
The leaf diving moth is coming again! Now there is no prevention, the September outbreak, but also with ulcer disease

author:Fertilizer rings

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The leaf diving moth is coming again! Now there is no prevention, the September outbreak, but also with ulcer disease

No prizes to guess

What is this picture above?

That's right, it's the familiar one again! Leafminer moths are coming! Looking at this graph again, the above is marked with three times when the leafminer moth breeds peak. Leafminer moths have three high incidence periods a year, the most serious of which is from late August to early September, when the insect population is frighteningly large. We need to do a good job of early prevention.

The leaf diving moth is coming again! Now there is no prevention, the September outbreak, but also with ulcer disease

Its harm

Leafminer moths are mainly harmful to the new shoots, shoots and young shoots of citrus fruit trees, and larvae sneak under the epidermis of young citrus leaf tips to feed. The growth of new shoots is not full, affecting the tree potential and flowering and fruiting in the following year. A small number of victim fruits are perishable, which directly affects yield and quality.

The leaf diving moth is coming again! Now there is no prevention, the September outbreak, but also with ulcer disease

The symptoms of the harm of leafminer moths are very obvious, the hatching larvae bite through the bottom of the egg shell, moth into the epidermis, while mothting and excreting, forming a curved worm path, the leaves can not grow normally and curl the leaves, when the damage is serious, all the new leaves curl into a barrel.

However, because the citrus leafminer moth is small in size, it is difficult to find, and the harmful symptoms can only be determined after they appear, and it is easy to miss the critical period of prevention and control and lead to poor prevention and control.

The leaf diving moth is coming again! Now there is no prevention, the September outbreak, but also with ulcer disease
The leaf diving moth is coming again! Now there is no prevention, the September outbreak, but also with ulcer disease

This hospitable leafminer moth often brings along his good brothers, red spiders and rusty ticks.

Leaf curls caused by leafminer moths provide a wintering and shelter for red spiders and rusty ticks. At present, most of the acaricides are touch-killed, and red spiders and rusty ticks are hidden in the curly leaves, making it difficult for the agent to reach and causing the control effect to be unsatisfactory.

The leaf diving moth is coming again! Now there is no prevention, the September outbreak, but also with ulcer disease

And that's not enough, the leafminer moth will also bring a little gift - canker disease. Leafminer moths cause a large number of wounds on citrus, facilitating the invasion of canker bacteria, which is often one of the triggers for the occurrence of canker disease.

The leaf diving moth is coming again! Now there is no prevention, the September outbreak, but also with ulcer disease

Canker disease caused by leafminer moths

The leaf diving moth is coming again! Now there is no prevention, the September outbreak, but also with ulcer disease

Leafminer moth wounds infect ulcers

Prevention and control methods

1. Control the scattered branches and promote the unification of the branches. When the young shoots grow to 1 to 2 cm, the whole plant is erased with sporadic new slights, about 1 time every 5 days, several times in a row, to promote the neat withdrawal of the shoots; 2, grasp the occurrence law, choose to release the shoots uniformly at the low peak of the adult;

3. Seize the key period to spray the drug to protect the tip. When a large number of autumn shoots germinate and young shoots grow to about 1 cm, they should be sprayed immediately for protection, sprayed at night to control adult insects, and sprayed against larvae in the afternoon on sunny days;

4. Pay attention to the coverage time of the agent, timely replenishment, spray once every 5 to 7 days, spray 2 to 3 times in a row, to avoid the occurrence of a gap period and be endangered;

5. Use pesticides with compound systemic drugs during the peak period, or use dosage forms with a long effective period;

6. Recommended agents: chlorofluoride thiamethoxazine, chlorofluoride thiamethoxam, methioside avi + thiamethoxine, cyanothrin + pyremidine, bromocyanide thiamethoxine + silicone, etc.

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The leaf diving moth is coming again! Now there is no prevention, the September outbreak, but also with ulcer disease

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