
Verb Classification and Deformation Finishing Series I, Rapid Collection

author:Ohara Japanese
Verb Classification and Deformation Finishing Series I, Rapid Collection

Verb passage

Students who are studying Japanese, do they feel that the passive words are deformed and the whole brain shell is dizzy?!

て形、ない形、基本形、た形、命令形、Will shape、ば形、使役形... (And Ha, I won't enumerate one by one) Oh my God, so much, miscellaneous changes yo?

Come and go, don't worry, Teacher Ohara Liu sorted out a verb classification summary for everyone, and the students prepared the small book

First, let's figure out three types of verb miscellaneous divisions:

A type of verb:

(After removing ます, the last kana is located in い段)

Example: Write, enter, fly, drink

  Meet, stand, talk, die

Second-class verbs:

(After removing ます, the last kana is located in え段)

Example: Eat, attach, stop, find out

Show, help, throw away, see

Also: The special verbs located in the い段 primary volume 9 each

个,Both 18,The Empress Who Leaves

Special category II verbs:

First: I am, I see, I get up

First down: Rent, you can, too

   Get off, bathe, wear

Enough, live, go down

   Fall, communicate, feel

   I believe, I look alike, I know.

Three types of verbs:

Basically two kanji + します, or katakana

A copy of the name + 构ߐ书词+

Example: Study, call, shop

Copy, jog

There is also a Kanji + します (rarely)

Example: Reach (Tachi)

I love you

Special: Come (come)

Verb Classification and Deformation Finishing Series I, Rapid Collection

Okay, now that we've sorted out the three types of verbs, let's focus on how the verbs are deformed. Students, everyone first digested this dry goods (series one), the next issue we still have to sort out (series two), if you are not clear at that time, then only the small editor "deformation" to show you Ha Ha!

Today first change the words て形、ない形、基本形、た形、命令形ha! The deformation series changes and begins the whole!


Tegata: 14 elementary books

a:The Departing Empress,I'm in a good way


Example: Stand→ stand, and go home→ go home,

I'll see you→ see me.

b: The queen who leaves,

It's over

Example: Fly→ fly, drink→ drink,

Die→ dead

c: The Departing Empress,With

  or in the

Example: Listen→ listen, hurry→ hurry

d: The departing empress,With a direct

Example: Talk→ talk

e: Go to Kosei

Leave direct +

Example: Eat→ eat, stop →

I'll take it a long time.

Example: Call→ Call Me


Not a form: Beginner's upper book 19 lessons

The last kana after removing ます becomes its corresponding あ段假名 + ない

Example: Write→ do not write, stand→

Also: If you remove ます, the case ends with い is regarded as

Obi Yōe-Yō-Ying-1-go-to-go

Example: Meet→ don't meet, use→ don't use

The empress who leaves,Direct + no

Example: Eat→ don't eat, see→ don't see

Example: Study→ don't study

另: I'm coming

Example: → come


Basic Form: Beginner Upper Book 20 lessons

The last kana after removing ます becomes the kana of the う段 kana that corresponds to it

Example: Write→ write, stand →

The Departing Empress,Direct +

Example: Eat→ Eat, See →

They are in a way that they

Example: Study→ study

Example: Come → come


Tgata: Beginner's 21st Section

Please refer to the change rules of て形(01)


Command Form: Elementary Volume 29 Lessons

The last kana after removing ます becomes the え段 kana corresponding to it

Example: Go→ go, drink→ drink

The Departing Empress,+ro

Example: Eat→ Eat, look →

I'll take it.

Example: Study→ study.

Example: Come → come

Well, today I will sort it out here, please absorb it well

The next period of the change (yu) shape (gao): will shape, ば shape, possible shape, passive shape, make service shape, make passive shape, students please pay attention to yo ~

Verb Classification and Deformation Finishing Series I, Rapid Collection


Text/Teacher Liu Oihara


Image/source from the web