
The strange pairing courtship of the animal kingdom, the last one destroys the three views

Male hippocampus has a pouch, and the female hippocampus injects eggs into the male hippocampus's pouch through her genitals, and the birth of the baby is done by the male hippocampus.

The strange pairing courtship of the animal kingdom, the last one destroys the three views

Bird of Paradise: The male of the bird of paradise is extremely noisy, because it is beautiful, and when courtship is even more chaotic, it will dance in the open space, or that kind of ballet dance, in order to attract females. And because of polygamy, females are never rejected.

The strange pairing courtship of the animal kingdom, the last one destroys the three views

Tamarin: The common family form of this monkey is that of a wife and a husband, because they have a high chance of giving birth to twins, so the mother usually finds two males to take care of the children.

The strange pairing courtship of the animal kingdom, the last one destroys the three views

Spotted hyena: Spotted hyena is a severely matriarchal society, the male super instigation, the mother does not speak at all dare not mate, and mating must be assisted by the mother, otherwise it will not succeed. Even the lowest female spotted hyenas have a higher status than any male.

The strange pairing courtship of the animal kingdom, the last one destroys the three views

Ants: The male will line up to mate with the queen, who stores all the sperm in the body and then looks at the mood to fertilize. All fertilized eggs will become working and warriors, but all are female, and only unfertilized eggs will directly become male ants, that is to say, all male ants cannot be fathers, all depending on the mood of the queen.

The strange pairing courtship of the animal kingdom, the last one destroys the three views

Squid: The mother is particularly picky, in fact, they themselves prefer the smaller and smarter male, but some strong males are more aggressive, if he looks at which female, he will not allow other males to approach, some slightly thin male squid will be forced to disguise themselves as females, and then approach them, and then take the opportunity to show the mother that they are male, taking the opportunity to dig the wall foot.

The strange pairing courtship of the animal kingdom, the last one destroys the three views

Fringed sandpiper: This bird is really strange, the courtship period is male together to show off each other's beauty, the mother's nothing, do not know what the meaning is... Then they also have three males, one strong, one with a little less muscle, the last one that looks very much like a mother, and the last one that can mate with the mother, but also with the male...

The strange pairing courtship of the animal kingdom, the last one destroys the three views

Side spotted iguanas: They also have three kinds of males, orange-throated, blue-throated and yellow-throated, orange-throated and blue-throated have a family, but the yellow-throated one is not, and the yellow-throated one is best at mixing into other people's homes in disguise as a mother and seducing other people's wives... Orange throat attack force is strong, there are many wives, but often can not take care of it will be yellow throat wearing green hats, blue throat belongs to the conservative type, the family is usually relatively safe ...

The strange pairing courtship of the animal kingdom, the last one destroys the three views

Bonobos: Although they are close relatives, they are a highly promiscuous society, and hey is the way to resolve all disputes, including the same sex. For example, if two males look at the same female, they will not fight, but run to hey to solve the problem... And if a mother accidentally hits another mother's cub, the mother will chase after the one who beats the person, but instead of beating it, she chases it to hey...

The strange pairing courtship of the animal kingdom, the last one destroys the three views