
MongoDB serverStatus.globalLock 深入解析

mongodb的用户在遇到性能问题时,经常会关注到 serverstatus.globallock 指标,但对指标的含义不是很明确,本文会深入解释下 globallock 指标的含义。

a document that reports on the database’s lock state.

generally, the locks document provides more detailed data on lock uses.

the time, in microseconds, since the database last started and created the globallock. this is roughly equivalent to total server uptime.

a document that provides information concerning the number of operations queued because of a lock.

the total number of operations queued waiting for the lock (i.e., the sum of globallock.currentqueue.readers and globallock.currentqueue.writers).

a consistently small queue, particularly of shorter operations, should cause no concern. the globallock.activeclients readers and writers information provides contenxt for this data.

the number of operations that are currently queued and waiting for the read lock. a consistently small read-queue, particularly of shorter operations, should cause no concern.

the number of operations that are currently queued and waiting for the write lock. a consistently small write-queue, particularly of shorter operations, is no cause for concern.

a document that provides information about the number of connected clients and the read and write operations performed by these clients.

use this data to provide context for the globallock.currentqueue data.

the total number of active client connections to the database (i.e., the sum of globallock.activeclients.readers and globallock.activeclients.writers).

the number of the active client connections performing read operations.

the number of active client connections performing write operations.

mongod上每个连接会对应一个client对象,client里包含当前锁的状态,初始为 kinactive,根据请求及并发状况的不同,会进入到其他的状态,核心逻辑在 lockglobalbegin 里实现。

而 serverstatus.globallock 其实根据这个锁的状态进行导出

2018-03-13 update

获取 client 状态时,已经获取到 ticket 的 reader/writer 如果在等锁,也会认为是 queued 状态,这个之前忽略了。


mongodb 加锁时,有四种模式【mode_is、mode_ix、mode_s、mode_x】,mode_s, mode_x 很容易理解,分别是互斥读锁、互斥写锁,mode_is、mode_ix是为了实现层次锁模型引入的,称为意向读锁、意向写锁,锁之间的竞争情况如上图所示。

mongodb在加锁时,是一个层次性的管理方式,从 globallock ==> dblock ==> collecitonlock ... ,比如我们都知道mongodb wiredtiger是文档级别锁,那么读写并发时,加锁就类似如下




我们今天介绍的 globallock 对应上述的第一步,在globallock这一层,只关心是读锁、还是写锁,不关心是互斥锁还是意向锁,所以 globallock 这一层是不存在竞争的。那么 globallock 里的几个指标到底意味着什么?







serverstatus.globallock 或者 mongostat (qr|qw ar|aw指标)能查看mongod globallock的各个指标情况。



globallock.activeclients.readers/writers 持续不为0(但没达到128,此时currentqueue为空),并且你觉得请求处理已经很慢了,这时也可以考虑2中提到的优化方法。