
How is the new laughing pride of the jianghu long sigh how to trigger the adventure? Longquan sighed a long time to complete the raiders

author:Minnan Net

How to do the new laughing pride of the jianghu long sigh adventure? After the update of the new Xiaohao Jianghu on August 6, a new adventure mission was opened, and the long sigh in the Longquan map was one of them, so how should this adventure be triggered? The following is the Longquan long sigh adventure to complete the raiders, small partners come to see it!

The new laughing pride of the jianghu Longquan long sighed how to do the adventure

How is the new laughing pride of the jianghu long sigh how to trigger the adventure? Longquan sighed a long time to complete the raiders

First of all, this Longquan Long Sigh Adventure is divided into three parts: burial sword, casting soul and sword talk.

Hidden Sword: Open the appearance to select the appearance of the weapon - Ink Wucao to take a photo, more than a few times to trigger;

Cast Soul + Sword said: Here it is very much about the player's pedigree, mainly to see the luck, when the quenching value is high, it can be triggered


Dragon Spring - Long Sigh Adventure can only trigger the pre-task due to level reasons. Since 178 is still early, everyone is still slowly saving the iron trigger.


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