
How many packs of fleas bite a toddler with hepatitis? It turned out to be infected with the herpes virus

author:Hebei News Network
How many packs of fleas bite a toddler with hepatitis? It turned out to be infected with the herpes virus

How many packs of fleas bite a toddler with hepatitis? It turned out to be infected with the herpes virus (data map)

Hebei News Network News (correspondent Xia Yanmin Yin Jianmin) less than one year old child was bitten by fleas, because fever to the hospital to check the child's high transaminases, liver inflammation, parents suspect that the child has hepatitis B, with a highly nervous mood to Cangzhou Infectious Disease Hospital for medical treatment, the result is that the child is infected with herpes virus, and flea bites have nothing to do.

Zhang Ping (pseudonym), who lives in the city, and his wife returned to their hometown in the countryside with their children, and the whole family happily ate a reunion dinner. When I turned on the light, there were several small red bumps around the child, and at this time, the wife also woke up, saying that she was itchy, and there were also red bumps when she saw it. Zhang Ping woke up his parents, and his parents looked at them and said that there were fleas, saying that there were cats in the family, which were bitten by fleas. After giving the child antipruritic medicine, he changed to a new futon and lay down again, but in the middle of the night, the child developed a high fever. The next day, Zhang Ping and his wife carried the child to the hospital for examination, and the results of the examination showed that the child's liver function was abnormal. The husband and wife were frightened, because Zhang Ping's mother was a hepatitis B patient, although Zhang Ping did not suffer from hepatitis B, but was not infected after being bitten by fleas? With doubts and nervousness, Zhang Ping and his wife took the child to Cangzhou Infectious Disease Hospital for medical treatment, after the doctor's diagnosis, the child was infected with infant herpes virus, not hepatitis, the husband and wife were relieved, after 7 days of treatment, the child was cured and discharged.

Li Cangyou, an expert at Cangzhou Infectious Disease Hospital, said that infants under 1 year old have abnormal liver function or jaundice, which is called "infantile hepatitis syndrome". The most common cause of infantile hepatitis syndrome is viral infection, with CYTOME, Epstein-Barr virus, herpes virus, and Toxoplasma gondii infections being the most common, all of which may cause abnormal liver function. Therefore, if infants and young children have symptoms of hepatitis such as jaundice and elevated aminotransferases, after excluding the family history of hepatitis B, they should consider testing their children for related infection-like viruses. Do not be carelessly suspicious, seek your own troubles, timely medical treatment, formal treatment is the most critical. As for the flea infection hepatitis that Xiao Zhang and his wife suspect, there is no scientific basis for this, but fleas bites can spread some infectious diseases, such as plague, rat typhus (endemic typhus), and can also spread diseases such as canine polyneses, tapeworm tapeworm and tiny tapeworm, but this is rare in the clinic, as long as good hygiene is maintained, it will generally not be transmitted.