
ActiveX 安全问题

工作中写了一个MFC ActiveX,测试的时候,发现IE6和IE8修改了安全设置后能够正常运行,IE7和别的浏览器则始终无法正常运行,经过多方查找,发现缺少一些安全信息注册,添加下列代码后能够正常运行了。


ActiveX 安全问题

HRESULT CreateComponentCategory(CATID catid, WCHAR *catDescription)  

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    ICatRegister *pcr = NULL ;  

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    HRESULT hr = S_OK ;  

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    hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StdComponentCategoriesMgr,   

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        NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICatRegister, (void**)&pcr);  

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    if (FAILED(hr))  

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        return hr;  

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    // Make sure the HKCR/Component Categories/{..catid

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    // key is registered.  

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    CATEGORYINFO catinfo;  

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    catinfo.catid = catid;  

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    catinfo.lcid = 0x0409 ; // english  

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    size_t len;  

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    // Make sure the provided description is not too long.  

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    // Only copy the first 127 characters if it is.  

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    // The second parameter of StringCchLength is the maximum  

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    // number of characters that may be read into catDescription.  

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    // There must be room for a NULL-terminator. The third parameter  

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    // contains the number of characters excluding the NULL-terminator.  

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    hr = StringCchLength(catDescription, STRSAFE_MAX_CCH, &len);  

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    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))  

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        if (len>127)  

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            len = 127;  

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        // TODO: Write an error handler;  

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    // The second parameter of StringCchCopy is 128 because you need   

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    // room for a NULL-terminator.  

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    hr = StringCchCopy(catinfo.szDescription, len + 1, catDescription);  

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    // Make sure the description is null terminated.  

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    catinfo.szDescription[len + 1] = '/0';  

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    hr = pcr->RegisterCategories(1, &catinfo);  

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    return hr;  

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ActiveX 安全问题

HRESULT RegisterCLSIDInCategory(REFCLSID clsid, CATID catid)

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    // Register your component categories information.

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    ICatRegister *pcr = NULL ;

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    HRESULT hr = S_OK ;

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    hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_StdComponentCategoriesMgr, 

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        NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ICatRegister, (void**)&pcr);

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    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))

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        // Register this category as being "implemented" by the class.

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        CATID rgcatid[1] ;

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        rgcatid[0] = catid;

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        hr = pcr->RegisterClassImplCategories(clsid, 1, rgcatid);

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    if (pcr != NULL)

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    return hr;

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HRESULT UnRegisterCLSIDInCategory(REFCLSID clsid, CATID catid)

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        // Unregister this category as being "implemented" by the class.

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        hr = pcr->UnRegisterClassImplCategories(clsid, 1, rgcatid);

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ActiveX 安全问题
ActiveX 安全问题
ActiveX 安全问题
ActiveX 安全问题

然后在STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void)和STDAPI DllUnregisterServer(void)中添加下列代码:

STDAPI DllRegisterServer(void)中:

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    HRESULT hr;

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    hr = CreateComponentCategory(CATID_SafeForInitializing, 

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        L"Controls safely initializable from persistent data!");

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    if (FAILED(hr))

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        return hr;

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    hr = RegisterCLSIDInCategory(CLSID_SafeItem, 

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    // Mark the control as safe for scripting.

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    hr = CreateComponentCategory(CATID_SafeForScripting, 

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        L"Controls safely  scriptable!");

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ActiveX 安全问题

STDAPI DllUnregisterServer(void)中:

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ActiveX 安全问题
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ActiveX 安全问题

