
Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

author:Gold Broker
Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

Two weeks ago, we introduced Xu Muchan in the potential list, but we didn't expect to be screened by fans, which triggered our strong interest in the actor. In the comment area of that article, "Fellow Xu Muchan is good", "Fellow Xu Muchan is good, support you to become a star" and other messages are very conspicuous.

What a close word "fellow countryman" is, it means that this person has walked the same street with you, seen the same scenery, and witnessed the same urban changes. Many of Xu Muchan's fan friends call her this way, which is to regard her as a close friend around her. In the eyes of fans, she is not a star who is high and far away, but a real female classmate around her.

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

Such a popular female classmate also made us curious.

Weibo Profile: Actor

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

How do you get to know a person from the side? We chose the oldest way – flipping through social accounts. Click on Xu Muchan's Weibo, her introduction is concise and powerful:


Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

Xu Muchan, who defines herself as an actress, graduated from the Shanghai Theater Academy this year, and in 2017, she was "electrocuted" for the first time in her sophomore year, playing the role of Yin Caiqian in the costume TV series "Drunken Linglong" directed by Lin Yufen. After that, Xu Muchan also participated in several works in addition to class, although she is not a big heroine, but her performance is very brilliant, circle a lot of fans.

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

Her latest work is the TV series "Meet Happiness", which caught our attention two weeks ago. This drama is one of the dramas dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, telling the story of Zhen Kaifang, Ouyang Yanyan and Xiao Qing, who gradually gathered together because of the sudden changes in their lives. The series takes these three small and four siwenqu as the clues, and the stories of marriage, friendship and family affection all revolve around his story. In the play, Xu Muchan played Xiao Chunni, the daughter of Xiao Qing (Played by Liu Zi).

In Xu Muchan's words, Chun Ni is a wild girl.

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

For work reasons, Chun Ni's parents were absent from her childhood, and her grandfather was a relative who grew up with her. Chun Ni loves music and quit school in her freshman year to pursue her musical dreams. The scene that informs Grandpa that he has dropped out of school is Xu Muchan's debut in "Meet Happiness".

If you were asked to play "Tell Grandpa You Quit School", how would you deal with it? In the play, Xu Muchan beckoned Grandpa to get closer, and conveyed this information to Grandpa in the form of whispering:

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

This scene is very joyful, if you turn off the volume and remove the subtitles, the audience who only sees the picture will think that the spring mud has hit some jackpot. In the face of Grandpa's rhetorical question, Chun Ni's face was full of expressions of emptiness:

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

The two grandchildren have come and gone, and they have already shown the audience Chunni's personality and her mode of getting along with her grandfather.

Film and television works are different from literature, literature can have a large text space, but too many lines in film and television works will only appear cumbersome, requiring actors to transform into body language and necessary lines to convey feelings. Many times, Xu Muchan's one look can convey the emotional changes of the characters.

Chun Ni's "scum" boyfriend Bai Yunjie stole the fruits of her labor and signed her song to his name. During the confrontation, Bai Yunjie asked Chun Ni for help keeping secrets, and even said things like "let them give you a sum of money". In this scene, ChunNi has no lines and just looks at the scumbag, but she conveys three stages of emotion through eye changes:

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

→ angry in disbelief→ discouraged.

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

She not only has a tacit understanding with her grandfather's opponent, but also plays with her mother.

In the film, there is a period of Chunni who has been hiding in the shadows listening to the strong mother telling Zhen Kai, played by Jiang Xin, about her mistakes, and her eyes are suddenly full of tears, and when the tears are about to fall, she quickly turned her head and wiped her eyes, and stubbornly held back her tears:

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

In just a few seconds of the scene, she achieved it overnight, and the layering and emotional fullness were accurately in place. Subsequently, Chun Ni walked over to the two men. Zhen Open's face was eagerly concerned about Chunni:

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

The mother played by Zhen Kai and Liu Zi immediately took off her clothes and wrapped them in chunni:

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

This scene of three people contributed a lot of tears to the series. As an actor, it is extremely important to be able to act well in your own plays, but at the same time, whether you can catch the scenes "thrown" by your opponents is also the key to reflecting your acting skills. From the opponent scenes between Xu Muchan and Liu Zi, Jiang Xin, Guo Jingfei and other powerful actors, it can be seen that this young girl is not timid at all. She will make different responses to the scenes "thrown" by different characters according to the character's personality, shame, gambling, relief, etc., these small emotions make the character of Chunni more full and three-dimensional. At the same time, timely and accurate responses can also stimulate the acting skills of the actors, and such a virtuous circle will improve the viewing point of the group drama.

To some extent, the most "out of the circle" of the drama "Meet Happiness" is still the scene of Chun Ni Xiaosan, and the relevant clips have received nearly one million likes on Douyin.

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

The drama of Xiao San is not uncommon, but this scene in "Meet Happiness" can be fired, mainly due to Xu Muchan's performance of "big happy heart".

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

In the play, Xu Muchan grinned and said, "You look a little older than my mother", but there is no smile in her eyes, and the expression of the skin laughing flesh does not smile seems to be chunni as if she accidentally said the truth, so that Xiao Sanqi is not happy.

Pretending to be innocent and harmless in front of their parents, disguising the offensive remarks as fairy tales. In the second half of the play, Chun Ni removed her disguise, viciously warned Xiao San with words, turned around but silently bowed her head and frowned. The change in expression within these two seconds made the audience realize that this "little devil" who was angry for her mother was actually a strong little girl:

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

Being so good at using micro-expressions to grasp the change of emotions is not easy for a young actor, although there are not many roles involved, but it has made many viewers unforgettable.

fear? inexistent!

At the age of 21, Xiao He only showed his sharp horns. Xu Muchan has enough strength to conquer every role.

"What is the biggest difficulty in playing xx characters", which is the most common question when interviewing actors. Previously, when "Drunken Linglong" was broadcast, a reporter asked Xu Muchan a similar question.

Can you imagine her answer?

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

That year, 19-year-old Xu Muchan looked directly at the camera and told reporters frankly that the role of Yin Caiqian was not as difficult as imagined, and the official shooting was very smooth. As a young actress who has just debuted, she may not be familiar with the world, but she is sincere and dedicated in her performance, so we see that she successfully presents a naïve and spontaneous, decisive and free yin family sister Yin Caiqian.

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

"No pressure" is just Xu Muchan's exclamation at that age, to that particular role. In fact, there are no stress-free roles, and the premise of seemingly stress-free is to start doing your homework from the moment you accept the role.

During the broadcast of "Meet Happiness", she often chased the drama with fans on Weibo, and she would also talk about her views on the plot. "Xiao Chunni has never been a canary in the house, her happiness = (with dreams + freedom) x fearless, so that she has a soul", she told the story, from the analysis of the role, to the final effect, it is not difficult to see that she has made enough efforts to think and figure it out.

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

And when we continue to look through her Weibo, it will be more interesting, giving people a sense of seeing classmates and colleagues' circle of friends. Today's artists are becoming less and less able to express themselves on social networks, rarely sharing their lives. Most celebrities' microblogs seem to have become a hub for information and advertising, and artists and fans are not surprised. And Xu Muchan, a "little flower" with 1 million fans, has a true disposition expression on Weibo, and when promoting her own works, she will be embarrassed to explain to fans, saying "Hee-hee, today's advertising is a bit much."

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

She shares her movies and books online and shares her favorite lyrics:

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

Will take funny and cute photos of themselves, and will also po play mahjong photos:

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

After watching the hit film "Nezha's Demon Boy Descending", she will also paint posters for Nezha and Ao Bing:

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

Maybe she is still a newcomer to the show business, but she is already an old acquaintance of life.

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

Many people chase stars, and the more they understand, the more they perceive the distance between stars and themselves, as if they are really stars in the sky. And when we have seen such a real Xu Muchan play, watched the movies she recommended, the songs we have heard, and the paintings we have drawn, we seem to have made a friend.

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

Next, Xu Muchan will also play the female number two Du Xiaoxian in the costume legend drama directed by Qiu Yu. If you are also curious about her, you can look forward to this drama with us.

Click on the artist's photo to view past interviews

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

Bai Yu

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

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Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

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Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

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Xu Muchan: Newborn calf


Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

Song Qian

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

Yang Zi

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

Yang Yang

Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

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Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

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Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

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Xu Muchan: Newborn calf

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