
With the concept of all-media, Linyi People's Hospital joined hands with media reporters to tell the story of Linyi medicine

author:Qilu one point

Qilu Evening News Qilu One Point Reporter Jiang Man Correspondent Yang Xueling Wang Xiaotong

On November 8th, the General Hospital of Linyi People's Hospital held a symposium to celebrate the 22nd China Journalists' Day. The hospital will continue to work with news media reporters and friends, guided by the concept of all media, and continue to temper "foot, eye, brain, and pen power" in the deep integration of the media, singing the good voice of the doctor, transmitting the positive energy of the doctor, telling the good story of the doctor, and showing the new achievements of the doctor.

With the concept of all-media, Linyi People's Hospital joined hands with media reporters to tell the story of Linyi medicine

The leaders of the participating hospitals introduced the basic situation of the hospital around the construction of hospital disciplines, logistics support, hardware facilities, medical business development, operation management, etc., and extended festive greetings to reporters and friends. The heads of the medical department, the nursing department, the infection management department, the outpatient emergency management office, the office and other departments introduced the construction of the designated hospital, the management of the sentinel hospital, the ward management, the infection management and the preparation for the 130th anniversary of the hospital under the current epidemic prevention and control situation.

The news media reporters spoke enthusiastically, focusing on the hospital's in-depth excavation of news clues, telling heart-warming stories, strengthening in-depth reporting, and carrying out convenient and warm services for the hospital, etc. Many valuable opinions and suggestions were put forward, and at the same time hoped to further strengthen cooperation and exchanges, comprehensively display the new achievements made by the hospital, and help the hospital create its own unique clinical medical brand.

On behalf of the hospital party committee and all the staff of the hospital, Li Fengming, president of the hospital and deputy secretary of the party committee, expressed his heartfelt thanks to the media reporters for their concern and support for the construction and development of the hospital over the years, and sent holiday blessings to everyone. He recalled that over the years, especially since the epidemic prevention and control last year, the hospital and the journalists and friends on the news media front have fought side by side and spoken out together, and established a deep friendship.

Li Fengming said: The vast number of journalists are conscientious, courageous, and willing to dedicate, always keep up with the pace of the times, consciously undertake missions and tasks, publicize the party's propositions, deeply reflect the voices of the masses, establish a good image of journalists in the new era, and become a model for the vast number of medical workers to learn from.

He stressed that under the current severe epidemic prevention and control situation, hospitals have successively issued strict regulations on outpatient treatment, ward management, and escort management, hoping that the news media can strengthen the further publicity and guidance of hospital epidemic prevention and control measures, so that the public can better understand, understand, support and cooperate.

Looking back on the past, the news media front has always supported and worked together with the development of the hospital and the majority of doctors to carry forward the main theme and spread positive energy, providing strong public opinion support and spiritual motivation for the development of various undertakings of the hospital. Looking forward to the future, the hospital will continue to work with news media reporters and friends, guided by the concept of all media, and continue to temper "foot, eye, brain, and pen power" in the deep integration of the media, sing the good voice of the doctor, transmit the positive energy of the doctor, tell the good story of the doctor, show the new achievements of the doctor, and contribute to the high-quality development of the hospital.

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With the concept of all-media, Linyi People's Hospital joined hands with media reporters to tell the story of Linyi medicine

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