
Courage to shoulder heavy burdens and dare to fight a hard battle China Telecom is in the front line of the fight against the epidemic

author:Communication Information Newspaper

(Reporter Zhang Yingjie Correspondent Tang Feng) The epidemic situation is like a mountain of fire

——On October 30, in Chaisang District, Jiujiang City, Jiangxi Province, a case of confirmed covid-19 was found in The Resort area of Gexian Village, Lianshan County, and Jiujiang City and Chaisang District quickly activated the emergency response mechanism;

——At 8:00 a.m. on November 1, two rounds of nucleic acid testing of relevant personnel in key areas have been completed, a total of 6178 person-times, and the test results are negative;

——On November 1, the First People's Hospital of Jiujiang City opened a 24-hour nucleic acid test;

——From 19:00 on November 1, nucleic acid testing was carried out on all residents of Chaisang City. In the main urban area, with streets, communities and village groups as units, a total of 81 sampling points have been set up, with more than 200,000 copies, which are expected to be completed within 1 day;

Courage to shoulder heavy burdens and dare to fight a hard battle China Telecom is in the front line of the fight against the epidemic
Courage to shoulder heavy burdens and dare to fight a hard battle China Telecom is in the front line of the fight against the epidemic

The red gene leads the way

Life is heavier than Taishan, the epidemic is the order, prevention and control is the responsibility!

China Telecom, which has a glorious red tradition, has the courage to shoulder heavy burdens and dare to fight a hard battle. China Telecom Jiujiang Chaisang Branch Company in accordance with the relevant requirements of the provincial and municipal companies epidemic prevention, emergency and rapid response to the district party committee and district government epidemic prevention communication guarantee instructions, November 1 at 10:00 a.m. Xu Jiang, general manager of the district company received a telephone order from the district party committee, within four hours for the chaisang district new isolation and resettlement site Chaisang District gymnasium football field to fully cover the China Telecom wireless network. After receiving the order, General Manager Xu Jiang led the commando team of party members of the district company to rush to the district gymnasium to survey the site route at the first time. Within half an hour of emergency dispatch by telephone, 12 people from the service engineering team, 6 people from wireless router manufacturers, and 6 people from the party member epidemic prevention commando team of the district company rushed to the scene, dispatched 29 people, 5 vehicles, laid a total of about 2 skin-long kilometers of optical cables, about 1800 meters of six types of network cables, installed 26 points of wireless routers, and covered 307 isolation and resettlement houses; the fastest time met the communication needs of large-scale isolation and resettlement sites, which was highly praised by the masses.

Courage to shoulder heavy burdens and dare to fight a hard battle China Telecom is in the front line of the fight against the epidemic

Technology empowers faster horses and whips

In 2020, China Telecom Jiujiang Branch built a city-wide nucleic acid testing information system for the Municipal Health Commission, and continued to carry out rehearsals, guarantees and related services. Before August this year, actual combat drills have been carried out in all districts and counties of the city to meet the technical requirements of the state on the work of nucleic acid testing of all employees.

On October 30, since the emergence of a confirmed case in Jiujiang City, Jiujiang City, Chaisang District Anti-epidemic Command, quickly decided to carry out nucleic acid testing in key areas, and then further decided to carry out full testing, the process is complex, there are many personnel, how to complete the above tasks in the shortest possible time, Jiujiang Telecom made a "science and technology blessing" answer; Jiujiang Telecom immediately launched an emergency mechanism, set up a party member commando team, and sent a number of service support personnel to the city headquarters, Chaisang District, Bali Lake New Area and other key areas that night. Overnight, cooperate with the community and local epidemic prevention departments to carry out testing system training, on-site layout training, on-site information support and other work. The party member commando team participated in and served the first and second rounds of nucleic acid testing in Chaisang District, as well as the full testing of all employees in the urban area on the evening of November 1. In the whole process, Jiujiang Telecom's services are timely and the system is stable, which ensures the digitization of the whole process of testing, realizes comparable, verifiable and traceable, doubles the speed of manual entry, and provides an effective guarantee for the epidemic prevention staff to carry out nucleic acid testing. At present, according to the statistics in the system, a total of 200,000 people have been tested; the task of epidemic prevention and communication support has been successfully completed, which fully reflects the responsibility of "central enterprises" and shows the spiritual quality of Jiujiang Telecom people who "can fight and win"!

Courage to shoulder heavy burdens and dare to fight a hard battle China Telecom is in the front line of the fight against the epidemic

The Blue Iron Army was as fast as the wind

When the epidemic struck, China Telecom Jiujiang Company immediately organized support personnel to rush to the front line of the fight against the epidemic, and they made full use of cloud computing, big data, Internet of Things and other technical means to give full play to the advantages of "cloud-network integration" resources, overcome difficulties in the case of tight time and heavy tasks, and provide strong support for the free use of tianyi cloud conference system on the front line of epidemic prevention and control.

On the evening of November 1, Qu Yong, the team leader of the National Model Worker and Cloud Network Center Solution Center, received an application for cloud conference guarantee from Chaisang Branch and learned that there was an important meeting the next day that needed key guarantees. Qu Yong immediately summoned relevant personnel to design and arrange the important support plan of the cloud conference, and after determining the plan, the support team completed the installation and commissioning of the software and hardware equipment of the command center and isolation point overnight. Laptops and large screens were placed at the entrance of the isolation hotel, and on the fifth floor of the isolation hotel, the support personnel of the Chaisang branch arranged laptops and cameras on the spot, and the two parties landed on the Tianyi Cloud Conference through gigabit broadband to arrange the epidemic prevention work. In terms of network support, Gigabit broadband has been opened on site, and a 5G wireless network has been set up as a backup guarantee. Successful commissioning, the sky has been slightly lost!

Courage to shoulder heavy burdens and dare to fight a hard battle China Telecom is in the front line of the fight against the epidemic

On the afternoon of November 2, Xie Laifa, secretary of the Jiujiang Municipal Party Committee, came to the epidemic command center of Chaisang District and made a video call with the epidemic prevention staff on the fifth floor of the isolation hotel through a cloud conference at the entrance of the isolation hotel, with a clear picture and synchronous sound. He said kindly: Comrades, hard work! Thank you all!

Courage to shoulder heavy burdens and dare to fight a hard battle China Telecom is in the front line of the fight against the epidemic

Video command and dispatch is carried out through the Tianyi Cloud Conference and the medical staff at the isolation point. Through the application of Tianyi Cloud to help the smooth development of epidemic prevention and control and the scientific and orderly command of epidemic prevention and control, it has played a positive role in promoting and winning the trust of customers and society.

People's post and telecommunications for the people, red telecommunications for the country! In the face of "emergency, difficulty, and danger", daring to take the lead and rushing ahead is the responsibility that central enterprises should assume!