
Mark Filcher, a famous Hollywood hairstylist, died of COVID-19

author:The Paper

The Paper's reporter Cheng Xiaojun

Since the outbreak of the new crown pneumonia epidemic in the world, many filmmakers in Europe and the United States have died of the epidemic. Following the news in September, Russian director Andrei Sarkinsev, who directed works such as "Leviathan" and "No Love to Complain", is undergoing treatment in Germany, and after his serious illness, the US media recently reported that Marc Pilcher, a British hair stylist who has just won this year's Emmy Award for Best Makeup and Hair Design with Netflix's popular costume romance drama "Bridgeton", has died of covid-19 on October 3, at the age of 53.

Mark Filcher, a famous Hollywood hairstylist, died of COVID-19

Not long ago, Mark Fillcher had just received an Emmy Award

According to mark Filler's brokerage firm, Filcher does not have an underlying medical condition and has been given two doses of the vaccine in its entirety. Moreover, last month, he left the United Kingdom to Los Angeles to attend the Emmy Awards ceremony, and received nucleic acid tests in the United Kingdom and the United States several times, and the results at that time were also negative. However, shortly after returning to the UK, Filcher began to develop symptoms of covid-19, which eventually developed to an irreparable point, which is surprising and regrettable.

Mark Filcher, a famous Hollywood hairstylist, died of COVID-19

Filcher was involved in the hairstyle design for the British drama Downton Abbey

Born in England in 1967, Mark Filcher started his career as a hair stylist in the late 1980s, initially working as an actor in London's West End theatre. After 2000, Filcher began to enter the film and television industry, participating in the hair and makeup work of Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens, Sherlock Holmes, Thor 2: The Dark World, Star Wars Gaiden: Rogue One, Beauty and the Beast, Downton Abbey and many other film and television productions, including Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Ralph Fiennes, Emily Feiennes, and Many other film and television productions. Renowned actors including Emily Blunt, Helena Bonham Carter, Michelle Williams and Ian McKellen have designed hairstyles, won several Hollywood Makeup artists and hair stylists guild awards for outstanding hairstyling, and in 2019 for Mary Queen of Mary Scots) was nominated for an Academy Award.

Mark Filcher, a famous Hollywood hairstylist, died of COVID-19

With Queen Mary, Fairchi was nominated for the 2019 Academy Award for Best Makeup and Hairstyling

After the bad news of Filcher's death from the epidemic broke, Nicola Coughlan, the Irish actor who played penelope in "Bridgeton", posted on her social media account to express her condolences: "This bad news breaks my heart. His untimely death was a human tragedy; originally, there was a great future waiting for him. His death has also sounded another alarm bell for us: the crisis caused by the new crown pneumonia is still urgent, and everyone must still pay close attention to vaccination, wear masks, and protect others and protect themselves. ”

Mark Filcher, a famous Hollywood hairstylist, died of COVID-19

Irish actress Nicola Coughland ( left ) who played the role of Penelope in Bridgeton

Editor-in-Charge: Zhang Zhe

Proofreader: Luan Meng

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