eating vegetables are exquisite

In daily life, in addition to paying more attention before eating bracken, the consumption of toon, yellow cauliflower and beans should also be more careful.

1. Toon

Toon is crisp and nutritious, and scrambled eggs and fried toon are rare delicacies. However, since the content of nitrate and nitrite in toon is higher than that of ordinary vegetables, some people say that toon can cause cancer.

First of all, it needs to be clear that any carcinogen that does not talk about doses is a hooligan. Studies have shown that the content of nitrite in toon is very low, far from reaching the dose of carcinogenic. As long as it is blanched before eating, or eat buds without eating leaves, and do not eat overnight toon, and eat in moderation, it will not endanger the health of the body.

2. Broccoli

Often eat yellow cauliflower, can stop bleeding and anti-inflammatory, bright eyes, clear heat and dampness, but eat wrong is very dangerous. Both fresh broccoli and dried broccoli contain a certain amount of colchicine.

After colchicine is digested by the stomach and intestines, it will form a highly toxic dicoccampus. According to studies, eating 3 mg of colchicine will be poisoned, and eating 20 mg of colchicine can be fatal.

Therefore, when eating yellow cauliflower, it should be noted that if it is fresh broccoli, the flower buds with the highest content of colchicine should be removed, and then soaked in lightly salted water for about 1 hour, and then blanched.

If it is sun-dried yellow cauliflower, after dehydration, drying and other processes, the content of colchicine has been greatly reduced, you can eat it with confidence, but also remember not to eat too much.

Is bracken poisoned or carcinogenic? For the health of the family, do not forget that these 2 steps of bracken contain 2b carcinogens before eating vegetables are exquisite

3. Beans

The beans are not fried, and after eating, they will cause symptoms of nausea, vomiting and other poisoning. Studies have shown that raw beans contain saponins and plant lectins, which can irritate the gastrointestinal mucosa and cause gastrointestinal discomfort. Therefore, the beans must be fried thoroughly and cannot be eaten raw to avoid the risk of poisoning. In addition, try to choose the more tender one, because the older the carob, the more toxins there are.

Most vegetables are rich in various nutrients necessary for the human body, and eating more is good for the body, but the premise is to pay attention to food safety. Before we eat any vegetable, we must fully understand the correct way to eat, while adhering to the principle of "moderate consumption", taking food diversification as the ultimate goal, and not eating a single food for a long time. #Breeze Project ##Rumor Zero Plan ##人人关注肾健康 #

Resources [1] Bracken 100% carcinogenic? Expert: Don't worry, you can eat in moderation. Changsha Evening News.2018-03-28

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