
The manslaughter of his wife and brother framed his classmates, his wife Dayi destroyed his relatives to seek revenge, and the manslaughter case in Hunyuan Prefecture, Shanxi, in the Qing Dynasty was fully solved

author:Small scrivener of the Punishment Department

Li Yumei character Park Yuan, a native of Hunyuan Prefecture, Shanxi, was orphaned and poor at an early age. Studying in an old predecessor of Hunyuan Prefecture, the teacher has a son and a daughter, the son is in his twenties with intellectual disabilities and does not know the five grains, the daughter is fifteen years old, the elder Wen Wanxianshu, smart and virtuous, the teacher and the couple regard it as a pearl in the palm of their hands. The teacher has always been very heavy on Yumi, thinking of marrying his daughter to him. And Li Yumei also had this intention, and the two of them almost formally proposed the dowry. Because of her family's poverty, Kuri Yukimi often lived in a private school and was accompanied by her teacher's mentally handicapped son. At the same time, among the classmates, there is also a wealthy Wang.

The manslaughter of his wife and brother framed his classmates, his wife Dayi destroyed his relatives to seek revenge, and the manslaughter case in Hunyuan Prefecture, Shanxi, in the Qing Dynasty was fully solved

One night, the teacher's mentally handicapped son was restless and could not sleep, and wanted to change the bed with Li Yumei, Li Yumei was originally unwilling, how could he keep pestering, had to agree to change the bed to sleep. After changing the bed, he lay down for only a short while, only to hear a loud noise, and a handful of iron goths fell from the roof, directly through the chest of the teacher's son, and he died of exhaustion with a loud cry. Li Yumei cried out in fright, and the teacher heard the voice and rushed over to check it out, only to see that his mentally handicapped son had died tragically in bed. Seeing this, the teacher should even suspect what Kuri Yumi was doing. Kuri yumi quickly loudly defended that there was a hole in the roof, and that someone had thrown iron from the roof to kill the disciple, but these explanations could not dispel the teacher's suspicions. Li Yumei's classmate Wang Mou also instigated from the side at this time, and the teacher chose to report to the official. Li Yumei, a weak scholar, had to confess innocently under severe torture.

The manslaughter of his wife and brother framed his classmates, his wife Dayi destroyed his relatives to seek revenge, and the manslaughter case in Hunyuan Prefecture, Shanxi, in the Qing Dynasty was fully solved

Li Yumei is imprisoned waiting for the execution of Qiu Hou, and her sister has no marriage partner. This is Li Yumei's classmate Wang Mou sent a matchmaker to the door to propose to him, expressing his willingness to send the teacher and the teacher's mother to the end of the pension. The teacher agreed to this family affair, and soon the two became married. After the marriage, Wang Mou drank a little wine, slightly drunk and said to his wife: "I worked hard to marry you." As soon as his wife heard him say this, he hurried to ask questions, and Wang Mou said triumphantly: "Your brother's death was done by me to buy a huge amount of money to buy the thieves, originally I wanted to kill Li Yumei, but I did not expect to kill your brother by mistake." But Li Yumei was convicted of this matter, so I can marry you, and it is also a fate that God has decided." The wife was shocked to hear these words, but her face was a forced laughter of persuasion. After Wang Mou fell drunk, his wife carried a dagger all night without sleep.

The manslaughter of his wife and brother framed his classmates, his wife Dayi destroyed his relatives to seek revenge, and the manslaughter case in Hunyuan Prefecture, Shanxi, in the Qing Dynasty was fully solved

At dawn the next day, I came to the county court to beat the drum and sing the injustice. The county ordered the interrogation to obtain the truth, and Wang Mou was arrested and brought to justice together with the thieves, and the interrogation made the case clear. The case was over, and the wronged Li Yumei was also released, but Li Yumei's sister said sadly in the county hall: "I have married Wang, and I only denounced my husband Wang Mou because of my brother's sake, this is the evil fate of the past life." He took out the dagger he was carrying in his arms and killed himself in the county hall. Li Yumei was released due to her sister's denunciation, but her sister's soul returned to the Western Heavens, and she could not cry when she heard it. After Li Yumei supported the master and his wife, they grew old, and the female protagonist's tablet was placed in the home every day.

The manslaughter of his wife and brother framed his classmates, his wife Dayi destroyed his relatives to seek revenge, and the manslaughter case in Hunyuan Prefecture, Shanxi, in the Qing Dynasty was fully solved

In the seventh year of Qing Jiaqing, Li Yumei was appointed to Zhi County, Henan province by the imperial examination as a tribute, and later successively served as Zhizhou, prefect, grain and salt road, Kaigui Chen Xu Bingbei Road, Hubei envoy, Henan envoy, nursing Henan inspector, he was the governor of Hedong River. Because of his meritorious efforts in governing the Yellow River and his determination to do things, the Daoguang Emperor gave him the title of "Gongqin", and the national hero Lin Zexu wrote an epitaph for him.

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