
Why is Lu Haodong known as "the first person to die for the republican revolution"?

author:Brother Yong reads history

Revolution is not a dinner party, there will be bloody sacrifices. On September 28, 1898, Tan Sitong left behind that "all countries that change the law are made from bloodshed, and today China has not heard of anyone who bleeds because of the change of law, and the reason why this country is not prosperous." Yes, please start with the heirs" Last word, generosity is righteousness.

Before Tan Sitong, there had been a heroic sacrifice of a benevolent man. He is Lu Haodong, who has been hailed as "the first person in China's history to die for the republican revolution."

Why is Lu Haodong known as "the first person to die for the republican revolution"?

Lu Haodong

Lu Haodong, also spelled Xianxiang, was born on September 30, 1868 in Xiangshan, Guangdong. His father's name was Lu Xiaofan, a businessman who had been doing business in Shanghai for many years, and his family was relatively wealthy. Lu Haodong lived with his father in Shanghai for many years as a teenager, and after hearing and witnessing the flying and incompetence of foreigners and the corruption and incompetence of Qing officials, he had a deep understanding of the suffering of poor people. From that time on, Lu Haodong germinated the idea of saving the survival of the dead.

In 1883, at the age of 15, Lu Haodong entered the Shanghai Telegraph School. After graduating from school, Lu Haodong was assigned to work in the Wuhu Telegraph Bureau as a translator. Due to his hard work, Lu Haodong was soon promoted to foreman and became a manager.

In 1894, the Xingzhong Association, the first democratic revolutionary group in modern China, was established. Lu Haodong became one of the first members to join the Xingzhong Association. Xingzhong will carry out activities and need a lot of funds. Lu Haodong was obliged to donate his father's legacy to support the activities of the Xingzhong Association and prepare for the upcoming armed uprising in Guangzhou.

Why is Lu Haodong known as "the first person to die for the republican revolution"?

Xingzhong will

Since it was an armed uprising, the revolutionary army had to take a clear stand in raising its banner. So, who will design the flag of the revolutionary army? The comrades of the Xingzhong Association entrusted this task to Lu Haodong, who had many years of painting experience. Lu Haodong changed his draft several times in the Taoyuan Pavilion at the residence of Comrade Yulie of the Xingzhong Association, and finally drew a sample of the Blue Sky and White Sun Flag.

On March 16, 1895, the fourth day of negotiations between Li Hongzhang and Maguan, the first minister plenipotentiary of the Qing Dynasty, to negotiate with Japanese Prime Minister Ito Hirobumi and Foreign Minister Mutsu Munemitsu, the members of the Hingchu Association decided to launch an armed uprising in Guangzhou on October 26, 1895. October 26 is a traditional Chinese festival, Chongyang Festival, and in a festive atmosphere, the Qing army may let down its guard, contributing to the success of the armed uprising.

In order to cooperate with the armed uprising, Lu Haodong came to Guangzhou in advance and set up an agricultural society at the Wang's Bookstore at the bottom of shuangmen (in the middle of present-day Beijing Road in Guangzhou) as the general organ to cover the uprising. In a few months, Lu Haodong made a lot of preparations, established dozens of secret organs, and contacted the officers and men of the Green Battalion and the Marine Division as an internal response.

Why is Lu Haodong known as "the first person to die for the republican revolution"?

Double door bottom

However, the Guangzhou uprising was the first armed uprising held by the Xingzhong Association, lacking experience, and many "low-level errors" appeared in the preparatory work.

In advance, the Xingzhong Association decided that the strategy of the Guangzhou uprising was to "divide the way and attack the city", and all the people and horses attacked Guangzhou together at the agreed time. However, in the early morning of December 26, when all the people and horses gathered outside Guangzhou, Yang Quyun, the first president of the Xingzhong Association, sent a telegram saying that the 300 commandos had postponed their departure time for some reason and would not arrive until two days later.

On the evening of December 27, the first commandos had a hard time setting off, and when they took a steamship to Guangzhou, they discovered a new problem — their weapons were packed in seven large wooden barrels, and there were many cargo boxes stacked on top of each other, and there was no way to get them out. This means that even after they arrive in Guangzhou, they cannot take out their weapons in a short period of time.

What is even more speechless is that in the early morning of December 28, when the commandos arrived in Guangzhou, they found that there was already a group of Qing troops with live ammunition waiting there, and they were all captured unarmed. It turned out that Zhu Xiang, the brother of Zhu Qi, a member of the Xingzhong Association, learned of the plan of action and was worried about being linked, so he secretly reported to the Qing authorities in the name of Zhu Qi...

Why is Lu Haodong known as "the first person to die for the republican revolution"?

Qing army

In this way, the Guangzhou uprising failed without firing a single shot.

Next, the governor of Liangguang, Tan Zhonglin, ordered a search throughout the city. At this time, Lu Haodong should have quietly fled from Guangzhou when the Qing authorities did not find him. However, on the way out, he discovered that the register of party members had not been safely transferred, and returned to the general organ to destroy these materials. As he was about to evacuate, the military police broke through the door and arrested him on the spot.

Lu Haodong was taken to the Nanhai County Bureau and imprisoned. Li Weiyong of Nanhai ZhiXian ordered him to be severely tortured, with iron nails inserted into his hands and siblings, and his teeth were chiseled in an attempt to interrogate valuable information. Lu Haodong was imprisoned for 10 days, tortured and interrogated 3 times, but never gave in. During the interrogation, Lu Haodong generously stated: "Although this matter is not successful, I am very relieved. But one I can kill, and those who rise up from me cannot kill all! The ram is not, the ninth generation contains the wrongs of the people returned to Chu, I said self-examination. I have exhausted my words, please execute them quickly. ”

Why is Lu Haodong known as "the first person to die for the republican revolution"?

Tan Zhonglin

When Lu Haodong was arrested, comrades from the Xingzhong Association tried to gather and rob the prison. After hearing the news and reporting to Tan Zhonglin, the governor of Liangguang, Li Weiyong escorted Lu Haodong, Zhu Guiquan, Qiu Si, and others to the execution ground on November 7, 1895. Lu Haodong calmly died at the age of 27.

Lu Haodong's deeds are worthy of the title of "the first person in China's history to die for the republican revolution."

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