
【ASP.NET Web API教程】2.3.5 用Knockout.js创建动态UIPart 5: Creating a Dynamic UI with Knockout.js 第5部分:用Knockout.js创建动态UI


In this section, we'll use Knockout.js to add functionality to the Admin view.


The model is the server-side representation of the data in the business domain (in our case, products and orders).


The view is the presentation layer (HTML).


The view-model is a Javascript object that holds the model data. The view-model is a code abstraction of the UI. It has no knowledge of the HTML representation. Instead, it represents abstract features of the view, such as "a list of items".


The view is data-bound to the view-model. Updates to the view-model are automatically reflected in the view. The view-model also gets events from the view, such as button clicks, and performs operations on the model, such as creating an order.


【ASP.NET Web API教程】2.3.5 用Knockout.js创建动态UIPart 5: Creating a Dynamic UI with Knockout.js 第5部分:用Knockout.js创建动态UI

图2-23. 模型-视图-视图模型之间的关系

First we'll define the view-model. After that, we will bind the HTML markup to the view-model.


Add the following Razor section to Admin.cshtml:


You can add this section anywhere in the file. When the view is rendered, the section appears at the bottom of the HTML page, right before the closing </body> tag.


All of the script for this page will go inside the script tag indicated by the comment:


First, define a view-model class:


ko.observableArray是Knockout中的一种叫做observable的特殊对象(请将这种observable对象称为可见对象。这种对象往往作为视图模型与视图进行交互,对视图而言,它是透明可见的,故称为可见对象。在以下翻译中,都将这种observable对象称为可见对象 — 译者注)。根据Knockout.js文档的描述:可见对象是一种“能够通知订户数据变化情况的JavaScript对象”。当一个可见对象的内容发生变化时,视图会自动地进行匹配更新。

To populate the products array, make an AJAX request to the web API. Recall that we stored the base URI for the API in the view bag (see Part 4 of the tutorial).

为了填充Products数组,需要形成一个发送到Web API的请求。调回我们在视图包(View Bag)中存储的、用于此API的基URI(见本教程的第4部分)。

Next, add functions to the view-model to create, update, and delete products. These functions submit AJAX calls to the web API and use the results to update the view-model.

下一步,对视图模型添加创建、更新以及删除产品的函数。这些函数会对Web API递交AJAX调用,并使用(所得到的)结果对视图模型进行更新。

Now the most important part: When the DOM is fulled loaded, call the ko.applyBindings function and pass in a new instance of the ProductsViewModel:


The ko.applyBindings method activates Knockout and wires up the view-model to the view.


Now that we have a view-model, we can create the bindings. In Knockout.js, you do this by adding data-bind attributes to HTML elements. For example, to bind an HTML list to an array, use the foreach binding:

现在,我们有了一个视图模型,于是可以创建绑定(这里的绑定含义是将视图模型中的数据项与视图中的各个HTML控件进行绑定 — 译者注)。在Knockout.js中,通过把data-bind标签属性(标签属性是指HTML元素的属性,这样翻译的目的也是与类的属性有所区别 — 译者注)添加到HTML元素的办法来做这件事。例如,要把一个HTML列表绑定到一个数据,使用foreach绑定:

The foreach binding iterates through the array and creates child elements for each object in the array. Bindings on the child elements can refer to properties on the array objects.


Add the following bindings to the "update-products" list:


The <li> element occurs within the scope of the foreach binding. That means Knockout will render the element once for each product in the products array. All of the bindings within the <li> element refer to that product instance. For example, $data.Name refers to the Name property on the product.


Next, add a binding for the submit event on the Add Product form:


This binding calls the create function on the view-model to create a new product.


Here is the complete code for the Admin view:


Run the application, log in with the Administrator account, and click the "Admin" link. You should see the list of products, and be able to create, update, or delete products.


