
Mouth ulcers did not care, more than 20 days later diagnosed tongue cancer! Again: why do these 4 types of people end up developing tongue cancer with high-risk mouth ulcers? The formation of tongue cancer is mainly affected by 4 major factors and frequent occurrence of these 3 symptoms, most of which are tongue cancer to prevent tongue cancer, starting from these 3 points


Mr. Xie was diagnosed with tongue cancer in early August, fortunately, the time of discovery is not too late, after treatment can live like ordinary people, mr. Xie is currently actively cooperating with doctors in hospitalization.

When the doctor inquired about his medical history, he learned that Mr. Xie had a mouth ulcer more than 20 days ago and had not cared to let it develop. At the end of July, I accidentally brushed an article to introduce the typical symptoms of tongue cancer, that is, mouth ulcers cannot be cured for a long time...

Mr. Xie compared his own situation and quickly went to the hospital for examination, and sure enough, he suffered from tongue cancer.

Mouth ulcers did not care, more than 20 days later diagnosed tongue cancer! Again: why do these 4 types of people end up developing tongue cancer with high-risk mouth ulcers? The formation of tongue cancer is mainly affected by 4 major factors and frequent occurrence of these 3 symptoms, most of which are tongue cancer to prevent tongue cancer, starting from these 3 points

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" Data-track="46 >" Why do mouth ulcers end up developing into tongue cancer? </h1>

Mouth ulcers and tongue cancer are both diseases that occur inside the mouth, in fact, they are two different diseases, but many people cannot distinguish the difference between the two, so that the optimal treatment time is delayed, resulting in the continuous development of tongue cancer. There are 4 main differences between ulcers and tongue cancer:

1, the touch is different

When tongue cancer first occurs, the tongue does not appear painful, and there will be bulges and hard textures to the touch, but these conditions do not appear obvious discomfort, so it is easy to ignore.

Mouth ulcers, on the other hand, are softer to touch and painful.

2, the shape and texture are different

The shape texture of the mouth ulcer is red, yellow and concave, and a red, swollen and yellow pseudo-membrane appears on the surface of the ulcer, and there is a depression in the central part. Tongue cancer is different, it generally occurs at the edges, and the edges are generally irregular, and some patients will also develop erosions.

3. The recovery time is different

Mouth ulcers will return to normal within two weeks, tongue cancer is not self-healing, if you find that you have a foreign body in your mouth and have not recovered for a long time, you must seek medical attention in time.

4. The body reacts differently

Mouth sores do not react to anything other than causing pain in the mouth. This is not the case with tongue cancer, which can cause a series of symptoms such as slurred speech, poor taste, and bad breath.

When you find that you have a long-lasting mouth ulcer in your mouth, which lasts more than 2 weeks, especially if there is erosion in some ulcers, the oral mucosa has a local whitening change, the mucous membrane has hardened or a white plaque has been formed, you must be vigilant, these symptoms are likely to become cancerous.

Mouth ulcers did not care, more than 20 days later diagnosed tongue cancer! Again: why do these 4 types of people end up developing tongue cancer with high-risk mouth ulcers? The formation of tongue cancer is mainly affected by 4 major factors and frequent occurrence of these 3 symptoms, most of which are tongue cancer to prevent tongue cancer, starting from these 3 points

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="45" > the formation of tongue cancer, which is mainly affected by four major factors</h1>

At present, the cause of tongue cancer is not clear in the clinic, but it is certain that the occurrence of tongue cancer is greatly related to some bad habits in life, and the risk of tongue cancer in these groups will be greatly increased!

A crowd of "bad teeth"

According to experts, most of the clinical tongue cancer patients have a mouthful of "bad teeth", the teeth of these people have been damaged, the root of the tooth or residual teeth will be exposed in the mouth, and some of the teeth with sharp edges will make the tongue very "injured." ”

There are also some people who choose some informal small clinics when doing oral treatment, and the metal and other materials used in these clinics are likely to come from nowhere. This is like installing a "time bomb" in the body, which will constantly stimulate the mucous membrane of the mouth and tongue, which can easily induce cancer.

People who eat too hot

The temperature that our mouth can tolerate is 50 to 60 degrees, and when it feels very hot, the temperature is generally around 70 degrees, and there will be slight burns on the oral mucosa.

If you consume hot food for a long time, it will lead to an increase in the rupture of the oral mucosa, which will make it more difficult to heal at the site of the ulcer. Long-term chronic stimulation can easily lead to cell proliferation and division too fast, and the probability of cancerous cells will increase.

People who smoke for a long time

Smoking causes an increased incidence of many cancers, and tongue cancer is one of them. Cigarettes contain a large number of harmful substances, and our tongue is directly in contact with the part of the cigarette, long-term smoking will lead to a large number of harmful substances stay in the mouth, directly stimulated to the tongue infection site, easy to cause inflammation, long-term stimulation of inflammation is easy to cause tongue cancer.

People with a family history of illness

There are many studies that have found that the discovery of tongue cancer also has a certain genetic predisposition, if there are immediate family members who have suffered from tongue cancer, it is recommended to go to the hospital regularly for examination to prevent it.

Mouth ulcers did not care, more than 20 days later diagnosed tongue cancer! Again: why do these 4 types of people end up developing tongue cancer with high-risk mouth ulcers? The formation of tongue cancer is mainly affected by 4 major factors and frequent occurrence of these 3 symptoms, most of which are tongue cancer to prevent tongue cancer, starting from these 3 points

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="28" > frequent occurrence of these 3 symptoms, most likely tongue cancer</h1>

In the early stages of tongue cancer, small ulcers usually appear in the mouth, unlike usual ulcers. The texture around the ulcer caused by tongue cancer is too hard, and even new creatures with cauliflower flowers will appear at the ulcer, and the early symptoms are relatively inconspicuous.

As the condition progresses, symptoms become more severe, and the lesions spread around, with symptoms such as pain, salivation, and tongue movement disorders.

If treatment is not carried out in time at this time, it will lead to the symptoms of secondary infection, ulcers will occur in the affected area of the mouth, internal toxins will flow out, resulting in infection of the tongue and surrounding tissues, and some patients will also develop pneumonia.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" > prevent tongue cancer, starting from these 3 points</h1>

Want to prevent the occurrence of tongue cancer, in fact, it is very simple, first of all, pay attention to oral internal hygiene, so that you brush your teeth 2 times a day, and do an oral examination every 1 to 2 years, and treat periodontal disease in time.

Secondly, we must quit some bad habits such as smoking, alcoholism, etc., and exercise regularly. Exercise can effectively enhance physical fitness, enhance physical resistance, and prevent the occurrence of many diseases.

Mouth ulcers did not care, more than 20 days later diagnosed tongue cancer! Again: why do these 4 types of people end up developing tongue cancer with high-risk mouth ulcers? The formation of tongue cancer is mainly affected by 4 major factors and frequent occurrence of these 3 symptoms, most of which are tongue cancer to prevent tongue cancer, starting from these 3 points

Finally, in the diet should pay attention not to ingest too hot food, change the habit of "eating while hot", and eat less spicy and stimulating food, the daily diet is mainly light, eat more fresh fruits and vegetables.

The occurrence of any disease is inseparable from the habits in our lives, and if we want to prevent it from happening, we must have good living habits.


[1] "Can't tell if it's tongue cancer or mouth ulcers?" Remember four points, in fact, it is easy to distinguish". Zhihu. Hong Kong New Health.2019.11.12

[2] "The following symptoms should be noted, which may be early symptoms of tongue cancer". Zhihu. Dr. Fan Song.2020.7.23

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