

<code>SSL error: certificate verify failed</code> is indication of client-side error. Try to check certificate chains on good and bad location, find missing intermediate certificate (I expect this result) and move it to appropriate place

Fix: I overlooked Mac as source, had Win in mind. Server certs usually live in ~/.subversion/auth/s​vn.ssl.server/ , you can copy needed file from good client

Adds: if you aren't security-concerned, you can simply use <code>svn checkout --non-interactive --trust-server-cert https://....</code>

I resolve that problem as follows:

Go with Chrome (or other browser that allows to save the certificate) to svn address

Save the certificate file

Install it into Trusted Root Center of Certificates (that could be named with other words, I dont know how exactly that named in english)

Also, changing svn client (from svn tortoise) to another solves problem too.
