
#Summer Appetizer #Spicy Edamame

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#Summer Appetizer #Spicy Edamame

by Jelly 107

100 g edamame

Crab mushrooms 50 g

1 spring onion

3 red peppers

1 green pepper

#Summer Appetizer #Spicy Edamame

1. Prepare the ingredients to be used

#Summer Appetizer #Spicy Edamame

2. Clean and cut into strips for later

#Summer Appetizer #Spicy Edamame

3: Heat the oil in the pot and stir-fry the green onion until fragrant

#Summer Appetizer #Spicy Edamame

4: Add edamame and stir-fry

#Summer Appetizer #Spicy Edamame

5: Add crab mushrooms and stir-fry

#Summer Appetizer #Spicy Edamame

6: Add a bowl of water to a boil and simmer the edamame

#Summer Appetizer #Spicy Edamame

7: When the moisture is running out, add the pepper and stir-fry, add a spoonful of soy sauce, a spoonful of sugar, a small amount of salt, continue to stir-fry

#Summer Appetizer #Spicy Edamame

8: Add a spoonful of oyster sauce before cooking

#Summer Appetizer #Spicy Edamame

9, delicious and spicy edamame is finished

Edamame can lower blood pressure: Edamame is rich in dietary fiber, which can stimulate gastrointestinal peristalsis, improve constipation, and help reduce blood pressure and cholesterol.

Edamame is sweet and flat, entering the spleen and large intestine. It has the effect of strengthening the spleen and width, moisturizing and eliminating water, clearing heat, detoxification, and improving qi. Indications for the treatment of chancre diarrhea, abdominal distension and thinness, pregnancy poisoning, carbuncle swelling poisoning, trauma bleeding and so on.

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