
Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

author:Little Chef Ah Qian

Xinzhou is a prefecture-level city in Shanxi Province, which administers 1 district of Xinfu District, 1 county-level city of Yuanping City, and 12 counties of Dai County, Fanzhi County, Jingle County, Dingxiang County, Wutai County, Shenchi County, Wuzhai County, Ganlan County, Biaoguan County, Hequ County, Baode County, and Ningwu County. Xinzhou is the largest prefecture-level city in Shanxi Province. Wutai Mountain, a famous Buddhist holy site in China, is in Wutai County, Xinzhou City, the Yanmen Gate of the "First of the Nine Plugs in the World" is passed in Dai County, Xinzhou City, and the Mother River ---- Fenhe River of Shanxi people also originates from Xinzhou City.

Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

Xinzhou history belongs to the Hu and Han blend of the zone, the food is inclusive, a wide range of types, let's take a look at what kind of food in Xinzhou ~!

Sorghum noodle fish fish

Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

Sorghum noodle fish is a home-cooked dish in the Xinzhou region of northern Jin, sorghum noodles are steamed and kneaded into fish, which can be fried and mixed.

Xinzhou tile crisp

Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

Xinzhou tile is shaped like a tile, with a crisp texture and a strong flavor.

The noodles are chestnut

Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

Shanxi food list definitely has a place for the noodles, steamed, pushed into small rolls, steamed in the basket, wrapped in sauce, is a kind of enjoyment.

Harahei City

Original pan quill

Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

The original pan kui has the characteristics of fragrant, sweet, crisp and crisp, golden color, non-sticky, and durable for storage.

Original flat Yang Ma leaf

Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

Made of flour, oil, salt and sugar, the original flat sesame leaf oil is soft on the inside and crispy on the outside, fried in flax oil, and the aroma is fragrant, which is a rare delicacy seen by the people of Chengyang when they rush to the market or temple fair.

Dai County

Daizhou hemp tablets

Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

Daizhou hemp slices have a long history, with the characteristics of thin, crisp and sweet, and are a major delicacy of Daizhou.

Dingxiang County

Steamed pork

Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

Dingxiang steamed meat is a famous traditional cuisine in Xinzhou, cooked and chopped with pork, potatoes, etc., and steamed and sliced in a bowl, with a soft taste and endless aftertaste.

Wutai County

Slash three times

Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

Three knives are a kind of pastry snack, because when frying, three knives are cut on the surface to make the sesame oil penetrate, so it is called cutting three knives. And because it is full of oil aroma when eaten, it is also called an oil cloth bag.

Shenchi County

Shenchi mooncake

Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

Shenchi mooncake is a business card of Shenchi, which is famous throughout Shanxi because of its fresh, fragrant, crisp and sweet characteristics.

Hequ County

River koji sour fishing rice

Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

Hequ sour rice, millet soaked sour flavor is unique, Hequ people basically every household has a "sour rice can".

River bends open river fish

Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

The River Fish is based on the Yellow River carp, which is a rare delicacy with a burnt aroma on the outside and a taste on the inside.

Ganlan County

Lamb with lan lan seed

Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

All counties and cities in Xinzhou produce sheep, and the quality is superior, so why push the lanbai seed sheep alone? Because the local sheep eat cypress leaves and cypress seeds, they grow up and have a unique flavor.

Wuzhai County

Wuzhai stew

Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

Shanxi people can not do without risotto, Wuzhai's risotto is unique, using local black pork, rich taste, rich ingredients.

Baode County

Bald bowl tray

Shanxi (five) Xinzhou on the tip of the tongue, share local cuisine, appreciate the different Shanxi Xinzhou tip of the tongue shanxi series of articles, Ah Qian has updated Taiyuan, Datong, Shuozhou, Jinzhong four, friends' response is very warm, today, we continue to introduce Shanxi cuisine, this one mainly talks about Xinzhou. Shanxi on the tip of the tongue has been sorted out halfway, the remaining few cities of food is also grasping the sorting, like friends can pay attention to it, continue to update ~!

Baode bowl tray is a major feature of Baode, and it is used in the surrounding counties and northern Shaanxi regions.

Well, today's food Xinzhou chapter first wrote here, just as a beginning, Xinzhou cuisine is more than this, I hope you add it, let more people know the cuisine of Xinzhou!

The following link to Shuozhou cuisine is sent to the Shanxi (IV) Shuozhou chapter on the tip of the tongue, sharing local cuisine and appreciating different Shanxi Shuozhou

The purpose of writing is to let more people understand Shanxi's cuisine and food culture, which requires the efforts of each of us in Shanxi!