
Life is constantly "running", and this teenager is looking for strength in running

author:Yaohuo fitness instructor training base

I don't know, have you ever seen a classic film "Forrest Gump", the protagonist of the film, Forrest Gump, has learned the secret of success on the first day of running: if I want to go anywhere, I am running!

Today's protagonist, Ding Cong, a 20210801 student of Yaohuo Fitness Academy, on his growth path, he also forged confidence through continuous "running" and harvested companions, let us listen to his story together.

Life is constantly "running", and this teenager is looking for strength in running

When you don't know what to do, run right

My name is Ding Cong, and I am 21 years old.

At the age of 16, in order to pay the tuition fee to continue school, he began to work as a summer vacation worker, and his first job was as a security guard.

Life is constantly "running", and this teenager is looking for strength in running

In his spare time, he did game training and earned some money. Although my parents did not support me to study and hoped to work as soon as possible, I still insisted on studying.

Went to college, left his hometown, and came to Nantong. Faced with an unfamiliar environment, I am very uncomfortable. My personality is very introverted, I don't like to talk, I am alone, I have to adapt, the first thing I think of is to participate in a variety of activities, plus I also like sports, so I have participated in many running races.

The most impressive thing is that in 18 years, the 100-kilometer charity hiking competition held in Nantong Adventure Kingdom began at 5 o'clock in the morning. A total of four laps, a lap of 25 kilometers, the first lap took about two hours to run, but because there was no protective measures, no breast stickers, the chest was grinded and bleeding.

After the second lap of 50 kilometers, his heel was also worn. Three people from our school attended and gave up until the second lap.

When the third lap was almost over, the walk was already limping, and it was about seven or eight o'clock in the evening. After eating, there was an aunt who kept advising me not to run, but I didn't want to give up, I continued to embark on the trip, at that time almost no one could be seen, there was a staff member who drove a car in the back afraid that I would have any accidents, and kept advising me to get on the car if I really couldn't do it, and I said I had no problem.

In the end, he insisted on running the whole way. At the moment of crossing the finish line, I was very excited, and I had only one belief, that is, I had to get to the finish line.

Life is constantly "running", and this teenager is looking for strength in running

For me, running is the easiest way to exercise, no restrictions on the venue, no restrictions on equipment, as long as there is a road, a pair of running shoes is enough, I can run all the way.

Life is constantly "running", and this teenager is looking for strength in running

"Running" on different tracks

As always, in order to earn living expenses, I still work hard to do various part-time jobs. Security guards, waiters, handing out flyers, moving couriers, selling phone cards... Don't miss any opportunity to make money. Later, with the help of a senior, he used the money he earned to open a Pinduoduo store, slowly accumulated more, and then partnered with the senior to open a Jingdong online store, and he also had 560,000 yuan of savings at that time.

Life is constantly "running", and this teenager is looking for strength in running

At the same time, I went to participate in various volunteer activities, speech competitions, auditions of the voice of China, and school club activities, in order to change my introverted personality and improve my language expression and logical thinking ability.

Life is constantly "running", and this teenager is looking for strength in running

Half a year before graduation, I wanted to upgrade my studies and improve my academic qualifications, so I gave up all my previous things, rented a house near the school, bought materials, enrolled in study classes, and immersed myself in preparing for graduate school.

During that time, I was actually very anxious, my family was opposed to my study, knowing that I was about to graduate and would not go out to work and go to school, and I did not support it, and I would not say anything about verbal blows. I didn't adjust my mindset, I didn't prepare well for the exam, and I ended up missing out on my undergraduate.

I was depressed... The day I got my diploma, I couldn't help but feel that time had passed too quickly, where should I go next?

Life is constantly "running", and this teenager is looking for strength in running

Unintentional willow cutting

A joke between my friend and me: Your image and height are quite good, why don't you go to learn a fitness instructor? Such a simple and unintentional sentence made me re-formulate my life goals and direction.

Now there are a lot of jobs that are exchanging time for money, and the fitness coach can both exercise and make money. Before that, I also did a card in a gym next to the school, but it was blind practice, watching others practice what I practiced, and the most I did was to run on the treadmill. It was easy to practice myself, so I decided to improve my theoretical and practical knowledge, and eventually came to the Yaohuo Fitness Academy.

Life is constantly "running", and this teenager is looking for strength in running

Every teacher here is very attentive to us, I can learn a lot of things, but also made a lot of new friends, I hope in the future days, strive to improve themselves, be a high-quality, good figure, professional fitness instructor.

Life is constantly "running", and this teenager is looking for strength in running
Life is constantly "running", and this teenager is looking for strength in running

Life is a long journey, and life is a run. Through continuous running, we will eventually run out of a gorgeous life, I believe we can all!

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