
The inexhaustible Qin Huai Bayan (IV) - Dong Xiaowan

author:Lee is not old

Boom! Crash! "Be bold with your hooves!" With two movements and a sharp-pitched rooster's voice, a thrilling confrontation was being staged in a palace of the Imperial Palace in Beijing's inner city.

At this time, it was a certain month in the eighteenth year of the Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty (1661 AD), and the sky was already twilight. The palaces in the Forbidden City have already lit candles and shone brightly, and the confrontation that takes place in this chapter is in the Chuxiu Palace.

Chuxiu Palace was a palace where the qing dynasty emperor was stationed, and there was no empress in the palace at this time, but a weak woman dressed in Han costume stood proudly next to a overturned case and a scrap of soup scattered on the ground. Around her stood a group of palace maids who were stunned by her actions, and a group of Sula eunuchs with iron faces like enemies.

The woman's beautiful face was pale, her brows were furrowed and her lips were tight, and a stubborn light was revealed in her beautiful eyes, and her trepidation and anger could be seen from the jinpa clenched in her hand and the delicate body that trembled from time to time.

Standing opposite the hanfu woman was a young man with a white face and a handsome double earring wheel who was also a tight brow, and he was wearing a bright yellow dragon royal robe with a long black and shiny braid behind his head, a wax bead around his neck, a blue-maned mountain and river cover on his shoulders, a five-pointed red ribbon crown hat with a spire, and a jade plate of the Dragon Godson set at the front of the hat under the flickering candlelight, which showed that this person's identity must be incomparably noble.

The inexhaustible Qin Huai Bayan (IV) - Dong Xiaowan

Nothing is ruthless and idle, and the lonely heart often sends water and clouds. --Ming Dong Xiaowan (Photo Credit Network)

Surrounded by this young man was a group of people who also looked like palace eunuchs, and one of the elderly eunuchs was the one who shouted at the right time. And this young man was none other than Ai Xinjueluo Fulin, the supreme ruler of the Qing Dynasty, the Shunzhi Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. The Han costume woman who looked at him angrily was named Dong Xiaowan, who was a famous singer and prostitute at that time, and the protagonist of this article.

Why would Dong Xiaowan still be angry with the emperor in the palace? To make a long story short, the Qing army went south to attack nanming, and when the commander-in-chief Hong Chengzu led his army to occupy Nanjing, he happened to encounter Dong Xiaowan, who was fleeing in the chaos of war, so he captured her and sent her to the Forbidden City in Beijing to pay tribute to the Shunzhi Emperor.

The Shunzhi Emperor was twenty-four years old at the time, and he was also the age when Fang Gang was easy to sow affection, and he was deeply attracted to Dong Xiaowan at first sight. Dong Xiaowan's face was as beautiful as elegance, standing there like an empty valley orchid, which made the Shunzhi Emperor not obsessed.

The Shunzhi Emperor ordered Dong Xiaowan to be placed in the Chuxiu Palace, where only the empress could live, and not to be slighted. Who knew that Dong Xiaowan had a heart to regard the rich and noble imperial power as nothing, in order to earn freedom, she did not hesitate to go on a hunger strike to fight to the death, which had the beginning scene.

The Shunzhi Emperor came to the Chuxiu Palace to try to persuade Dong Xiaowan to obey, but he did not expect that Dong Xiaowan was angry and lifted the table with the emperor. Dong Xiaowan wanted to break away from the palace Shunzhi Emperor of course would not agree, he suppressed all the emotions in his heart and waved away the eunuch palace girl next to him: "When I saw Qing Zhiyu Rong at the painter's place, it will be unforgettable." The love of the fall is like a mountain, and it will not fail to live up to the qing. The matter was difficult, and Xi Qing calmly allowed it to be discussed later. "Say it and go away.

The inexhaustible Qin Huai Bayan (IV) - Dong Xiaowan

Tonight there is no one in the moon, and the South China Autumn Water chapter is high. --Ming Dong Xiaowan (Photo Credit Network)

After the emperor left, the Chuxiu Palace was much more deserted, with only bright candles and palace ladies standing in the two compartments like statues, motionless and bowing their heads, not even daring to breathe in the atmosphere. Although the Chuxiu Palace was as bright as day, it was dark in Dong Xiaowan's heart. She collapsed weakly on the bed and thought about it, remembering everything in the past and couldn't help but cry.

Dong Xiaowan's real name is Dong Bai, and the small character Qinglian. Born in a Su embroidery family in Suzhou, Jiangnan, when he was young, his family was well-off and opened an embroidery village in the local area. Dong Bai's father was an unrivaled talent, and his mother was an embroiderer who was good at embroidery and was well versed in the scriptures. Under the influence of the two of them, Dong Bai was already full of poetry and books at a young age, and she was an only daughter who was deeply loved by her parents.

When Dong Bai was thirteen years old, his father died of a violent illness due to heat stroke. At this time, the misfortune was not alone, those guys who were employed by the Dong family embroidery village saw the death of the dong family, they lost their conscience and got a black heart to bully the orphans and widows of the Dong family, and rolled away all the assets of the embroidery village, silver and silver, seeing this scene, the lonely and helpless Dong mother was sick in a hurry, and the delay in medical treatment was ineffective.

Dong Bai, who was lost as a teenager, had nowhere to go, so he had no choice but to join the Qinglou and join the church, and became a singer and prostitute. She changed her name to Dong Xiaowan and has since made a living by singing lyrics and laughing in the Jinling area of Suzhou.

The inexhaustible Qin Huai Bayan (IV) - Dong Xiaowan

The small courtyard is like a water moon in the autumn, and the sky is far away from the window. --Ming Dong Xiaowan (Photo Credit Network)

Dong Xiaowan has a poetic and bookish spirit in her belly, and her beautiful appearance also makes everyone who sees her appreciate it. What is particularly valuable is that Dong Xiaowan's temperament is otherworldly, cold and proud, like his name Qinglian, who is not stained out of mud, and can be clean and self-righteous in this seemingly flower-like but dirty and unclean cannibalistic world, which is also a strange woman.

With the passage of time, when Dong Xiaowan was sixteen years old, she was already extremely famous in Jiangsu and Zhejiang, Jiangnan. In terms of poetry, calligraphy, painting and singing, Dong Xiaowan was versatile and exquisite, and was listed as one of the eight Yans of Qin Huai by the literati of the time, and more good painters also copied many of her portraits with their brushes, one of which flowed into the Danei Imperial Palace in Beijing after some wandering and was placed on the desk of the Shunzhi Emperor.

The Shunzhi Emperor had been deeply attracted to Dong Xiaowan since he saw the portrait, and he did not expect that there were such beautiful Han women in this world. When he learned of Dong Xiaowan's origins, he found Hong Chengyu, the commander of the Qing army who was about to march south, and secretly instructed him to find Dong Xiaowan in Jiangnan and send him to Beijing to relieve his lovesickness.

The inexhaustible Qin Huai Bayan (IV) - Dong Xiaowan

How many deep thinking books are endless, and what I want to know is in my heart. --Ming Dong Xiaowan (Photo Credit Network)

At this time, Dong Xiaowan did not know that a catastrophe was coming, and she was also deeply in love at this moment. Dong Xiaowan was eighteen years old in a wine poetry meeting to meet Jiangnan Caizi to break the frontier, the two are quite old and have similar interests, the two see each other at first sight, after the exchange of the two alliances white head oath promised their respective life, everything is developing towards the harmonious and beautiful side.

The world is unpredictable, the world's strife will end, the Qing Dynasty's pace of unifying the world has not stopped because of the tranquility of the prosperous people in Jiangnan, and the merciless war has finally extended to Jinling, Suzhou and Hangzhou and other places. Dong Xiaowan was alone, and when she fled, her only reliance was to take the border, but unfortunately, when the two returned to their hometown, they met Hong Chengyu, who had come to look for Dong Xiaowan.

In the face of Hong Chengzu's coercion and induce Dong Xiaowan to die, he finally had to threaten Dong Xiaowan with his life. In desperation, Dong Xiaowan had no choice but to agree, and in the chaotic war that was difficult to extinguish in the torrential rains in Jiangnan, Dong Xiaowan, who was tearful and bitter, embarked on the desperate road of going north to beijing and never returning.

When he arrived in Beijing and entered the imperial city, Dong Xiaowan also knew the reason for his captivity, and he was actually favored by the emperor! Born with a good skin bag has become the beginning of the disaster, which makes Dong Xiaowan feel embarrassed? She saw that the Shunzhi Emperor was polite to herself, not like the Emperor who was overwhelmed by lust, so she begged the Shunzhi Emperor to let her go. The Shunzhi Emperor was obsessed with how to agree, and after some ineffective resistance, Dong Xiaowan did not eat or drink and began a hunger strike to die Mingzhi, overturning the meal that the emperor had specially sent for her.

The inexhaustible Qin Huai Bayan (IV) - Dong Xiaowan

The matter is in a hurry, and the king is in danger of being killed, and this life is difficult to meet with the king. --Ming Dong Xiaowan (Photo Credit Network)

Dong Xiaowan's determination made the Shunzhi Emperor feel helpless, and he wanted to slow down the matter, use time to dilute Dong Xiaowan's hatred for himself, and then slowly try to do so emotionally, but he did not expect that this matter had reached the ears of the empress dowager.

The shunzhi emperor's mother was the famous empress dowager Xiaozhuang in Chinese history, and she was the one who was called Dayu'er in the common Qing palace dramas. In the era of the Shunzhi Emperor, she can also be called the Empress Xingguo of Wanfang, the empress dowager was born in the Guanwai Mongol tribes as a heroic and informal, and she has always been dismissive of the various feudal rituals that prevailed in the Central Plains. When she heard that the Shunzhi Emperor loved a Han family woman, she did not have much objection, but when she learned that Dong Xiaowan swore to die, she couldn't help but frown.

The empress dowager sent her confidante, Su Mo'er, to persuade Dong Xiaowan, but she hit the wall and returned without success. And it just so happened that another thing happened that the empress dowager completely lost patience and also killed Dong Xiaowan.

The bold and deep-rooted venture was not willing to lose Dong Xiaowan, and even sold his property to collect fifty thousand taels of silver, and somehow through what channel he bought a bodyguard who often went in and out of the Forbidden City, disguised himself as a eunuch and sneaked into the inner courtyard of the palace with other eunuchs to find Dong Xiaowan.

The inexhaustible Qin Huai Bayan (IV) - Dong Xiaowan

Although the intestines have been broken, life is not subordinate to death. --Ming Dong Xiaowan (Photo Credit Network)

After painstaking searching and breaking through the frontier, he finally met Dong Xiaowan in the Chuxiu Palace, who made him think day and night, and the two of them met and cried and cried and told their farewell. Under the impulse to take Dong Xiaowan to escape, Dong Xiaowan knew that it was impossible, and he was a caged bird that could no longer fly. She advised her to flee Beijing as soon as possible to avoid persecution.

When the two were persuading each other, they were bumped into by Su Mo'er, who came to visit, and the heavily guarded imperial city actually broke into the uninvited guests, which could not help but surprise Su Mo'er. She hurried back to the empress dowager to make an urgent report, and a terrible disaster suddenly arose.

At this point, the empress dowager no longer tolerated it, and she ordered Dong Xiaowan to commit suicide, kill Mao Pujiang, and curse his nine tribes. In front of the white aya of the wine dagger, Dong Xiaowan chose the white aya, and since the red strip was born, he died innocently. It was just tired of Mao Lang, so he had to go to Huangquan to be a Mandarin Duck again in the next life.

The inexhaustible Qin Huai Bayan (IV) - Dong Xiaowan

The red face has been thin since ancient times, and the history of Qingshi is a person who appreciates the song. --Ming Dong Xiaowan (Photo Credit Network)

When the Shunzhi Emperor learned of this matter and rushed to the scene, Dong Xiaowan had already died of his soul. Obsessed with Dong Xiaowan's calm remains, the Shunzhi Emperor smiled: "Oh... Ha ha...... Ha..." The Shunzhi Emperor laughed tearfully and muttered to himself: "There is infinite honor in the sky, but it can't be exchanged for One qing, and holding tianxian in his hand can't save qing's life!" Why? Why? ”

After Dong Xiaowan's death that year, the Shunzhi Emperor also threw away the red dust and splendid rivers and mountains, dropped a letter of abdication and then did not know the end. The only thing he could do for Dong Xiaowan in the end was to try to make the empress dowager pardon her and save her family. Regardless of the history of Ye Shi Zhengshi, there is still debate about whether the Shunzhi Emperor was or died of illness, but the reputation of the Shunzhi Emperor as a seed of infatuation is indeed a reality.

The inexhaustible Qin Huai Bayan (IV) - Dong Xiaowan

Fight for your life to reward your confidant, and chase after Wu Bochen to be a ghost male. --Ming Dong Xiaowan (Photo Credit Network)

Later: In fact, the real Dong Xiaowan in history did not commit suicide and died, she died of illness. The time of her death was also more than ten years earlier than the above legend, and she and the infatuated Shunzhi Emperor did not have any causal entanglement. Dong Xiaowan's life, as mentioned above, was indeed lost due to the destruction of his family, and later he became acquainted with The Frontier by chance. To venture out of Xinjiang is to risk Xiang, a character mentioned in Chen Yuanyuan's article.

After Mao Xiang and Chen Yuanyuan were separated, they met and fell in love with Dong Xiaowan, and returned to their hometown with Dong Xiaowan in order to avoid the world in the years of war. When Dong Xiaowan died, although he was not old, he also had a good death, which is also a comfort.

Dong Xiaowan's story I have heard the commentary since I was a child, the commentary can be told in much more detail than I wrote, her life experience in the commentary has made many people sigh. As for why it was related to the Shunzhi Emperor, it may have been a kind of vent for the remnants of the Ming Dynasty at that time to oppose the Qing Dynasty.

The period of Chinese history at the end of the Ming Dynasty and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty was the most turbulent historical period of the Chinese nation, and many enthusiastic people jumping beams and clowns staged one life drama after another. Among them, Qin Huai Bayan, who does not let the eyebrows of the country, is the most wonderful part, which has been passed down to this day by future generations.

Dong Xiaowan did not express any heroic and fierce words about the feelings of home and country, nor did she pay for practical actions, but she did not hesitate to die to fight against power, which is my original intention of rewriting real history into legends. After all, modern society is no more difficult than it was at the beginning, and it is simply too difficult to find people and things like Dong Xiaowan who treat love so firmly.

If I were to write about the real people and things of Dong Xiaowan step by step, it would violate my original intention of writing, so I could only let her entangle with the Shunzhi Emperor. As for the Shunzhi Emperor in the text, there is still an article after the death of who is obsessed with who, so stay tuned.

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