
Gillette pork chops that drooled when I saw it! !️ It turns out to be super simple! !️

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Gillette pork chops that drooled when I saw it! !️ It turns out to be super simple! !️

My daughter loves to eat Japanese food, and one of the dishes is a long-term dish, that is, Gillette pork chop. In the shop, a Gillette pork chop set meal, usually forty or fifty pieces, I always thought it was difficult to make, but until I looked at the recipe - I found that this turned out to be a fast dish that can be prepared in 30 minutes, 5 steps, both simple and delicious! Finally, squeezed in the salad dressing, my daughter immediately ate it with relish, and told me: "Never go out to eat Gillette pork chops again." ”

By Hai ge da cuisine

Tenderloin (naked eye) 650 g

Salt 2 g

1 scoop of starch

1 scoop of soy sauce

1 scoop of cooking wine

Breadcrumbs 100 g

2 eggs

Gillette pork chops that drooled when I saw it! !️ It turns out to be super simple! !️

1: Prepare a large piece of tenderloin, cut into thick slices of more than one centimeter, and then use a special meat hammer to knock softly

Gillette pork chops that drooled when I saw it! !️ It turns out to be super simple! !️

2、 Then add 2 grams of salt, 4 grams of starch, 5 grams of soy sauce, 5 grams of cooking wine, stir well by hand, and marinate for another 30 minutes (you can also use it after stirring)

Gillette pork chops that drooled when I saw it! !️ It turns out to be super simple! !️

3: Marinate the sliced meat, glue the egg mixture and roll a circle of breadcrumbs

Gillette pork chops that drooled when I saw it! !️ It turns out to be super simple! !️

4, pour more oil into the pot, heat well in advance, about 130 ° 40% oil temperature can then put the meat slices wrapped in bread chaff about 1 minute to turn over, fry for three or four minutes can be served

Gillette pork chops that drooled when I saw it! !️ It turns out to be super simple! !️

5, look at this golden color, is it very tempting? After cutting, the outer skin is crispy, the inside is tight and juicy and not tough, and the operation is very simple, so let's try it

Cut meat slices should not be too thick, not too thin, too thick to fry for a long time, too thin is easy to overcook, when eating the taste is not thick texture is good

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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