
After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

author:Recommended movies

In January, the cinema blockbusters were crowded, and the good dramas continued to be filed. "Star Wars Episode VIII", "Brave Games: Battle jungle", "No Questions Asked" and so on have been released one after another, fully detonating the box office. Now, another adventure action blockbuster is here.

This movie is "Enigma Nest", a suspenseful, thrilling adventure action movie.

After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

Adventure action movies have always been loved by fans, generally with mysterious stories, tense plots, as well as suspenseful adventures and hot action scenes. Hollywood has "The Mummy", "National Treasure", etc., and domestically there is "Dragon Hunt", etc., which is not only popular at the box office, but also has a good reputation.

After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

"Enigma Nest" is a highly anticipated new adventure action film, starring Li Bingbing, Kennan Lutz, Wu Zun, Kelsy Glamour and others, and the cast is quite strong.

In the film, Wu Zun, a multi-habitat male, plays Luke, a researcher at a biotechnology company who is sent to explore a mysterious tomb. In the tomb, Luke is attacked by unknown creatures and loses contact with the company.

Mason Burrows, the CEO of the biotech company, played by veteran Kelsey Glamour, learns from the video luke teleported before his disappearance that the tomb is, as he expected, hiding the secret of immortality that he has always wanted to explore.

After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

So Mason Burrows formed a search and rescue team. The captain is played by Hollywood tough guy Kenan Lutz. Experienced and courageous, he is not only responsible for searching and rescuing Luke, but also responsible for protecting his teammates.

After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

High-value actress Li Bingbing starred in the film as Luke's sister Jia, who is a doctor of biology. After learning from Mason Burrows that his brother was missing, he joined the search and rescue team.

After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

In the ancient tomb, she desperately searches for the whereabouts of her brother Luke, encounters the attack of highly poisonous creatures, and leads her teammates to fight monsters all the way, and her brain power and strength values are both explosive, and the charm of the whole film is infinite.

After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

Starring in this adventure action blockbuster, Li Bingbing suffered a lot. When filming in Australia, due to the large temperature difference between local and domestic, and her overwork in filming, the body temperature once burned to 40 degrees, but Li Bingbing continued to shoot with a high fever in order not to delay the filming progress, showing quite dedication.

After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

The biggest charm of the new film "Mystery Nest" is the compact plot, thrilling scenes one after another, and there is no urine point throughout the whole process.

As the rescue team went deep into the ground, unknown dangers began to take turns, and the thrill of the expedition continued to be staged, and the hormones on the kidneys were seen soaring.

The rescue team was hit by a yellow sand storm in the middle of the desert, and Jia fled in a car, soaring in the overwhelming sand and dust, almost being swallowed up by the storm.

After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

In the middle of the ancient tomb, there is also a sea of flames, and it is attacked by highly poisonous creatures, and the poisonous spiders are bloodthirsty, and the rescue team is in a lot of crisis.

After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

The ancient tomb is full of dangers, and in the process of escape, there are many dangers of nine deaths and one life everywhere.

After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

And the danger is not limited to this, after entering the ancient tomb, in the face of unpredictable dangers, the dark side of human nature has begun to be magnified, this rescue team not only has to deal with one after another life and death tests, but also to solve a sudden hidden killing machine.

After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

It is the complex character design that makes this adventure and escape process full of variables, the development of the plot is completely unpredictable, and the reversed plot setting is unique.

"Mystery Nest" was filmed as early as 2016, and the post-special effects production lasted for 15 months, directed by the internationally renowned special effects production company Rising Sun Pictures, which shocked the mysterious underground world and prehistoric poisonous creatures in front of the audience, providing top special effects, which shows the degree of intention of the film.

After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

Rising Sun Pictures has produced visual effects for Blockbusters such as Lord of the Rings 3, Harry Potter, X-Men, gravity, and more.

This time, in order to present every detail on the spider's body in detail, the special effects team captured the detailed characteristics of the spider in action, truly restoring the spider's every move, and this realistic special effect can be described as the conscience of capitalization.

After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

As the producer and star of "Mystery Nest", Li Bingbing said in an interview: "In this film, we have made a good integration of China's cultural background and film story. "The collision of two cultures creates an unexpected chemical reaction."

After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

The biggest breakthrough of "Mystery Nest" is the collision and integration of Chinese and Western cultures, and with the development of the plot, the mystery of the ancient imperial tombs is slowly revealed. There is both the core of the Eastern story, as well as the Western suspense and special effects production.

After Brave Games, there's a more exciting adventure action movie!

The adventure action movie "Enigma Nest" is scheduled to be released nationwide on January 19, and this compact plot, thrilling and full of urine points is worth looking forward to.

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