
写了个鼠标键盘模拟器,希望对大家有用哈!写了个鼠标键盘模拟器,希望对大家有用哈!KeyboardMouseSimulator IntroductionUsage Screen shots A tool to get screen x value and y value

<a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/yangzhenping/KeyboardMouseSimulator">https://github.com/yangzhenping/KeyboardMouseSimulator</a>

<a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/JumpingYang001">https://github.com/JumpingYang001</a>

Keyboard and Mouse Simulator on Windows

This is a Keyboard and Mouse Simulator on Windows, which is a program coding with C# .net 2.0.

Create a file 'model.txt' under same directory with current application.

Edit model.txt with Keyboard or Mouse actions, each action a line, and the format is actionname###actionvalue

actionname can be below values:

actionvalue can be below work with actionname values:

<a target="_blank" href="https://github.com/yangzhenping/KeyboardMouseSimulator/blob/master/modelScreenshot.PNG?raw=true"></a>

mousexy.exe is under this repository, but I don't know who is its owner, so just share it...... If you are the owner, please contract me, thanks.
