
Cadets of the military academy are physically competent and do not obey to fight

author:The People's Liberation Army News and Communication Center integrates the media

Source China Military Network

Military academy cadets, as a special group, than their peers to pay more, they use sweat to water the land, with youth to cast loyalty, four years of military school life not only gave them a strong style, solid military skills, but also forged a strong physique for them, today let us walk into them together, see how they are hardened, refined into steel!

Cadets of the military academy are physically competent and do not obey to fight

Wu Heng - look up at the stars and be down-to-earth.

"I like the feeling of carrying the barbell with all my strength." This one-meter-eight-five Anhui young man actually has no outstanding physical talent, and compared with the body from thin to strong, the continuous transcendence of the heart is the reason for his perseverance. In the battlefield of the "Jingwu-2016" military project confrontation, he did not have outstanding physical fitness, relying on a solid foundation of strength and the composure and calmness honed by time, he cooperated with the team members to defeat the opponent in one fell swoop and achieve good results. The accumulation of quantitative changes will cause qualitative changes to occur, just like his favorite NBA player "Stone Buddha" Duncan, constantly polishing the basic skills, honing the body, time will not live up to the accumulation. On the road to a strong army, you and I are ordinary people, so use this persistence to gather the strength of the battle!

(Zheng Jinhao, Zhang Xiutian photo report)

Cadets of the military academy are physically competent and do not obey to fight

Wang Yukun — If you want to get something you've never gotten, you have to do something you've never done.

During his studies at the school, he was selected for the Galaxy Special Forces team with excellent physical fitness. In 2015, he participated in the Warrior Cup training of the all-army academic colleges, during which he dared to fight and forged a strong military skill. He has participated in the "Strong Army 2015" Military Skills Competition, the "Sword Eagle 2016" Military Skills Competition, the "United Elite 2016" Military Skills Competition of the whole army, etc., and won more than ten individual and group awards. In 2016, when he visited our school at West Point, he gave a military skill report performance for the president of West Point, and with his outstanding military skills and combat skills, he has repeatedly built miracles in major military competitions, injecting his own fresh blood into the great goal of strengthening the army and rejuvenating the army!

Cadets of the military academy are physically competent and do not obey to fight

[Fitness Coach] Ding Yuanhang - Everyone has a dream, I just chose the one I am most proud of.

Obviously, you can eat by your looks, but you have to rely on your talent. As a national fourth-level fitness coach, he loves sports, actively trains, grasps the time to learn sports fitness and scientific training knowledge, applies fitness skills to group training and training, and helps comrades improve their physical fitness level. At the same time, he emerged in the discipline competition, won the second prize of the International Undergraduate Mathematical Modeling Competition, and was rated as an outstanding student of the college for three consecutive years. Jingwu can win the war, determined to strengthen the army bravely, he uses the sweat of hard work and the spirit of hard work to interpret the true meaning of inspiring and strong army!

Cadets of the military academy are physically competent and do not obey to fight

【Amphibious Frogman】 Li Cha ming - sweat and honor are the fanghua that belongs to the soldiers.

During his studies at the school, he was selected to join the Galaxy Special Forces with his excellent physical fitness, participated in many training camps, competed for the All-Army Warriors Cup, and won the School Strong Army Cup. During the training period, he dared to fight, studied hard, mastered the comprehensive underwater combat such as armed crossing and scuba diving, in order to master the diving technology, he used the summer break time to train in the school, four hours a day soaked in the pool, after nearly a month of groping and polishing, finally obtained the international diving qualification certificate with high gold content. In order to prepare for the battle, he also passed the national fitness instructor professional qualification certification in his spare time, implemented the scientific theory in the daily training work, and made his own contribution to the strong military cause in ordinary posts!

Cadets of the military academy are physically competent and do not obey to fight

【Physical Almighty King】Wu Haoyu - adhere to loyalty, do not forget the original heart, rain or shine, and forge ahead.

This Balangzi from Xinjiang loves basketball, swimming, long-distance marathon, shooting and obstacle courses and other sports, and has represented the cadet team in the Jingwu 2014 military project confrontation and achieved excellent results, paying hard sweat, but feeling happy for it. Persistence is his label, even if a simple set of push-ups, before going to bed every day to insist on doing a full 100, for five years without interruption. As the backbone of group training, he is also keen to study training methods, pay attention to the core strength and coordination exercises while training endurance and speed, and study his own set of group training and relaxation methods through practice. He said, "Training is to maintain a healthy life state and a positive attitude in the busy study work, even if you encounter difficulties and setbacks, feel sad and depressed, you can regroup and keep moving forward!" ”。

Cadets of the military academy are physically competent and do not obey to fight