
Qi Cultural Idioms Thousand Sentences Part 20: Shi Jie

author:Benchang talks about history


A strong man of the State of Qi, strong and upright. Touching deeds, songs and tears.

The king died in the country, and generosity was righteous. Beiguo slanders and advises, and it is heavy on righteousness.

Zi Di was devastated and ambitious. Five hundred brave men, a thousand autumns and a mighty spirit.

Qi Shi Zhishu, rather than die unyielding. The fox aided the weeping country and was loyal and unswerving.

Qi Liang Hua Zhou, bicycle martyrdom. Hou repeated the fire and was martyred.

Qianlou is seated and clean. Faithful and honest, string and tongue fish.

Gongsun Qian'ao, happy to be charitable. The incorruptible are not subject to it, and the food that comes to them is eaten.

To be able to break into the palace, you are honest in your words. Marten is a man, public and selfless.

Lu Qiu is famous for Qiong, young and ambitious. Zi Qizhi'a, outstanding political achievements.

Rong Yi gave up his clothes and sacrificed his life to forget death. Sun Jia, King of Qi, a young righteous soldier.

Great filial piety, filial piety.


The heroes of the State of Qi are all strong and upright, and their touching deeds can be sung and wept.

[Translation] Wang Fei did not abandon his country for the sake of seduction, and lived and died with the state of Qi. Beiguo Sao put justice above everything else and sacrificed his life for the country with slander.

【Comment】 Wang Fei died in the country: According to the "Chronicle of Tian Danlie", Wang Fei was a Linzi person during the Warring States period.

In 284 BC, the Yan army captured Linzi, and the Yan general Le Yi knew that Wang Ying was a person of high moral character and great talent, so he ordered his troops not to enter within 30 miles of Wang Fei's hometown. He also sent someone to say to Wang Fei: "If you are willing to surrender to the Yan state, I will appoint you as a general and make you the Marquis of Wanhu." If you do not obey, you will lead your troops to your hometown. ”

Wang Fei refused to surrender, saying: "The country is broken, what am I still alive to do!" Now you let me be a general for you, to help you to be a tyrant, to be your accomplice, rather than live, it is better to die! "After saying that, I committed suicide." This is the story of the famous "King's Death".

Beiguo Slander: Beiguo refers to Beiguo Sao. According to the "Lü's Spring and Autumn Festival", Beiguo Sao was a poor citizen in the northern suburbs of Linzi, who made a living from weaving and raised an elderly mother. Yan Zi saw that he was very filial and felt that he was an example for the people to follow, so he often sent people to send grain as a reward.

Later, Yan Zi was framed and exiled by Jing Gong. When Beiguo Sao heard the news, he cried out for him. He ran to the front of the palace gate and made a generous statement to the doorman: "Yan Zi is the current sage, and his resignation and departure is a great loss to the State of Qi. Before long, the country of Qi will decline, and I dare to use my head as a guarantee to show the world. Please use my head to advise the monarch and show the innocence of Yanzi, and I smile at the fountain of wine, although I am still alive! "After saying that, he drew his sword and killed himself."

Qi Jinggong was shocked when he heard about it. Immediately left the palace to recover Yanzi and reappointed Yanzi as prime minister.

Yongmen Zidi used his life to avoid a war, which can be described as ambitious. Tian Heng and the five hundred brave men would rather die without humiliation, and the blood staining of the East Sea was even more magnificent.

[Note] During the Warring States period, the Yue state wanted to invade the State of Qi, and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese troops gathered on the border of the State of Qi. The State of Qi was shocked, and the King of Qi personally led a large army to fight, and a fierce battle was about to begin.

At this time, a person living near Linzi Yongmen, named Zidi, was called Yongmen Zidi. He ran to the border and asked the King of Qi to be martyred in front of the battle to show the strength of the Qi people against the enemy.

King Qi admonished: "Now that the two armies have not yet fought, why did you die in front of the enemy first?" ”

Yongmen Zidi said: "Now, the army is suppressing the territory and claiming to destroy our country. I will kill himself before the battle, so as to show that the people cannot be deceived. After saying that, he rushed into the Vietnamese army, pulled out his satchel, and slashed his neck to death.

When the Vietnamese army saw this, they were greatly horrified and said, "The subjects of King Qi are so brave for the sake of the country, and they are fighting with such a country, I am afraid that even the ancestral temple of our Yue kingdom will not be able to keep it!" So the Vietnamese army defeated itself without a fight and immediately withdrew and returned home.

Five Hundred Heroes: In the last years of the Qin Dynasty, Tian Rong was the King of Qi and Tian Heng was the Xiangguo. On the eve of Liu Bang's establishment of the Han Dynasty, he sent envoys to Linzi to persuade the King of Qi to return to Han. Tian Rong and Tian Heng had a deep understanding of the deep disasters brought to the people by the war, and felt that since Liu Bang could unify the world, he should gladly return to Han. Thus, a peace agreement was reached. As a sign of sincerity, Tian Yoko ordered the state of readiness to be lifted. However, Liu Bang was unable to believe what he said and suddenly attacked Linzi. Tian Heng regretted it and rushed to fight. Tian Rong, the king of Qi, was killed in battle, and Tian Heng established himself as king, so he had to lead his five hundred subordinates to withdraw from Linzi, and fought and left, retreating to a small island in the East China Sea.

Liu Bang of Han claimed that the empress dowager, fearing trouble, announced that he would pardon Tian Heng for his crimes, and summoned him to the dynasty, and if he did not return, he raised an army to sweep across his island. Tian Heng loved the people like a son, afraid of affecting his subordinates, and only led two retinues to set off for Luoyang.

When he came to the outskirts of Luoyang, Tian Heng said to his entourage: "Now that the world has been decided, the people have been recuperated, and this is also the purpose of our army, and now that it has been realized, I have no regrets." Han Liu Bang summoned me only to see what I look like. You two behead me today, take it and let Liu Bang enjoy it." After drawing his sword and killing himself, the two retinue followed Tian Heng's last words and rushed to Luoyang to hold Tian Heng's head to Liu Bang. Liu Bang saw it and also expressed deep admiration for Tian Heng's grandeur, and he made two of Tian Heng's entourage a lieutenant and buried Tian Heng with the specifications of a prince. During the funeral, two of Tian Yoko's entourage drew their swords and killed themselves and fell into Tian Yoko's tomb.

When the sergeants on the island learned of the news that Tian Heng was dead, they fell to their knees one after another, wept bitterly, looked to the southwest, and bowed to Tian Heng's undead, the pillar sword knelt down to pay homage, and sang the funeral song, the five hundred sergeants were sad and difficult to contain, they tore open their collars, and five hundred shining swords swung, killing themselves one after another, and the blood flowed into a river, staining the island red.

[Translation] Qi Taishi Ning died and wrote the history of Qing. The fox aided the weeping kingdom and advised the king with death.

[Note] Qi Shi Zhishu: According to the "Records of History", in 548 BC, cui Zhu, the grand master of the State of Qi, killed the prince Zhuang Gong, fearing that he would leave a bad reputation, and asked Taishi not to record this matter truthfully. Taishi said firmly: "It is the duty of a historian to truthfully record historical events." Therefore, it was written in the annals of history: "On a certain day in a certain month of a certain year, Cui Zhujun" was written.

Cui Zhu killed Taishi and had Taishi's second brother inherit his position and rewrite it. The second brother of Taishi still wrote: "On a certain day in a certain month of a certain year, Cui Zhujun" was killed. Cui Zhu killed him again and asked his third brother to rewrite it. As a result, his third brother and two older brothers wrote a good word. Cui Zhu was afraid of offending the wrath of the people, so he had to give up. As a result, the events of Cui Zhujun were truly recorded.

Fox Aid Weeping Country: During the Warring States Period, King Qi Min acted arbitrarily and arbitrarily, exhausted his troops, and the people at home and neighbors resented him, and the State of Qi was on the verge of subjugation, but the ministers did not dare to consult him.

At this time, an old minister named Fox Yuan risked his life to persuade King Qi Min to sue him for his interests and ask him to correct his mistakes. The King of Qi not only did not accept Fox Aid's advice, but also drove Fox Aid out of the court. Fox Yuan, seeing that the country of Qi was about to perish, was grieving and weeping for three days for the disaster that the country was about to come. King Qi Min ordered fox aid to be killed. The magistrate placed the instrument of torture outside the east gate of the city, but did not want to kill fox aid, hoping that he would immediately escape and leave here. Fox Aid ran to the east gate in the wind and dust. The judge said: "According to the law, the crime of weeping should be killed, so why don't you leave here quickly?" Fox Aid said, "It is not that I Am Willing to Die, it is that King Qi does not heed the advice, the country is facing extinction, and I have no use in living." So Fox Yuan was beheaded outside the East Gate.

Qiliang and Huazhou rushed into the enemy position with bicycles, and Hou Zhong used his body to suppress the charcoal fire and pave the way for it. The three martyred for the country one after another.

[Note] Qiliang, Hua Zhou, and Hou Zhong were brave warriors in Linzi's famous township. Duke Zhuang of Qi wanted to test how brave they were, and when he attacked ju in the autumn of 550 BC, he took the three of them with him.

The three of them rode in a chariot and rushed to the front of the line. When they arrived at the outskirts of Juguo City, they encountered Ju guojun leading three hundred soldiers to patrol the outskirts, and the three of them shouted, "We are generals of Qi." Which one dares to fight with us? Hou Zhong drove left and right, and Liang Huazhou stabbed indiscriminately, and the three hundred soldiers were killed in half. The king of juguo said: "The widow knows the bravery of the general, does not have to fight to the death, and is willing to share the juguo with the generals." The three said in unison: "It is disloyal to submit to the enemy; it is not trustworthy to accept orders and not carry them out." Killing more enemies is our task. With that, the three men continued to fight.

The Ju army could not resist and fled back to the city. The three men chased after the city gate, only to see the enemy digging a ditch in front of the gate, and the flames in the ditch were so fierce that they could not advance. Hou said in a loud voice, "I can let you both pass." After saying that, he propped his shield in the ditch, lay down on the charcoal, and told them to pass from their backs. Hua Zhou and Qi Liang stepped on Hou Zhong's back and jumped over the fire ditch, and when they looked back, Hou Zhong had been charred. The two cried and went straight to the city gate, when they were suddenly shot by the ambushers and killed one after another.

Qianlou was incorruptible before he died, and after his death, he must also be "upright", which can be described as a clean life! He is loyal to honesty and integrity, and shows the virtues left by YanZi.

Mrs. Qianlou stopped and said: "Mr. Qianlou has a noble life, and he refuses to deviate in the slightest, and he can cover his whole body by slanting over the quilt cover, but this will go against Mr. Qianlou's life's wishes. "Finally, according to Mrs. Qianlou's words, he was buried.

String Zhang Ciyu: String Zhang is the prime minister of the State of Qi after Yan Zi. According to the "Spring and Autumn of Yanzi", seventeen years after Yanzi's death, Qi Jing publicly set up a banquet to entertain the chancellor. During the banquet, Jing Gong shot an arrow to show his archery technique, but the arrow did not hit the target. The ministers applauded: "Lord, good arrow method!" Jing Gong threw down his bow angrily.

At this time, The String Chapter was walking in. Jing Gong asked Xian Zhang, "Since Yan Zi died, I have never heard anyone say that there is something wrong with me. Xian Zhang replied: "The monarch likes to dress, and the courtiers follow the dress; the monarch likes to feast, and the courtiers follow the cooking." What you like above, what you must like below. Jing Gong said, "Well, I will no longer listen to the flattering words of Ah Chen." "Therefore, he rewarded the string chapter with fifty carts of fresh fish.

When Xian Zhang returned home, he saw that the car containing the fish was going to his house, so he said to the coachman: "In the past, Yan Zi's reward was used to correct the monarch, so he did not cover up the mistakes of the monarch." Now all the courtiers use aunt flattery to pursue self-interest, and if I accept the fish, I will violate Yanzi's code of conduct, and I will be like the person who is flattered by my aunt. So he resolutely thanked Jing Gong for the fish he had rewarded.

Later generations commented: "The integrity of the string chapter is the virtue left by Yan Zi!" ”

Gongsun Qian'ao loves to do good deeds, is helpful, and is praised by others. The incorruptible would rather starve to death than accept disrespectful food and make people admire.

【Comment】 Gongsun Qian'ao: Surname Gongsun, name Qian'ao. According to the Book of Rites, Qian Ao was a native of Linzi during the Spring and Autumn Period, and was the Grand Master of Qizhuang. He was a man of charity and was praised by all generations. One year, there was no rain in the Linzi area for a long time, the grass seedlings dried up, there was a serious famine, and the people begged everywhere. Qian Ao was so anxious that he built a porridge shack on the side of the road to give alms to the hungry, and the hungry people came to beg for porridge when they heard the news.

On this day, a yellow-skinned hungry man, with his sleeves hanging down, pulling on his shoes, came listlessly. Qian Ao held the grain cake in one hand and the porridge in the other, and shouted pityingly: "Hey, come and eat it!" The hungry man looked up and glared at him, "It was because I didn't want to listen to this kind of unspeakable call that I was hungry like this." Qian Ao knew that his pitiful shouts had angered the hungry, so he quickly apologized to the hungry man. But the hungry man was very stubborn, no matter how to apologize, he still did not eat a bite, and finally starved to death. Therefore, later generations summed up this matter as an idiom: "The honest person is not fed by the mouth." This means that incorruptible people do not accept disrespectful handouts.

Charity: Le: Like. Almsgiving: Almsgiving. Love to do good deeds and be helpful.

[Translation] Can dare to point out the mistakes of the monarch outspokenly. As a person, Sable Bo can put the country first and forget his selfishness.

【Comment】 Nengyi breaks into the palace: According to the "Lü Shi Chunqiu Guizhi", there is a person in the State of Qi called Nengyi. He had heard that King Qi had been playing in the Snow Palace for several days without going to the court early, and he did not dare to consult around him. When he came to the door of the Snow Palace, he shouted loudly, "Open the door for me, I want to see the king!" "The keeper of the door wouldn't let him in. Unable to get angry, he pushed away the guards and broke into the palace.

King Xuan of Qi had long heard that he could be honest and speak straight, wanting to meet this person. Today, uninvited, I received him. He asked him, "The widow has heard that the gentleman is frank, speaks bluntly, and never flatters people, is that right?" ”

Noh replied, "Nothing." How can a villain be honest and speak straight? King Xuan said, "I heard the people all over the city say that you are so straight, are they wrong?" "Great King, I have heard the saying, 'A man who is upright has no place in a corrupt country, nor can he see a faint monarch.' And I, as for my family, not only am I in the country of Qi, but I have also seen the monarch today. How can I say that I am a straight person? ”

King Xuan said angrily, "You are a bold villager, who dares to insult the widow. "He ordered the punishment of Nengyi." I can say without hesitation: "I can understand that I have been this kind of character since I was a child, and I have done the same when I grow up." Why can't the king get along with people like us and praise our good deeds? So the king let him go.

Marten Bo: According to the "Warring States Policy" and "Lü's Spring and Autumn", the personal relationship between Marten Bo and Tian Shan is not good. Later, Tian Dan made a great contribution to the restoration of the Qi state and became the prime minister of the King of Qi Xiang. The nine close associates around King Xiang all wanted to murder Tian Dan, saying that Tian Dan was proud of his great merits and wanted to usurp power and claim the throne. Therefore, King Xiang also began to be suspicious of Tian Dan, and it was also rude to see Tian Dan. At a banquet, king Xiang called him by his first name and said, "Tell Tian Dan to come quickly!" ”

Min Bo left his seat and said to King Xiang, "Earlier, King Wen of Zhou called Jiang Shang the Prince of Taigong, and Duke Huan of Qi honored Guan Zhong as the father of Zhong. When the State of Qi was almost destroyed, Ping'an Jun (Tian Dan) led a small army and civilians of Jimo City to defeat the enemy forces of the Five Kingdoms and restore the State of Qi. At that time, if the Prince of Peace claimed to be king, no one could stop him. However, he personally went to Chengyang to welcome the king back to his hometown. It can be seen that the Peace King is loyal to the king. Today, when the country is stable, the king calls him by his first name, how undeserved! Ask the king to kill the traitors around you who say bad things about Tian Shan, so as to apologize to the Prince of Peace, or the country will be in danger. ”

King Xiang repented, killed nine of his favorites, and crowned him as the Prince of Peace.

Lu Qiu was famous for Qiong, young and wise. Zi Qizhi'a, outstanding political achievements.

[Translation] Lu Qiu Qiong was young and wise, and his vision was far-sighted. Ziqi is young and promising, and his outstanding achievements in governing Adi are praised by people.

[Comment] Lu Qiu Qiong: According to the "Saying Garden", Lu Qiu Qiong was a Linzi man, and when he was 18 years old, King Qi Xuan went hunting at Sheshan Mountain, and thirteen people from Sheshan came to comfort King Xuan. For this reason, King Xuan was very happy and ordered his entourage to exempt his fathers and elders from rent. Fathers and elders prayed to King Xuan for his gifts, and Lu Qiuqiu did not worship. Therefore, he was again exempted from the servitude of his father and elders. The father and elder thanked him again, but Lu Qiu qiong still did not worship. King Xuan said, "Fathers and elders who have already paid homage to him, please recuse yourself, and fathers and elders who do not worship please come to the front." ”

King Xuan said to Lu Qiuqiong, "I have come here today to thank my father and elder for their consolation, so I first exempt my father from the field tax and then exempt him from servitude." They all thank me, sir, don't thank me, why is this? Lu Qiuqiong replied, "I have come to comfort you in the hope of giving me a long life, giving me wealth, and giving me honor." But you didn't give, so don't worship. King Xuan said, "Life and death are in heaven, not in my control, and I cannot make you live a long life; although the treasury is full, there is no more grain money to make you rich in order to prepare for disasters and famines; there is no shortage of officials in the government, and I cannot make you honorable." ”

Lu Qiu replied, 'None of this is what I aspire to. May the king choose people with cultivation and good deeds to become officials and enforce the law justly, so that we can increase our longevity; in the spring, autumn, winter, and summer, the government will collect taxes and relief on time, and will not disturb the people, so that we can become rich; so that we can respect the elderly with less and respect the elderly, so that we can be honored. Today give me free rent, so that the treasury will be insufficient; give me free from military service, and the government will lack envoys when there is something wrong. None of this is what I was hoping for. King Xuan said, "You're so good, these kings really didn't think of it!" ”

ZiQi Zhi'a: Zi Qi was a native of the State of Qi during the Spring and Autumn Period. At the age of 18, he was appointed as the Doctor of Dong'a and governed Dong'a. After Zi Qi took office, Qi Jun was afraid that he was young and mistaken, so he sent emissaries to try to recover him. The messenger caught up with Zi qi and did not convey the king's orders, but came back to the king and said, "Zi Qi will definitely be able to do it." I saw that the people in the car he was sitting with were white-headed old men. The old are experienced, and the young are decisive. Young and old work together, why can't we govern East Afghanistan well? ”

After Zi Qi took office, he opened a warehouse to help the people and made the weapons in hyogo into agricultural tools. Encourage the people to cultivate and weave and strengthen social order. Soon the customs of Adi improved and the people became rich. When The State of Wei heard that a young man was governing Adi and that there were no weapons in the Hyogo, he raised an army to attack Dong'a. The father and son of the people of Adi led the sons, the brothers led the brothers, the whole people defended their homeland, the private soldiers rose up all over the territory, and the Wei army fled in defeat. People say that Ziqi Zhi'a, with outstanding political achievements, is wise and is not in his old age.

There was a man named Rong Yi in the State of Qi. One day, Rong Yi was going to luguo as an official, and his students went to send him. When the two masters and apprentices came to the capital of the Lu Kingdom, it was late, the city gate was closed, and they could not enter the city, so they had to go into a broken temple to spend the night.

In the second half of the night, the wind and snow were mixed, it was the time of the nine severe winter, the weather was very cold, and the two people were shivering with cold. Rong Yi said to the students, "If you lend me your clothes to wear, I will be able to live the night; if I give you my clothes to wear, you will be able to live the night." Otherwise, we'll both freeze to death. The student asked, "So what to do?"

Rong Yi stomped on his frozen feet and said, "I am a talent who can govern the country, and it is a pity that I am dead." And you are an insignificant person, why can't you give me clothes? The student froze his teeth and said, "Since I have become an insignificant person, why should I give it to someone who can rule the world?" After listening to the student's words, Rong Yi thought for a while and said, "It seems that I should still give up my clothes to the students." "I took off my clothes and put them on for the students."

The next day, Rong Yi froze to death, and his school life came down.

Sun Jia, King of Qi: Wang Sun Jia, a young righteous soldier of the State of Qi, entered the dynasty at the age of 15 to serve King Min of Qi. In 284 BC, the State of Yan united five states to occupy Linzi. King Min of Qi was killed by the Chu general HuanYa. Wang Sun Jia was determined to avenge King Min, and he came to the street market and said to the people: "I have destroyed the Qi state and killed the king of Qi, everyone is willing to go with me to avenge, please show your right arm!" The people were indignant when they heard this, and immediately more than four hundred people showed their right arms in response to Wang Sunjia's call. Wang Sun Jia led everyone to fight bravely, and finally killed The Tooth. Avenged King Qimin.

【Comment】 Juxiao Jiangge: Jiang Ge was a Linzi person in the early Eastern Han Dynasty, with the character Ciweng and his father died early. Wang Mang usurped the government, in order to avoid war, Jiang Ge abandoned his family and fled south, and on the way, he repeatedly encountered rebels who captured him and joined him, and he preferred to die. Later, as far as Xia Pi (in present-day Suining, Jiangsu), he was penniless, working as a pawn and earning a meager commission to support his mother.

After Emperor Guangwu quelled the rebellion, he traveled a long way back to his hometown on his mother's back and served her diligently. Whenever the mother went out, he did not use the ox-drawn carriage, but pulled the cart by himself and walked slowly, in order to make the car smooth and the old mother sit comfortably... The three emperors of Han Guangwu, Ming, and Zhang all respected him very much, and were once worshipped by the imperial court as a counselor, but finally resigned because his mother was old enough to serve. The world called him "Jiang Juxiao".

Qi Cultural Idioms Thousand Sentences Part 20: Shi Jie