
Two seconds, you don't know what's going to happen

author:Relieve the Lord
Two seconds, you don't know what's going to happen

He struggled to open his eyes and found himself lying on an unfamiliar bed. The chandelier overhead was completely different from the one in his bedroom, and the walls around him were pale.

Two seconds, you don't know what's going to happen

What the hell is this place? Rolling his eyes with difficulty, he found oxygen infusion apparatus at the head of the bed on the right, infusion bottles hanging from the infusion rack, and transparent liquid flowing to his body through the slender infusion tube. The bedside table on the left is filled with flowers and various nutritional supplements.

Two seconds, you don't know what's going to happen

"What's going on, how did I get to this place?" He tried to speak, but found that his voice was not as good as the cry of a mosquito. He tried to sit up, but found that his body could not move at all.

"You woke up?"

He faintly heard someone talking to him in his ear, and the voice was familiar.

Whose voice it was, he struggled to recall.

"Dad, you big slacker has finally woken up. But it freaked me out. ”

Two seconds, you don't know what's going to happen

It was his daughter's voice, he finally remembered. He turned his head to see his wife sitting on the edge of the bed, snuggled up to her daughter in her arms, and the mother and daughter had tears of sorrow and joy in their eyes.

"Who brought me here?" He looked at his wife with inquiring eyes.

"This is the intensive care unit of the hospital, and you've been asleep for a week."

"Why is this so?" His eyes were full of doubt.

"When the traffic police informed me, you were already lying in the emergency room of the hospital, due to excessive blood loss in the body, the brain was also damaged, you have been unconscious, relying on infusion to maintain your life, the doctor also sent us a critical illness notice, but the daughter insisted that the father will not die, and he will be able to come back to life."

"It's all right, Daddy's finally all right." The daughter interjected happily.

"The child has not slept well for several days, and every day he stays in front of the bed and talks to you in his ear without stopping. The doctor says this will awaken your mind. The wife touched her daughter's head with pity and said.

Looking at his daughter whose tears rolled, his memory began to slowly recover...

Two seconds, you don't know what's going to happen

That morning, it was already nine o'clock, and he was awakened by the footsteps in the corridor, while his daughter and wife were still asleep. He hurriedly woke up his daughter, but she was lazy in bed and cried and cried and refused to get up. The cry woke my wife up.

"What did you do earlier?" rises to dig a pit? The wife lay in bed and threw a tantrum.

"Then why did you go, and why didn't you take care of the children?" He is also tit-for-tat.

"If I want to do everything, what do I want you to do?"

"Lying on the bed and talking doesn't hurt, the three rods on the sun are still standing up!"

"If you make more money, I can serve you at home every day!"

When it comes to money, his arrogance is shortened. He is an ordinary worker with talent and ambition in the unit, and his monthly salary of less than a thousand yuan has not been stained with his own body temperature. My wife opened a shop and paid a lot of money every day, but she couldn't take care of the house when she could take care of the store. He can understand all this, but what makes people wonder is that the wallet is bulging, the temper is also growing, and when he returns home, he always picks his nose and eyes, and there is nothing to do. Recently, her daughter has also suffered from her problems, and she seems to think of herself as a little emperor. The repression of family relations and the unsatisfactory nature of his career plunged him into distress and inferiority. He took a snack from the refrigerator and stuffed it into his daughter's hand, and despite her protests, he rode his bicycle straight to school.

Two seconds, you don't know what's going to happen

He was five minutes late after sending his daughter to work, and he needed at least ten minutes. Being late for more than three minutes is treated as absenteeism. But just in time for the intersection to light up the red light. The red light at the intersection is annoying, and it can only be changed once every 70 seconds, which means that he has to work for the unit for a day today. He wanted to break through, but the traffic police in the distance stared at this side without squinting, and the whistle in his mouth blew heart-wrenchingly.

He was furious and cursed the damn red light.

Two seconds, you don't know what's going to happen

The red light began to flash, and there were two seconds left to be a green light. His eyes were fixed on the red light, and he didn't pay attention to whether there was a car passing on the left and right, and he pedaled the car like an off-string arrow. Immediately after that, there was a "ga-" brake scream, and then he flew up with the car and landed heavily on the ground...

Two seconds, you don't know what's going to happen

"The doctor said that even if you recover, you will lose the function of a man..." The wife's mood had just stabilized a little, and it was full of melancholy.

Only then did he notice that his lower body was not even a little conscious.

"Alas, if you knew today, why did you do it in the first place?!" Two bean-sized teardrops rolled out of his eyes...