
Pregnant food recommended dragon body anchovy shrimp

author:Tips for beautiful mothers

Among the minerals in the human body, the amount of phosphorus is second only to the content of calcium. The phosphorus content in pregnant mothers and fetal bones is about half of the calcium content, so pregnant mothers must pay attention to phosphorus supplementation. Phosphorus supplementation is for the fetus and pregnant women to be healthier, but in this process, if the amount of supplementation is not well grasped, it will also bring certain negative effects to pregnant mothers and fetuses. Therefore, this issue of Xiaobian recommends a dish that can supplement both calcium and phosphorus - dragon body anchovy shrimp. Let's take a look.

Dragon body anchovy shrimp, a famous dish in Fujian, the finished body resembles a dragon, and the tail resembles a phoenix.

raw material:

200g shrimp 1 small slice of ham

Tomatoes 1 cucumber 1/3 cut Cabbage leaves 6-8 slices Garlic 1 clove Green onion 1 small piece

Salt appropriate amount Oil appropriate amount Starch appropriate amount Cooking wine Appropriate amount MSG Appropriate amount


1. Handle fresh shrimp

Remove the head and shell of the shrimp (leave the tail), wash and use the towel to absorb the water, use a knife to cut the back of the shrimp to the tail (not to cut into 2 pieces), remove the sand line, and gently pat the knife surface to set aside.

Pregnant food recommended dragon body anchovy shrimp

2: Cut the ham into a thin stick shape, the same amount as the shrimp.

3: Blanch the cabbage leaves and spread the bottom of the plate.

4: Slice the cucumber and slice the tomatoes (with skin).

5: Place the ham on the back of the shrimp and roll up the shrimp.

6: Heat the frying pan, fry the shrimp, and fish out after the shrimp turns red.

Pregnant food recommended dragon body anchovy shrimp
Pregnant food recommended dragon body anchovy shrimp
Pregnant food recommended dragon body anchovy shrimp
Pregnant food recommended dragon body anchovy shrimp
Pregnant food recommended dragon body anchovy shrimp
Pregnant food recommended dragon body anchovy shrimp
Pregnant food recommended dragon body anchovy shrimp
Pregnant food recommended dragon body anchovy shrimp

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