
No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

author:Recommended movies

In life, there are good times and bad times.

Bad life will always happen, or make people depressed, or make people depressed, or make people tired. However, life has to go on, so don't get any worse and choose to be cured.

These days, I watched a fresh and warm British movie called "Bella's Fantasy Garden".

When I saw the title, I thought it was a fairy tale movie, but it wasn't.

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

This is a soothing plot, warm heart of the warm movie, there is no big ups and downs of the plot, but plain as water, mixed with a little fantasy, after watching, by the warmth of the healing.

"The world seems chaotic, but there is actually a very beautiful order."

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

She, fatherless and motherless, was abandoned from childhood, placed in a cardboard box and thrown in a park, where a flock of ducks guarded her for some time.

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

Fortunately, a crazy old man found out and survived. Growing up, she went to the park every Sunday to feed the ducks.

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

She, who grew up alone, was afraid of nature, and even more afraid of plants, and had been living in a lonely world isolated from the world.

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

She, suffering from advanced obsessive-compulsive disorder, must eat on time, live an orderly life, and the arrangements in the home are neatly arranged.

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

Toothbrushes must be changed every day from Sunday to Saturday.

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

After locking the door, it will be pushed and pulled several times in a row to make sure the door is locked.

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

But when she met some people, after some things, she changed. When I went out, I didn't check whether the door was closed.

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

The unpredictable life made her suffer from the crisis of being expelled from home, coupled with the loss of love and unemployment, suddenly confused and lonely, and her life had to change. She stepped out of the original life trajectory, turning life from orderly to chaotic, and only then did she truly experience happiness and beauty.

What made her make the change she had been longing for?

She meets an old man who gave her father's love, the uncle next door, with a sour, carved book, and poisonous tongue.

The old man also claimed to be the girl's natural enemy, and the interesting thing was that the girl turned out to be his natural enemy.

Because she snatched his favorite cook.

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

Although the tongue is poisonous, it is actually soft inside. After his lover left, he lived like her and fell in love with gardening, which became his only sustenance.

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

The old man became her guide, originally a natural enemy, but became the person who cared for her the most.

She meets a middle-aged man who gives her friendship, the old man's cook, a single father with twin daughters.

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

When the landlord came to catch her out of the garden, he used his profound knowledge to tell the landlord to leave.

When she was depressed, she gave her a big hug, which is a good girlfriend for a thousand years.

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

She also meets a lad who has given her love, a super otaku, and the same strange existence.

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

The two met in the library, and the young man gave her the courage to create fairy tales and began to move towards her dream of becoming a writer.

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

It was because of these three men that changed her life.

Starring the beautiful flower-like Three Ladies Jessica Brown Findlay, Bella's Fantasy Garden revolves around how an obsessive-compulsive girl who is afraid of plants saves the garden of weeds and sentient beings, and inside is to save her own life, which is a warm-hearted film work.

No matter how bad life is, you can be cured by this heart-warming new film!

Life, sometimes needs some fantasy, needs to break the routine, needs to go out of the original life trajectory, needs to overcome fear to accept something new, no matter how bad, need to pick up confidence and get back on the road after the discouragement is over.