
How many patents do I need to declare for high-level recognition?

author:Top intellectual property rights

In the appraisal of high-level enterprises, intellectual property rights are closely related to the assessment score, and its score can account for 60 is very large. Among them, the enterprise has sufficient intellectual property rights and high quality is the key, and its patents are also crucial in the declaration of high enterprises. So if only three utility patents can successfully pass the high-level certification? The following is a detailed answer to the small editor of Chengdu Top Que High Enterprise Identification.

How many patents do I need to declare for high-level recognition?

First of all, it can help customers purchase 6 utility patents and 2 invention patents. At the same time, explain the project declaration process and the content that needs to be cooperated with the customer, customize the processing plan for the company, and inform the customer of the declaration materials required for high-level certification at one time:

(1) The certification materials of the main body of the enterprise;

(2) Annual audit report, r&d fee audit report, high-tech product audit report;

(3) Soft certificate;

(4) Personnel certification materials;

(5) Technical materials, such as project approval reports, product introductions, etc. The electronics company's high-end certification filing process prepares customers nearly a year in advance.

Subsequently, the Chengdu high-tech enterprise identification platform will have a special responsible staff, begin to cooperate with the audit, supervise the completion of the first draft of the audit report, improve the technical materials; and then review the first draft of the report, technical materials, the filling in of the declaration content, etc., to help customers complete the high enterprise certification declaration process. If the company has a soft book, it can also apply for high-level recognition, which is more convenient and fast, mainly the following points:

(1) The computer software copyright has a short period from application to authorization, and it is much easier for enterprises to obtain it.

(2) The application cost is also low. When the number of patents is insufficient, it can be declared by applying for software copyright.

(3) It should be noted that although it is easier than patent application, it is also necessary to consider the relevance of the product, otherwise the number is not much effect, and the score is extremely low.

The above is how many patents to pass the content of high-level identification, the number of patents is definitely the more the better, but you need to pay attention to the relevance, otherwise it is useless in more, waste time and money, if you have other questions, you can consult Chengdu Top Que High Enterprise Identification Customer Service.