
Kim Jae-jung, who joked about the outbreak, will resume his trip to Japan in early May

author:Beijing News

According to South Korean media reports, Kim Jae-jung, who lied on social media on April Fool's Day that he was infected with new crown pneumonia, and then admitted to lying, will resume his activities in Japan on May 3 after a month.

Kim Jae-jun's Japanese company said through its official website "J.Jun" that Lieutenant General Kim jae-jun participated in the Japanese NHK BS tv program "Tomakey Show" on May 3. NHK also posted a teaser video on the homepage and revealed that Kim will sing his own song on the show. Previously, Kim Jae-chung participated in the Japanese mask collection activity, which once again triggered dissatisfaction among South Korean netizens.

Kim Jae-jung, who joked about the outbreak, will resume his trip to Japan in early May

On April 1, Kim Jae-jung lied on social media that he was infected with COVID-19, and later made a statement admitting that he was lying, saying that the move was just to make everyone pay more attention to the epidemic.

However, after the incident, Kim Jae-jung was criticized by a large number of netizens at home and abroad, and although he apologized twice, he did not get forgiveness. Some South Korean netizens are still on the Blue House National Petition Platform, and the petition penalty is in the middle. Subsequently, many Japanese promotional activities that Kim was scheduled to attend were cancelled. >>> joked about the epidemic to cause public anger, and Han 3,000 netizens petitioned for a fine

Although nearly a month has passed since the incident, South Korean netizens still showed coldness when they heard that Lieutenant General Kim was resuming his work and participating in Japanese television programs.

Beijing News Editor Wu Dongni

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