
King Zhou Mu spent two years and 110,000 miles to meet the Queen Mother of the West, and the reason behind it was unexpected

author:Gion tree

In the seventeenth year of King Mu of Zhou, Tianzi came to the West Queen's Mother Kingdom and stayed for a month later; on the auspicious day of Jiazi, Tianzi held Bai Gui Xuan Bibin to the West Queen Mother. Zhou Tianzi not only brought a full of gifts, but also exchanged gifts with the West Queen Mother for a month in the West Queen Mother Country.

Before leaving, Tianzi and the Queen Mother of the West drank wine on the Yao pond. The two of them drank drunkenly and exchanged heartfelt words. The Queen Mother of the West even held Zhou Tianzi's hand and sang for him: "The general is not dead, can he still come back?" ”

King Zhou Mu spent two years and 110,000 miles to meet the Queen Mother of the West, and the reason behind it was unexpected

Queen Mother of the West

Love is obvious, how can Zhou Tianzi not know? But there was still a subject of the country waiting for him in the far east, how could he bear to ignore it? Therefore, Zhou Tianzi politely rejected the Queen Mother of the West. Disheartened, she sang another song for him as a parting song.

Where is this legendary Queen Mother of the West? How long did Zhou Tianzi run before he got here?

The Biography of Mu Tianzi records that from Luoyang, the capital of the Zhou Dynasty, 3,400 miles west is the Mountain of Yanglu; 2,500 miles west of the YangluAn is the Western Xia tribe; 1,500 miles west of the Western Xia tribe is the Xiangshan Mountain of Heshou; and from the Xiangshan Mountain of heshou to the west, it is 700 miles to the west to reach the Hill of Kunlun of Zhuze. The West Queen Mother Country is in kunlun hills, but to really reach the capital of the West Queen Mother Country, it will take another three thousand three hundred miles.

King Zhou Mu spent two years and 110,000 miles to meet the Queen Mother of the West, and the reason behind it was unexpected

King Mu of Zhou marched west

That is to say, King Mu of Zhou went on a date in Kunlun Mountain and walked a total of 110,000 miles. According to the Zhou Dynasty's one-mile road of about 300 meters, King Mu of Zhou also had to walk about 3,500 kilometers. Such a long distance, it will take two days to take the train now, right? However, King Mu of Zhou rode a horse with a group of younger brothers and ran for nearly two years, exhausting eight horses.

Zhou Muwang ran such a long distance, was it really to see his sister? What is the origin of this legendary Queen Mother Country of the West? In many ancient books, they do not give us a clear answer, but simply tell us that there is a country called the Queen Mother of the West in the depths of the Kunlun Mountains.

Therefore, all the answers need to be speculated by ourselves.

King Zhou Mu spent two years and 110,000 miles to meet the Queen Mother of the West, and the reason behind it was unexpected

The Land of Shouma

In the deepest part of the Great Wilderness, there is a country called the Land of Shouma. There are very few records of this country, and the entire Classic of Mountains and Seas has only one sentence: there is a country with shouma. What is this country up for? No one knows; where is the country? No one knows; what does the nation look like? No one knows.

The whole secret about this country, except that it is called the land of Shouma, is simply too mysterious.

In later literature, there are some only words about the country, such as Lü's Spring and Autumn Record: Nanfu Shouma. For this sentence in the Spring and Autumn of the Lü clan, posterity noted that the south should be the west, Shou Ma Tong Shou Jing.

In this way, Nanfu Shouma became a suit Shoujing, translated into modern Chinese, and conquered the country of Shoujing in the West.

No matter how later generations interpret it, whether it is Shou Jing or Shou Ma Bar, the name of this country is transliterated. Let's put Shouma aside and look farther afield.

In distant antiquity, Central Asia once had a powerful state called Sumer. The country is entrenched in the Two Rivers Valley and is unprecedentedly powerful. Sumer's English pronunciation is sumer, students with good English can try to read it, is the pronunciation not Shouma? Therefore, Sumer has also been translated as Sumer.

King Zhou Mu spent two years and 110,000 miles to meet the Queen Mother of the West, and the reason behind it was unexpected

Descendants of the Sumerians

Is the pronunciation of Sumo familiar? In ancient times, when writing was not popularized, if the rumors continued, would Su Mo become Ximu? Well, speaking of which, did you find something remarkable? Yes, you read that right, there is a good chance that the Queen Mother of the West is a descendant of the Sumerians.

In this way, it also explains why in kunlun mountain, a place where there is no village and no shop in front of the village, there lives such a powerful west queen mother country. But isn't it because people have developed thousands of years earlier than the Yellow River Basin?

The strength of the West Queen's mother country, with the belligerence of Zhou Tianzi, did not dare to clash head-on with it.

Why did such a powerful Western Queen Mother Kingdom come to the Kunlun Mountains from the Two Rivers Valley? After arriving in the Kunlun Mountains, why didn't the descendants of the Sumerians continue to march east?

At the end of the 24th century BC, the Sumerian kingdom was infighting and was defeated by foreign invasions. The Sumerian royal family fled and ran everywhere in order to continue the bloodline and one day reorganize the rivers and mountains.

Some of the Sumerians fled eastward to the Kunlun Mountains with advanced technology, where they camped and multiplied. Because they have more advanced production technology, for some Kunlun Mountain natives, it is naturally an overwhelming victory. Soon, they occupied the Kunlun Mountains.

Despite this, they were still foreign monks, and although they could be local snakes, they could not go further west. After all, what awaited them in the east was the Zhou Kingdom, which had many soldiers and a large number of generals, and they could not defeat them at all.

The exchange of civilizations will always occur, and I don't know how many years later, the descendants of the Sumerians gradually rose to fame here, making King Mu of Zhou come to visit.

King Zhou Mu spent two years and 110,000 miles to meet the Queen Mother of the West, and the reason behind it was unexpected

The sphere of influence of the Queen Mother of the West

In the Kunlun Mountains, King Zhou Mu met Her Majesty the Queen of the West Queen's mother country, and the two had a wonderful love. King Mu of Zhou did not know that the Queen Mother of the West was not of the Eastern Turk race, and those who fell into the love network only felt that the Queen Mother of the West looked very strange and did not become wary.

Later, King Mu of Zhou returned to his homeland. He felt more and more that he had been fooled, and when he thought about it carefully, he suddenly found that the Queen Mother of the West was not of my race. As a result, Prince Mu of Zhou commanded a large army to march west to the Queen Mother of the West, defeated the foot of kunlun mountain, and never dared to touch kunlun mountain again.

This incident was recorded by the author of the Classic of Mountains and Seas and sanctified the Queen Mother of the West. No way, she was really too strong, it was just a god-like existence. With false rumors, the Queen Mother of the West has become what she is today.

Thousands of years have passed, and the West Queen Mother Country has long disappeared in the dust of history, without a trace, but the love story between King Zhou Mu and the West Queen Mother has been passed down forever.

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