
Rationally look at Cai Bin's all-Chinese class playing style, and insist on the pros and cons of not attracting reinforcements for the cultivation of young players

author:Activates energy

The new season of the Volleyball Super League is about to start, and the reinforcement work of each team is basically coming to an end. The Tianjin women's volleyball team introduced strong reinforcements Vargas and Liu Yanhan, making the team's attacking power proud of the whole league. The veteran Shanghai women's volleyball team did not show weakness, and the joining of big stars such as Jin Softjing has improved the overall grade of the team to a certain extent, and it is not surprising that this year's volleyball super will become a duet between Tianjin and Shanghai. On the other hand, the Jiangsu women's volleyball team, which has been playing in the all-Chinese class, has not seen any wind in the reinforcement work this season, and it seems that the fine tradition will continue, and head coach Cai Bin recently said the real reason why the team does not introduce reinforcements.

Rationally look at Cai Bin's all-Chinese class playing style, and insist on the pros and cons of not attracting reinforcements for the cultivation of young players

Cai Bin

Jiangsu women's volleyball head coach Cai Bin recently interviewed reporters on the issue of team reinforcements, he said, "In fact, the introduction of reinforcements is the simplest, let foreign aid to play, save how much heart." But what about homegrown players after reinforcements? All I can do is be responsible for the team, responsible for the players. The professional cycle of players is very short, and we as coaches should not mistake people for the sake of peace of mind and effort."

For Cai Bin's view, first of all, we do not dwell on whether the reinforcement work is set by the superior or the head coach, and on the issue of reinforcement alone, cai Bin's view is obviously outdated today. Cai Bin said that not to attract reinforcements to let local players play the game, responsible for the team is also responsible for the players, fish and bear paws must be both, is this possible? In theory, the team has achieved good results, as individual players have also been baptized by the game, the league time is so short, everyone wants to turn on the court, but in fact, this idea and practice violates the development direction of sports competition to a certain extent.

Rationally look at Cai Bin's all-Chinese class playing style, and insist on the pros and cons of not attracting reinforcements for the cultivation of young players

Jiangsu women's volleyball team

First look at the results of the Jiangsu women's volleyball team in recent years, since the team won the double championship in the 17-18 season, they can no longer climb to the top of the volleyball super, the main problem is the lack of stamina of the team at key moments. From the perspective of player configuration and playing style, Cai Bin's theory is too dependent on Zhang Changning, Gong Xiangyu these national players, some people say that the rise of Zhang Changning Gong Xiangyu is Cai Bin's contribution, but this can only be regarded as a small part, in fact, in the national team, Lang's discovery and bold use have saved these two players a lot of effort for Cai Bin in the later stage. It is said that the Jiangsu women's volleyball team has sent a lot of talents to the national team, but it is also necessary to dialectically point of view, the Jiangsu women's volleyball team does have a lot of good seedlings and talents, such as Ni Feifan, if there is no Lang Dao's point allocation development, then it is almost difficult for her to have today's achievements in the Jiangsu women's volleyball team.

Rationally look at Cai Bin's all-Chinese class playing style, and insist on the pros and cons of not attracting reinforcements for the cultivation of young players

This shows that it is the most important thing to find that talents can be boldly and actively used, in the past, the Jiangsu women's volleyball team had so many outstanding performances in the national youth and the country, and now they are basically reduced to spectators on the field, and head coach Cai Bin is indeed not resolute enough in the use of personnel. At the very least small achievements in the national brand will be used, most players are difficult to get the opportunity to play, such training is obviously passive talent training.

Looking at the lineup this season, Young players such as Yang Jia and Tang Xin have entered the adult team, and the combination of the new and old of the team looks energetic, but in fact, it is quite difficult to run into a good fit in the short term or to completely drive young players. If new players want to quickly integrate into it, they cannot be separated from the high-intensity rhythm of the game, the leadership and call of high-level players, and the addition of high-level players can also reduce the burden of the head coach, and young players can improve and correct their level and skills in the fast pace.

Finally, the improvement of the overall level of the league is the best stage for the progress of players, and the purpose of the league is to serve the national team and provide high-level athletes for the national team. The improvement of the overall level of domestic leagues urgently requires the addition of high-level foreign aid, and learning from their strengths has been used. In addition, we must not ignore the chemical reaction of young players and foreign players competing in the same field, even off-field observation is also an improvement.

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